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Prof Vahid Vahidinasab's Recognition (20)

Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Recognition Type Awards and prizes (external)
Affiliated Organisations Advance HE

IEEE PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award

Recognition Type Awards and prizes (external)
Description I was honored to receive the IEEE Power and Energy Society award of 2023 as the UK and Ireland Chapter Outstanding Engineer
Affiliated Organisations #2 Research not conducted at Salford

Vice-Chancellor Research Excellence Award

Recognition Type Awards and prizes (internal)
Affiliated Organisations #2 Research not conducted at Salford

Member of IEEE PES Long Range Planning Committee

Recognition Type Committee/board/panel member or chair (external)
Affiliated Organisations - The University of Salford

Editor-in-Chief - Springer Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy

Recognition Type Editorial positions and memberships on Editorial Boards
Description Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy is a journal dedicated to evolving and applying smart grids and sustainable energy systems, focusing on technological, operational, and regulatory aspects.

Explores smart grid technologies, microgrids, and automation in energy systems.
Emphasizes sustainable energy technology and management strategies.
Covers transport electrification and cyber-physical systems.
Addresses active distribution networks and demand-side management.
Includes studies on energy storage systems and smart transmission systems.
Formerly known as "Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy"
Research Themes Improving Environment & Sustainability
Research Centres/Groups Salford Business School Research
Org Units Salford Business School

Associate Editor - Nature Scientific Report
2022 - 2023

Recognition Type Editorial positions and memberships on Editorial Boards

Associate Editor - IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
2022 - 2024

Recognition Type Editorial positions and memberships on Editorial Boards

Associate Editor - IEEE Access
2020 - 2024

Recognition Type Editorial positions and memberships on Editorial Boards

Subject Editor - IET Smart Grid

Recognition Type Editorial positions and memberships on Editorial Boards
Description I am a Subject Editor for: 'Design of Microgrid, Nanogrid, and Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading'.
IET Smart Grid is a gold Open Access journal that aims to disseminate cutting-edge research results spanning over multiple disciplines including Power Electronics, Power and Energy, Control, Communications, and Computing Sciences, to pave the way for implementing more efficient, reliable and secure power systems. The journal publishes original research findings and latest perspectives from research projects relevant to smart grid technologies. This will include a variety of smart grid technologies and their applications in other domains.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following domains:

Smart grid management:

Smart grid device management
Transactive energy and microgrids
Demand side management and demand response
Smart metering and pricing
Home and building energy management
Electric vehicle charging
Energy storage management
ICT technologies for power systems:

Advanced communications and networking
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Data analytics and forecasting
Secure and resilient ICT infrastructure
Cyber-attack defence and bad data detection
Cyber-physical architectures and methods
Consumer privacy preservation and inference
Affiliated Organisations - The University of Salford
Research Themes Improving Environment & Sustainability
Developing Cutting-edge Creativity and Practice
Research Centres/Groups Salford Business School Research
Org Units Salford Business School

External Examiner at Cardiff University

Recognition Type External examining and assessing
Description External Examiner of a PhD Thesis
Affiliated Organisations #2 Research not conducted at Salford

External Examiner at Aston University

Recognition Type External examining and assessing
Description External Examiner of a PhD Thesis at Aston University
Affiliated Organisations #2 Research not conducted at Salford

Member of the EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Peer Review College

Recognition Type External examining and assessing
Affiliated Organisations - The University of Salford