SPARC 2015 Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts
Aal-Nouman, M., Abalkhail, A., Abdullah, A., Ahaotu, S., Akosile, I., Al Sahouly, I., …et al. (in press). T. Ireland (Ed.), SPARC 2015 Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts. Salford: University of Salford
Outputs (459)
Collaboration and flipping training
Presentation / Conference
Sales, N. Collaboration and flipping training. Presented at Teaching research skills to Law Students: a workshop on best practice, LondonLegal research skills training at the University of Salford suffered from lack of student attendance and the failure by students to transference skills learned to research in other modules. Despite having 6 timetabled hours to develop skills with fir... Read More about Collaboration and flipping training.
Stakeholder engagement to enhance integrated water management in the context of a river basin in Portugal
Teixeira Cardoso Gamboa, M. Stakeholder engagement to enhance integrated water management in the context of a river basin in Portugal. (Thesis). Salford UniversityThe purpose of this research is to define a framework for the enhancement and commitment of public participation in the context of river basin management (RBM) in Portugal based on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) to achieve... Read More about Stakeholder engagement to enhance integrated water management in the context of a river basin in Portugal.
Project maintenance : the case of rural drinking-water in Malawi
Chisenga, B. Project maintenance : the case of rural drinking-water in Malawi. (Thesis). University of Salford, ManchesterThere is an investment of hand-pump technology to improve provision of safe drinking-water for the stakeholder end-users in rural sub-Saharan regions of Africa, yet there are challenges to maintain the assets. In rural drinking-water projects, end-u... Read More about Project maintenance : the case of rural drinking-water in Malawi.
A literature review on information coordination in construction
Presentation / Conference
Biscaya, S., & Tah, H. A literature review on information coordination in construction. Presented at The Seventh International Postgraduate Conference in the Built and Human Environment, Salford, UKCurrently in Portugal, procedures for gathering construction project information as well as coordinating and communicating the information amongst all the stakeholders in the process are extremely bureaucratic, confusing and awfully time-consuming.... Read More about A literature review on information coordination in construction.
The harvesting of professional knowledge: methodological perspectives on the legitimization of tacit and mode 2 knowledge in the professional doctorate thesis
Presentation / Conference
Chynoweth, P. The harvesting of professional knowledge: methodological perspectives on the legitimization of tacit and mode 2 knowledge in the professional doctorate thesis. Presented at Third International Conference on Professional Doctorates (ICPD-3), The European Universities Institute, Florence, ItalyAt the moment of enrolment on a professional doctorate programme, many candidates will already have a long history of generating new knowledge as an integral part of their professional lives. This might typically be described as mode 2 knowledge, and... Read More about The harvesting of professional knowledge: methodological perspectives on the legitimization of tacit and mode 2 knowledge in the professional doctorate thesis.
Vague content and structure (VCAS) retrieval for XML electronic healthcare records (EHR)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Hamadani, B., Alwan, R., Lu, J., & Yip, Y. Vague content and structure (VCAS) retrieval for XML electronic healthcare records (EHR). Presented at ICOMP'09 International Conference of Internet Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
The presentation-practice-production vs consciousness-raising: Which is efficient in teaching grammar?
Al Ghazali, F. The presentation-practice-production vs consciousness-raising: Which is efficient in teaching grammar?This paper investigates two prominent approaches language teachers utilise when teaching grammar. The first is the 'Consciousness-Raising, (CR)' [akin to discovery inductive approach] in comparison with the 'Presentation-Practice-Production, (PPP)' [... Read More about The presentation-practice-production vs consciousness-raising: Which is efficient in teaching grammar?.
If you love them, set them free: Developing digital archive collections at Salford
Presentation / Conference
Kenna, H., & Bates, K. If you love them, set them free: Developing digital archive collections at Salford. Poster presented at OR2012 (The 7th International Conference on Open Repositories), EdinburghDuring the past eighteen months The Library at the University of Salford has been developing a number of Open Access digital collections, using our currently hosted EPrints repository as the infrastructure to enable access to them. We have concentrat... Read More about If you love them, set them free: Developing digital archive collections at Salford.
First language acquisition vs second language learning: What is the difference?
Dr. Al Ghazali, F. First language acquisition vs second language learning: What is the difference?This paper investigates the potential differences between First Language Acquisition (FLA) and New Language Learning (NLL) in the classroom. It examines the factors that influence language acquisition in the two different environments. This includes... Read More about First language acquisition vs second language learning: What is the difference?.