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Synthesis, structure and reactivity of chiral cyclopentadienylruthenium(II) complexes (1996)
Wong, D. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of chiral cyclopentadienylruthenium(II) complexes. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis concerns the preparation, structural, and reactivity studies of new
chiral monometallic cyclopentadienylruthenium(n) complexes exhibiting a combination
of metal-centred and ligand-derived chirality.
The introductory chapter provides an... Read More about Synthesis, structure and reactivity of chiral cyclopentadienylruthenium(II) complexes.

A study of the effectiveness of early intervention as a means of primary stress management amongst probationary police officers (1996)
Kelly, N. A study of the effectiveness of early intervention as a means of primary stress management amongst probationary police officers. (Thesis). University of Salford

Following the result of a pilot study (n=86) involving a number of probationary
constables, experienced officers and retired officers which confirmed that police officers
irrespective of experience or length of service reported finding the same typ... Read More about A study of the effectiveness of early intervention as a means of primary stress management amongst probationary police officers.

Achieving exemplary quality in the UK construction professions (1996)
Faulkner, A. Achieving exemplary quality in the UK construction professions. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The object of the research was to develop an understanding of how UK construction
professionals achieve exemplary quality in the services they offer. The aspirations and
outlook of purchasers and providers of services were discussed, recorded, exam... Read More about Achieving exemplary quality in the UK construction professions.

The distribution and population dynamics of Corixdae in potentially unstable habitats (1996)
Feakes, K. The distribution and population dynamics of Corixdae in potentially unstable habitats. (Thesis). University of Salford

The distribution of Corixidae in stable habitats (lakes)
has been shown to be related to a series of environmental
parameters, for example major ion concentrations and the
accumulation of vegetation and organic matter. (Macan
1954; Savage 1982, 1... Read More about The distribution and population dynamics of Corixdae in potentially unstable habitats.