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Apportioning liability in construction delay claims : an evaluation of contemporary practices in the U.A.E. and a proposal for improvements (2012)
Perera, N. Apportioning liability in construction delay claims : an evaluation of contemporary practices in the U.A.E. and a proposal for improvements. (Thesis). University of Salford

Various theories, concepts and methodologies exist for apportioning liabilities in
construction delay claims. Yet, there is no much consensus among the practitioners
towards them. Often, the implementation of these theories, concepts and methodolog... Read More about Apportioning liability in construction delay claims : an evaluation of contemporary practices in the U.A.E. and a proposal for improvements.

An evaluation of tourism destination website quality and image projection effectiveness (2012)
Efthymiou, K. An evaluation of tourism destination website quality and image projection effectiveness. (Thesis). University of Salford

The Internet has changed the way the tourism industry operates. It has provided potential
tourists with an efficient way to gather information about destinations, to plan trips to the
last detail and to make reservations from the comfort of their h... Read More about An evaluation of tourism destination website quality and image projection effectiveness.

Statistical models and techniques applied to the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) database (2012)
Vundla, S. Statistical models and techniques applied to the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) database. (Thesis). University of Salford

The research explores statistical models and techniques which 'have been or might be used'
to investigate relationships within the international manufacturing strategy survey (IMSS)
database and other similar databases. The sample data for the rese... Read More about Statistical models and techniques applied to the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) database.

Omani crafts as an expression of culture and heritage : an investigation of Omani craft and pottery challenges (2012)
Al Mamari, B. Omani crafts as an expression of culture and heritage : an investigation of Omani craft and pottery challenges. (Thesis). University of Salford

The doctoral project has for main purpose to investigate the challenges facing the
traditional craft enterprises in Oman and to develop a framework for understanding and
managing the cultural, artistic, marketing and consumption influences that aff... Read More about Omani crafts as an expression of culture and heritage : an investigation of Omani craft and pottery challenges.

The spatial and temporal ecology of the large mammal populations and vegetation of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania (2012)
Oates, L. The spatial and temporal ecology of the large mammal populations and vegetation of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. (Thesis). University of Salford

Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania is a World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve and is
home to tens of thousands of large mammals. This study documents the historical ecology of
the crater from 1892 to 2012 based on an analysis of the published litera... Read More about The spatial and temporal ecology of the large mammal populations and vegetation of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.

The use of prospect theory framework in constrained multi-objective particle swarm optimisation (2012)
Bunny, M. The use of prospect theory framework in constrained multi-objective particle swarm optimisation. (Thesis). University of Salford

Many practical problems in the real world nowadays can be formulated as constraint
single or multiple objective optimisation problems with constraints. Particle swarm
optimisation (PSO) is a population-based stochastic algorithm has been shown to b... Read More about The use of prospect theory framework in constrained multi-objective particle swarm optimisation.

The Trojan Horse(s) of "Hello World" culture : the story of Sony PSP domestication through the eyes of the Homebrew users (2012)
Amin, M. The Trojan Horse(s) of "Hello World" culture : the story of Sony PSP domestication through the eyes of the Homebrew users. (Thesis). University of Salford

Technology that is released to the public is often "locked down" or "tethered" ready for
domestication by the regular user in the way that the manufacturer believes that it will be used
(Zittrain, 2007). However, when users such as the hacker users... Read More about The Trojan Horse(s) of "Hello World" culture : the story of Sony PSP domestication through the eyes of the Homebrew users.

Talent management, leadership development and knowledge transfer in an international context (2012)
Iles, P. Talent management, leadership development and knowledge transfer in an international context. (Thesis). University of Salford

This submission incorporates twelve published works relating to issues of talent
management, leadership development and knowledge transfer in an international
context. These issues are examined from a consistently contextual and processual
stance... Read More about Talent management, leadership development and knowledge transfer in an international context.

Mouths and meaning : a multisensory, creative and collaborative arts based exploration of food, eating and embodiment towards gaining greater understanding of the experience of eating disorders (2012)
Platten, B. Mouths and meaning : a multisensory, creative and collaborative arts based exploration of food, eating and embodiment towards gaining greater understanding of the experience of eating disorders. (Thesis). University of Salford

While it is widely recognized that there is no single cause contributing to the onset of
an eating disorder, current understanding of embodiment for those affected is
predominately represented as a preoccupation with body image (Probyn, 2000).
Cli... Read More about Mouths and meaning : a multisensory, creative and collaborative arts based exploration of food, eating and embodiment towards gaining greater understanding of the experience of eating disorders.

