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Post Nominals PhD
Biography Emma Swift is a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Salford. She is a Chartered Psychologist and a member of the British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology. Emma has several years’ experience teaching and supervising students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Emma received her PhD from Edge Hill University in 2018, which was entitled 'Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Pulmonary Rehabilitation as a Management Strategy for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis'. Her supervisory team comprised of academics from Edge Hill University and the University of Manchester, and she passed her Viva with no amendments. Prior to this Emma gained an MRes in Psychology from the University of Manchester, where she gained a comprehensive understanding of research methods and health psychology. She also holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, and completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Salford.

Emma's teaching spans across undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology programmes. With regards to undergraduate teaching, Emma is currently the co-module lead for Educational Psychology. She also teaches Health Psychology, Brain and Behavior, An Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Further Biological and Cognitive Psychology, The Science of Psychology, and Psychology in Contemporary Contexts. Emma also co-leads the CBT and Physical Health module on the Applied Psychological Therapies MSc programme, and supervises dissertation students at undergraduate and masters and PhD.

Emma is passionate about research informed teaching. Her current interests include chronic disease management (in particular, respiratory conditions), rehabilitation, wellbeing, health literacy, healthcare professional communication, non-pharmacological management strategies, and educational research.
Research Interests Chronic disease management (in particular, respiratory conditions), rehabilitation, wellbeing, health literacy, healthcare professional communication, non-pharmacological management strategies, and educational research (including healthcare professional education).
Teaching and Learning Emma has been teaching in Universities for 9 years. She is passionate about research informed teaching and strives to bring her sessions alive with real world examples. Her current teaching includes:

- An Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology (1st year);
- Psychology in Contemporary Contexts (1st year)
- The Science of Psychology (1st year)
- Further Cognitive and Biological Psychology (2nd year);
- Health Psychology (3rd year);
- Brain and Behaviour (3rd year);
- Co-module lead for Educational Psychology (3rd year).

Emma also co-leads the CBT and Physical Health module on the Applied Psychological Therapies MSc programme and supervises dissertation students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Chronic conditions (particularly respiratory conditions), mental heath & wellbeing, pulmonary rehabilitation, smoking/ e-cigarette usage, experiences of healthcare & service improvement, healthcare communication, healthcare professional/ patient education, and behaviour change.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in undertaking a PhD in any of the above areas or have a proposal relating to a topic within health psychology.