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Biography I am a Director at Salford Business School with oversight of 6 Subject Group Areas. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and currently studying a PHD to identify the barriers faced by older entrepreneurs in order to identify the policies changes required to support them. My latest publication is a chapter on Silver Entrepreneurs in a new book entitled Entrepreneurshp Education: A Lifelong Learning Approach edited by Sukanlaya Sawang and published by Springer. />
I was previously currently Head of Department for Staffordshire Business School. I was responsible for providing leadership, management and development for a group of business, marketing and HR staff in addition to resource management, recruitment and employee engagement.

I am passionate about entrepreneurship and recently led on the university's successful application for the Small Business Charter Award.

I led on a successful Ersamus `Silver Worker` project for the university with EU partners specifically looking at getting older workers back in to employment through Business Start Ups. I am keen to develop collaboration on projects in this area and especially on EU projects or ERASMUS partnerships.

I am currently an assessor for the accreditation of the Small Business Charter (SBC) available to Business Schools. Currently Business Schools awarded the Leading to Grow Programme to micro-businesses, funded by BEIS to support SMES to grow following the pandemic.
Research Interests Aging Workforce (50+)
Unsustainable Demand on Public Resources
Inactive employment leading to Skills Shortage
HR Policy
Types of Entrepreneurships
Economic Benefits of older workers
Enterprise Education
Sustainable Economy
Business Start-Up
Barriers to Entrepreneurship for those age 50 to State-Pension Age
Poverty in Retirement
Impact of Covid on Older Workforce
Supply of Older-Worker Labour
Networks & Education of older people

Age-Related Health Issues
Caring Responsibilities
Time vs Return on Investment
Stereotyping & Unconscious Bias
Push Strategies to Employment
Higher skilled/Paid Exit Labour Market
Upskilling Older Workers
Turn Hobbies into Businesses
Increase Self-Employment
Training on Entrepreneurial Mindset
Inform Government Policy on Aging Workforce (50+)
Teaching and Learning Enterprise in Education