Key Issues in Child Safeguarding: Child Sexual Exploitation
Book Chapter
Peach, D. (2024). Key Issues in Child Safeguarding: Child Sexual Exploitation. In R. Clawson, R. Fyson, & L. Warwick (Eds.), The Child Protection Handbook. Elsevier
Dr Donna Peach's Outputs (20)
The lived experiences of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools: a narrative exploration (2023)
Journal Article
Bowes, E., McAndrew, S., & Peach, D. (in press). The lived experiences of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools: a narrative exploration. Pastoral Care in Education, 1-20. paper explores experiences of pastoral staff, working in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) special secondary schools, regarding the psychological impact of their work. To date, attention has been given to the educational experiences of... Read More about The lived experiences of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools: a narrative exploration.
A narrative exploration of the lived experience of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological impact of their work (2022)
Bowes, E. A narrative exploration of the lived experience of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological impact of their work. (Thesis). University of SalfordThis study aimed to explore how the experiences of working in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools impacts the psychological wellbeing of pastoral staff. Psychological wellbeing is a complex concept, widely used in the litera... Read More about A narrative exploration of the lived experience of pastoral staff employed in social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) secondary schools to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological impact of their work.
Intersubjective reflections of @PhDForum: a doctoral community on Twitter (2021)
Book Chapter
Peach, D. (2021). Intersubjective reflections of @PhDForum: a doctoral community on Twitter. In J. Sheldon, & V. Sheppard (Eds.), Online Communities for Doctoral Researchers and their Supervisors. Routledge
Global commercial and sexual exploitation of children (2020)
Book Chapter
Laser-Maira, J., Hounmenou, C., & Peach, D. (2020). Global commercial and sexual exploitation of children. In H. Pontell (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press. term commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) refers to the for-profit sexual exploitation of children and youth through buying, trading, or selling sexual acts. CSEC is a subset of children and youth who are victims of human trafficking... Read More about Global commercial and sexual exploitation of children.
Evaluation report of Society Inc. (2020)
Peach, D. (2020). Evaluation report of Society IncExecutive Summary
People and relationships are central
to what constitutes Society Inc. Their
model is founded on three broad aims,
social inclusion, empowerment and
support. This evaluation report
demonstrates how Society Inc. enables
local p... Read More about Evaluation report of Society Inc..
Grief and loss (2020)
Book Chapter
Greif and loss involve change which often involves struggling with how to make sense of, and live with, grief. Grief and loss are important and complex areas of social work practice. Although traditional theories remain influential, more contemporary... Read More about Grief and loss.
Developing skills and knowledge for social work practice (2nd edition) (2020)
This very practical guide will teach students everything they need to know to successfully apply theory, methods and approaches in real-life practice. It will assist in developing and hone their skills to make the best start in their practice placeme... Read More about Developing skills and knowledge for social work practice (2nd edition).
Parents' points of view: an evaluation of the M'Lop Tapang special needs programme, Cambodia (2020)
Shoemaker, D., Chhim, S., Dom, S., Ngov, C., Kennedy, R., Peach, D., & Rowland, A. (2020). Parents' points of view: an evaluation of the M'Lop Tapang special needs programme, CambodiaM’Lop Tapang is a registered non-governmental organisation working in South West Cambodia and providing services to 5000 vulnerable children and 2500 families.
This evaluation was commissioned to review M’Lop Tapang’s special needs programme.
Inter... Read More about Parents' points of view: an evaluation of the M'Lop Tapang special needs programme, Cambodia.
Child sexual abuse and exploitation (2019)
Book Chapter
The sexual abuse and exploitation of children has endured, and continues, on what is arguably an unimaginable scale, with the World Health Organization (WHO and ISPCAN, 2006) estimating that worldwide 223 million children experience child sexual abus... Read More about Child sexual abuse and exploitation.
Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation (2019)
Journal Article
Laser-Maira, J., Peach, D., & Hounmenou, C. (2019). Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation. International Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 27. is increasing evidence that children who are subject to commercial child sexual exploitation (CCSE) are likely to experience complex mental health needs. Failure to address the trauma experienced by victims of CCSE can lead to suicide attempts,... Read More about Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation.
Civil and forensic patients : comparing demographics, risk factors, and negative life events (2018)
Journal Article
Laser-Maira, J., Petersen, G., Stephens, H., & Peach, D. (2018). Civil and forensic patients : comparing demographics, risk factors, and negative life events. Sociální práce (On-line), 7, 76-86OBJECTIVES: This investigation centres on how the mentally ill with a forensic admission compare to the mentally ill with a civil admission, and investigates who inpatients with a forensic and civil admission are, and how the risk factors and negativ... Read More about Civil and forensic patients : comparing demographics, risk factors, and negative life events.
Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate (2015)
Journal Article
Peach, D., & Locke, A. (2015). Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate. Psychology of Women Section Review, 17(1), Peach in conversation with Dr Abigail Locke, who presented a keynote on ‘Constructing (and resisting) the ‘good parenting’ mandate’ at the POWS Annual Conference, July 2014.
We were delighted to have Abi deliver her keynote, which interrogat... Read More about Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate.
Social media: A psychology postgraduate's reflection', in: A Guide for Psychology Postgraduates: Surviving Postgraduate Study (2015)
Book Chapter
Peach, D., & Erskine-Shaw, M. (2015). Social media: A psychology postgraduate's reflection', in: A Guide for Psychology Postgraduates: Surviving Postgraduate Study. . The British Psychological Society
Needs analysis report following the sexual exploitation of children in Rotherham (2015)
children in RotherhamIt has been an immense honour to listen to
the experiences of the people of
Rotherham. The project team received a
warm welcome and felt humbled at the
extraordinary courage of victims, survivors
and their families. We wish to express our
heart... Read More about Needs analysis report following the sexual exploitation of children in Rotherham.
Beyond virtual realities: Embodying the future of social research (2014)
Book Chapter
First Steps: Research Projects (2014)
Journal Article
Developing skills for social work practice
Rogers, M., Whitaker, D., Edmondson, D., & Peach, D. Developing skills for social work practice. SageIn writing this book we have aimed to produce a practical handbook for students and newly qualified social workers that can help in the development of core skills. We have set out the theoretical underpinning that we have taken as our point of depar... Read More about Developing skills for social work practice.