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A Model to Predict the Residual Life of Aircraft Engines Based upon Oil Analysis Data. (2005)
Journal Article
Wang, W., & Zhang, W. (2005). A Model to Predict the Residual Life of Aircraft Engines Based upon Oil Analysis Data. Naval Research Logistics, 52(3), 276-284.

This paper reports on a study using the available oil monitoring information, such as the data obtained using the Spectrometric Oil Analysis Programme (SOAP), to predict the residual life of a set of aircraft engines. The relationship between oil mon... Read More about A Model to Predict the Residual Life of Aircraft Engines Based upon Oil Analysis Data..

The accuracy of intermittent demand estimates. (2005)
Journal Article
Syntetos, A., & Boylan, J. (2005). The accuracy of intermittent demand estimates. International Journal of Forecasting, 21(2), 303-314.

Intermittent demand appears sporadically, with some time periods showing no demand at all. In this paper, four forecasting methods, Simple Moving Average (SMA, 13 periods), Single Exponential Smoothing (SES), Croston's method, and a new method (based... Read More about The accuracy of intermittent demand estimates..

Modelling match outcomes and decision support for setting a final innings target in test cricket (2005)
Journal Article
Scarf, P., & Shi, X. (2005). Modelling match outcomes and decision support for setting a final innings target in test cricket. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 16(2), 161-178.

This paper considers the problem of timing the declaration of the third innings in test cricket. Data on
the outcomes of recent test matches are analysed in order to develop simple decision support tools. The
first of these tools presents match out... Read More about Modelling match outcomes and decision support for setting a final innings target in test cricket.

An empirical basis for route choice in cycling (2005)
Journal Article
Scarf, P., & Grehan, P. (2005). An empirical basis for route choice in cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(9), 919-925.

We used data from international cycle stage races to examine a rule for cyclists that is similar to Naismith’s rule. Naismith’s
rule is used by walkers to estimate travel times for routes involving climb (i.e. the vertical distance component of a ro... Read More about An empirical basis for route choice in cycling.

An evaluation of organisational groundwork and learning objectives for new product development (2004)
Journal Article
Owens, J. D. (2004). An evaluation of organisational groundwork and learning objectives for new product development. Journal of Enterprising Culture, 12(4), 303-325.

This paper discusses New Product Development (NPD) Process and the percep-tion required for effective NPD Learning (NPDL). A model of learning for NPD organisations is presented and the necessity to assess progression towards learn-ing objectives at... Read More about An evaluation of organisational groundwork and learning objectives for new product development.

Investigating safe egg use in the catering industry: a pilot study to estimate the nature and extent of adherence to government guidance (2004)
Journal Article
Taylor, E. (2004). Investigating safe egg use in the catering industry: a pilot study to estimate the nature and extent of adherence to government guidance. British Food Journal, 106(10/11), 808-818.

Despite a 1993 ACMSF Report on Salmonella in Eggs, which offered specific guidance for caterers, outbreaks of Salmonellosis still occur, are frequently associated with the catering industry, and in many cases eggs have been implicated as the source o... Read More about Investigating safe egg use in the catering industry: a pilot study to estimate the nature and extent of adherence to government guidance.

An index of fame: critical identifications of fame in the 'social laboratory' (2004)
Journal Article
Fletcher, G. (2004). An index of fame: critical identifications of fame in the 'social laboratory'

This paper discusses the presentation of fame that can be identified through popular search terms. These terms reveal how the rapidly shifting interest in individual identities of ‘fame’ are cast against a continuous sequence of expected and unexpect... Read More about An index of fame: critical identifications of fame in the 'social laboratory'.

On reliability criteria and the implied cost of failure for a maintained component (2004)
Journal Article
Scarf, P., Dwight, R., & Al-Musrati, A. (2004). On reliability criteria and the implied cost of failure for a maintained component. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 89(2), 199-207.

This paper considers age-based replacement and block replacement when reliability is also a decision criterion. We describe how
specification of the operational reliability of component function determines the replacement policy, and that setting a... Read More about On reliability criteria and the implied cost of failure for a maintained component.

World Class Supply : is it just a question of effective partnership? (2004)
Journal Article
Owens, J. (2004). World Class Supply : is it just a question of effective partnership?. Management services (Enfield), 48(10), 8-12

A supply chain has varying elements that require translation, both forwards and backwards, to the other stages involved in the supply chain. A world-class supply chain can provide value-adding processes that can deliver for both the organisation and... Read More about World Class Supply : is it just a question of effective partnership?.

With regard to respect: a framework for governance of educational virtual communities (2004)
Journal Article
Bell, F., & Heinze, A. (2004). With regard to respect: a framework for governance of educational virtual communities. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 1(1), 19-34.

We use theories of computer-mediated communication and virtual communities to explore the governance of web-based educational communities. Two parallel cycles of action research are reported to inform our discussion, one intervention driven by percei... Read More about With regard to respect: a framework for governance of educational virtual communities.

Basic principles of SSM modelling: an examination of CATWOE from a soft perspective (2004)
Journal Article
Basden, A., Bergvall-Kåreborn, B., & Mirijamdotter, A. (2004). Basic principles of SSM modelling: an examination of CATWOE from a soft perspective. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 17(2), 55-73.

This paper examines the SSM technique CATWOE, which focuses on defining necessary elements that together constitute a human activity system from a certain perspective. Despite its recognition within the literature and its numerous uses, there are few... Read More about Basic principles of SSM modelling: an examination of CATWOE from a soft perspective.

First-timer versus repeat visitor satisfaction: the case of Orlando, Florida (2004)
Journal Article
Fallon, P., & Schofield, P. (2004). First-timer versus repeat visitor satisfaction: the case of Orlando, Florida. Tourism Analysis, 8(2), 205-210

This article compares first-time and repeat visitor satisfaction with Orlando, FL. Factor analysis (PCA) of subjects' ratings on 22 ``performance'' attributes produced five factors: primary, secondary, and tertiary attractions, facilitators, and tran... Read More about First-timer versus repeat visitor satisfaction: the case of Orlando, Florida.

Can relationship marketing enhance strategic thinking in the public sector? A study of the perceived relationship between subsidised theatres and their government funders/regulators (2004)
Journal Article
Conway, A., & Whitelock, J. (2004). Can relationship marketing enhance strategic thinking in the public sector? A study of the perceived relationship between subsidised theatres and their government funders/regulators. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 9(4), 320-334.

This paper reports on the findings of research into the perceived relationships between publicly funded theatres and their key funders/regulators. This is part of a wider study into whether successful publicly funded arts organisations are more likel... Read More about Can relationship marketing enhance strategic thinking in the public sector? A study of the perceived relationship between subsidised theatres and their government funders/regulators.

Implementation of EFQM excellence model self-assessment in the UK higher education sector - lessons learned from other sectors (2004)
Journal Article
Hides, M., Davies, J., & Jackson, S. (2004). Implementation of EFQM excellence model self-assessment in the UK higher education sector - lessons learned from other sectors. TQM Magazine, 16(3), 194-201.

Owing to pressures from a range of stakeholders for a wider and improved range of services from the Higher Education (HE) sector in the UK, linked with a simultaneously increasing pressure on resource utilisation, universities are currently facing th... Read More about Implementation of EFQM excellence model self-assessment in the UK higher education sector - lessons learned from other sectors.