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Improving the After Care of Deceased Organ Donor Families and Friends, an Online Peer to Peer Support Network (2023)

The research study aims to presents the use of social media to support aftercare for families of organ donors following the death of their relative. Existing research appraising aftercare of family’s post deceased donation is limited with families re... Read More about Improving the After Care of Deceased Organ Donor Families and Friends, an Online Peer to Peer Support Network.

An Investigation of Environmental Management of Smart High-rise Buildings and Demand for Sustainable Policies (2023)

The construction industry is playing a vital role in improving the quality life of people and is a major contributor to the national economy. In contrast, generating construction, and demolition waste, emits higher carbon emissions in the world. Sust... Read More about An Investigation of Environmental Management of Smart High-rise Buildings and Demand for Sustainable Policies.

Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact

Title: South African Literature, Decolonisation, and the English Literature A-Level

Summary: In this lecture and Q+A, Jade will discuss what 'decolonising the curriculum' might mean for the discipline of English Studies. Drawing on examples from h... Read More about Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact
Poliah, K., Barnes, E., Solomon, R., Gilbert, D. J., & Helm, H. (2023). Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023). [Video]

Title: Beyond the Institution: Knowledge Exchange as Decolonial Method

Summary: Since the establishment of universities hundreds of years ago, higher education institutions have been characterised by their elitist and exclusive cultures. These cul... Read More about Session 2: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Session 3: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact

Davina Whitnall

Title: Do we need to deinstitutionalise first? Exploration of the issues and implications of decolonising knowledge for pedagogy

Summary: Decolonising pedagogical practice remains a challenge in Higher Education (HE) despite ins... Read More about Session 3: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Songs I Want To Play - Animated Idents for a 'Herbie Hancock' cover (2023)
Digital Artefact
Court, A. (2023). Songs I Want To Play - Animated Idents for a 'Herbie Hancock' cover. [Video]

Music video co-produced for the rearrangement of "I Thought It Was You" and "The Bomb" by Herbie Hancock.

"I Thought It Was You" is a masterclass in merging Jazz, Fusion, Funk and Modern synthesiser techniques, still replicated to this day. The se... Read More about Songs I Want To Play - Animated Idents for a 'Herbie Hancock' cover.

DroneNoise Database (2023)


Carlos Ramos-Romero, Nathan Green, César Asensio and Antonio J Torija Martinez

The database was constructed from sUAS noise recorded under field conditions during the measurement campaign in Edzell, Scotland, on 17 August 2022.

The... Read More about DroneNoise Database.

EJISDC Paper 2022 - Appendix (2022)

This document contains the initial and reviewed interview guides used for this study data collection. The document also contains the table describing the attributes of participants and their organizations.