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Ms Emma Barnes' Outputs (9)

‘“Make them roll in their graves”: South African Writing, Decolonisation, and the English Literature A-Level’ (2024)
Journal Article

This article analyses the activities and early outcomes of an ongoing co-designed and co-delivered research impact project entitled ‘Decolonising the English Literature A-Level’. It draws on examples from three case studies, classroom experiences, an... Read More about ‘“Make them roll in their graves”: South African Writing, Decolonisation, and the English Literature A-Level’.

Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact
Poliah, K., Barnes, E., Solomon, R., Gilbert, D. J., & Helm, H. (2023). Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023). [Video]

Title: Beyond the Institution: Knowledge Exchange as Decolonial Method

Summary: Since the establishment of universities hundreds of years ago, higher education institutions have been characterised by their elitist and exclusive cultures. These cul... Read More about Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

‘Then after a while my heart is sick for you, like you are my own boy, like I am your own mother’ : indigenous mother-work as colonial resistance in Tekahionwake’s ‘Catharine of the “Crow’s Nest”’ (1910) (2022)
Book Chapter
Barnes, E. (2022). ‘Then after a while my heart is sick for you, like you are my own boy, like I am your own mother’ : indigenous mother-work as colonial resistance in Tekahionwake’s ‘Catharine of the “Crow’s Nest”’ (1910). In Marginalized Women and Work in 20th and 21st-Century British and American Literature and Media. Rowman & Littlefield

Critiquing neo-colonial conceptions of ‘vulnerability’ through Kaona in Mary Kawena Pūku’i’s “The Pounded Water of Kekela” (2022)
Journal Article

Recent scholarship outlines in no uncertain terms that the Pacific Island regions are already experiencing the effects of climate change (George 113; Bryant-Tokalau 3; Showalter, Lόpez-Carr and Ervin 50; McLeod et al, 5). It is Indigenous women in th... Read More about Critiquing neo-colonial conceptions of ‘vulnerability’ through Kaona in Mary Kawena Pūku’i’s “The Pounded Water of Kekela”.

Plants, animals, land : more-than-human relations and gendered survivance in early indigenous women’s writing (2021)

This thesis argues that Zitkala-Ša (Gertrude Simmons Bonnin), Tekahionwake (E. Pauline Johnson) and Mary Kawena Pūku’i mobilise literary representations of more-than-human beings – plants, animals, and the land – to express resistance to the gendered... Read More about Plants, animals, land : more-than-human relations and gendered survivance in early indigenous women’s writing.