Modelling and prediction of intermittent demand distributions (2012)
Lengu, D. Modelling and prediction of intermittent demand distributions. (Thesis). University of Salford

The management of spare part inventories is an issue of strategic concern for most
industrial firms. However, the demand for spare parts is typically intermittent in nature
meaning that orders arrive sporadically and the order sizes may be highly v... Read More about Modelling and prediction of intermittent demand distributions.

A dynamic model for evaluating the effects of changes in eating and physical activity on childhood obesity (2012)
Abdin, N. A dynamic model for evaluating the effects of changes in eating and physical activity on childhood obesity. (Thesis). University of Salford

Obesity is a term used to describe the condition of excess fat. It has many dangerous side
effects for health and well-being. Knowing the negative impacts of obesity, this research
attempts to demonstrate the contribution offered by system dynamics... Read More about A dynamic model for evaluating the effects of changes in eating and physical activity on childhood obesity.

Purchasing property in Turkey : an analysis of motivations and constraints for British consumers (2012)
Acar, B. Purchasing property in Turkey : an analysis of motivations and constraints for British consumers. (Thesis). University of Salford

The market for second home purchases abroad has grown rapidly in the last fifteen years
because of the growth in demand from Europeans looking for a place in the sun. Turkey is
one of the most popular European countries in which to purchase a secon... Read More about Purchasing property in Turkey : an analysis of motivations and constraints for British consumers.

Host parasite interaction in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease (2012)
Bhardwaj, E. Host parasite interaction in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease. (Thesis). University of Salford

Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is far more common in developed countries
as compared to the developing world, where infection with intestinal parasites is common.
The hygiene hypothesis suggests lack of infection predisposes to the... Read More about Host parasite interaction in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease.

E-readiness in construction : readiness of UK construction organisations (2012)
Lou, E. E-readiness in construction : readiness of UK construction organisations. (Thesis). University of Salford

In today's economic climate, competitive advantage can be achieved by focusing on
issues such as providing high quality services and products with minimal cost, having
the flexibility to predict and respond to market needs, or through the efficient... Read More about E-readiness in construction : readiness of UK construction organisations.

A framework to assess the sustainability of an employee suggestion system in the UAE organizations (2012)
Lasrado, F. A framework to assess the sustainability of an employee suggestion system in the UAE organizations. (Thesis). University of Salford

Employee Suggestion Systems (ESS) is a tool widely used by the corporations to
elicit employees' creative ideas. It will elicit suggestions from employees, classify
them, and dispatch them to the "experts" for evaluation. After this, the suggestion... Read More about A framework to assess the sustainability of an employee suggestion system in the UAE organizations.

Performance measurement in facilities management - the case of outsourced service contracts (2012)
Moss, Q. Performance measurement in facilities management - the case of outsourced service contracts. (Thesis). University of Salford

Performance measurement is common practice and a well-researched topic in many
disciplines including Facilities Management (FM). This thesis focuses on FM service
performance and specifically addresses an identified gap in knowledge about measureme... Read More about Performance measurement in facilities management - the case of outsourced service contracts.

Norms of subtitling taboo language and the role of censorship in Jordan : a case study of the Arabic subtitling of 'Friends' (2012)
Krishan, T. Norms of subtitling taboo language and the role of censorship in Jordan : a case study of the Arabic subtitling of 'Friends'. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study, which draws on norm theory (Toury, 1995; 1999), investigates the
translation norms in subtitling taboo language (moral, religious and political) in
Jordanian Television and Institution B's Arabic subtitles of the American sitcom
Friend... Read More about Norms of subtitling taboo language and the role of censorship in Jordan : a case study of the Arabic subtitling of 'Friends'.

The effects of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyperextension spinal orthoses (2012)
Sa'ed Al Qaroot, B. The effects of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyperextension spinal orthoses. (Thesis). University of Salford

Hyperextension spinal orthoses are common modalities in treating vertebral
fractures. Their objective is to retain the spine in a hyperextended position to
offload the fractured vertebra(e) and allow healing. To date, accurate insight into
the eff... Read More about The effects of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyperextension spinal orthoses.