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Digitally disrupted networks through the lens of IMP: a case study of the videogames industry

Kelly, SJH; Klezl, V; Israilidis, J; Malone, N; Butler, S


V Klezl

J Israilidis

N Malone

S Butler


Greater use of digital distribution, rapid and disruptive innovations in technological development and an increase of customer driven innovations in fast-changing environments such as the Videogames Industry heightens the need for further research in global and complex digital supply networks. Applying concepts from the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) group Activities-Resources-Actors model to the findings from a systematic literature review of supply chain management in the VGI, we address the main characteristics of digitally disrupted networks through the IMP lens and set up recommendations for future research on the topic.


Kelly, S., Klezl, V., Israilidis, J., Malone, N., & Butler, S. Digitally disrupted networks through the lens of IMP: a case study of the videogames industry

Presentation Conference Type Other
Online Publication Date Oct 7, 2021
Publication Date Oct 7, 2021
Deposit Date Jul 25, 2022