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Enhancing Academic Support for Students in Higher Education Quality Assurance in Education

Gomis, Kasun; Saini, Mandeep; Pathirage, Chaminda; Arif, Mohammed


Kasun Gomis

Chaminda Pathirage

Mohammed Arif


Purpose: The need to enhance student support is evident in higher education (HE) curricula.In addition to the complications created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the current strategies used in academia are criticised for their lack of appropriate student support in HE. The study
focused on the themes under section four of the National Student Survey (NSS): availability to contact tutors, receiving good advice and guidance, and availability of good advice. The study aimed to provide recommendations for enhancing academic support by developing drivers that need implementation during course delivery.
Methodology: A documental analysis and a qualitative survey were adopted for this study. A documental analysis of 334 mid-module reviews (MMRs) from levels three to six students in the Built Environment (BE) discipline. Critical themes identified from the MMRs were fed forward in developing a questionnaire for academics. A sample of 23 academics, including a Head of school, a Principal lecturer, Subject leads and lecturers, participated in the questionnaire survey. Content analysis is adopted through questionnaire data to develop drivers
to enhance academic support in BE. These drivers are then modelled by Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) to identify their correlation to NSS section four themes. A level partition analysis establishes how influential they are in enhancing academic support.
Findings: The study identified nine drivers, two categorised as fundamental, two as significant, four as important, and one insignificant in enhancing academic support in HE. Module leaders'/tutors' improving awareness and detailing how academic support is provided were
identified as fundamental. Differentiating roles in giving advice and the importance of one-to-one meetings were identified as significant. A level partitioning diagram was developed from the nine drivers to illustrate how these drivers need to be implemented to promote the best
practices in academic support in HE. Practical implications: The identified drivers and their categories can be used to set prioritised
guidelines for academics and other educational institutions to improve students’ overall satisfaction.
Originality/Value: Novelty from the study will be the developed drivers and the level partitioning diagram to assist academics and academic institutions in successfully integrating academic support into HE curricula.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 5, 2024
Deposit Date Apr 10, 2024
Journal Quality Assurance in Education
Print ISSN 0968-4883
Publisher Emerald
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Publisher URL