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Context and translations of Weöres poems (2023)

This is the text of the speech I gave throughout the concert at whihcbn Weöres Egyenkletek was premiered. It gives a historical and cultural introduction to Weöres, the context to the poems, and an attempted translation (my own) of each text.

Concert Poster (2023)

Poster advertising the concert at which Weöres Egyenletek was premiered.

The Shot, the Jelly and the Pot of Treacle (audio recording) (2023)
Digital Artefact
Williams, A. (2023). The Shot, the Jelly and the Pot of Treacle (audio recording)

This is a recording of the premiere performance of The Shot, the Jelly and the Pot of Treacle given by the Re: Sono piano duo (Lauryna Sableviciute and Nicholas Ashton) at Organum, Vilnius, Lithuania on April 5th 2023.

Thorley Lane, Wythenshawe (2023)

Data and results from excavations and post-excavation analysis of archaeological investigations at Thorley Lane, Wythenshawe, including site records, drawings, photographs and technical report.

Parr Bridge Works, Tyldesley (2023)

Technical report and associated site documentation from archaeological evaluation on land west of Mosley Common Road, Tyldesley.

Oldfield Road, Salford (2023)

Records and results of the archaeological evaluation undertaken on land off of Oldfield Road, Salford.

Echo Street, Manchester (2023)

Results and records from archaeological evaluation conducted on land off of Echo Street (Formerly Albion Street), Manchester.

St Peter's Church, Halliwell (2023)

The results, technical report and records from the archaeological watching brief conducted at St Peter's Church, Halliwell, Bolton to inform project designs for works to be conducted on the church.

The Future of Human-Carnivore Co-Existence: Understanding Knowledge and Attitude Towards Wild Carnivores Among Students in Higher Education from Kargil Trans-Himalayas, India (2023)

Several studies have reflected that the success of wildlife conservation approaches and efforts is determined by local people's awareness and attitude toward the target wildlife species. It is critical to have a favorable attitude of the local commun... Read More about The Future of Human-Carnivore Co-Existence: Understanding Knowledge and Attitude Towards Wild Carnivores Among Students in Higher Education from Kargil Trans-Himalayas, India.