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Dr Claire Mercer's Outputs (40)

Entrepreneurial thinking in radiography: Developing an imaging facility to support the future workforce. (2024)
Journal Article
Mercer, C. E., & Clarke, A. P. (2024). Entrepreneurial thinking in radiography: Developing an imaging facility to support the future workforce. Radiography, 30 Suppl 2(2), 74-78.

This article explores the significance of recognising and utilising entrepreneurial attributes-such as knowledge, skills, talent, and experience-to develop radiography education guided by a LUCID framework. It aims to demonstrate how enterprising beh... Read More about Entrepreneurial thinking in radiography: Developing an imaging facility to support the future workforce..

Implementing supplementary breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts: Insights from European radiographers and radiologists (2024)
Journal Article
Mizzi, D., Allely, C., Zarb, F., & Mercer, C. (2024). Implementing supplementary breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts: Insights from European radiographers and radiologists. Radiography, 30(3), 908-919.

Introduction In response to the critical need for enhancing breast cancer screening for women with dense breasts, this study explored the understanding of challenges and requirements for implementing supplementary b... Read More about Implementing supplementary breast cancer screening in women with dense breasts: Insights from European radiographers and radiologists.

Person-Centered Care in Breast Imaging (2024)
Book Chapter
Mercer, C. Person-Centered Care in Breast Imaging. In S. Chau, E. Hyde, K. Knapp, & C. Hayre (Eds.), Person-Centered Care in Radiology: International Perspectives on High-Quality Care. Routledge

This chapter seeks to open discussion about person centred approaches within breast services. It will focus on the uniqueness of the breast services practitioner who is involved in the care of the individual, often within their whole care journey. Th... Read More about Person-Centered Care in Breast Imaging.

An exploration of factors involved in the roll out of a digital application in breast services: A case study approach. (2024)
Journal Article
Mercer, C., Hargreaves, S., Hill, C., Szczepura, K., & Turnbull, R. (2024). An exploration of factors involved in the roll out of a digital application in breast services: A case study approach. Radiography, 30(2), 666-672.

Acceptance of new technologies in health care, by those who use them as part of their role, is challenging with confounding contextual factors surrounding the acceptance of technology. As healthcare is rapidly digitising, stakeholder groups should be... Read More about An exploration of factors involved in the roll out of a digital application in breast services: A case study approach..

Skin tears in mammography: A narrative review (2023)
Journal Article
Khan, A., Pradeep, S., Wynn, M., Szczepura, K., Mercer, C., & Stephens, M. (2023). Skin tears in mammography: A narrative review. Journal of Tissue Viability, 32(4), 577-584.

Skin tears are classed as traumatic wounds mainly caused by shearing and frictional forces. Incidences of skin tears are noted to be significant mostly in the elderly population and those with fragile and vulnerable skin. Individuals undergoing mammo... Read More about Skin tears in mammography: A narrative review.

Practical Mammography (2022)
Book Chapter
Mercer, C., Szczepura, K., Hill, C., Kinnear, L., & Smith, H. (2022). Practical Mammography. In Digital Mammography A Holistic Approach (295-307). Springer, Cham

Positioning for a mammogram requires skill and expertise. This chapter considers the requirements of a practitioner to employ accurate and reproducible positioning techniques whilst applying appropriate and effective compression. This chapter also il... Read More about Practical Mammography.

Digital Mammography: A Holistic Approach (2022)
Mercer, C., Hogg, P., & Kelly, J. (2022). Digital Mammography: A Holistic Approach. Springer Cham.

This heavily revised second edition is a practically focused textbook focusing on how to successfully utilise mammography-related techniques. It covers a wide range of topics related to holistic mammographic imaging reflecting the emerging digital an... Read More about Digital Mammography: A Holistic Approach.

The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in breast diagnosis: a systematic review of the literature (2021)
Journal Article
Spacey, A., Hipperson, V., Gloster, A., & Mercer, C. (2021). The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in breast diagnosis: a systematic review of the literature. Radiography, 27(2), 654-662.

Increasing prevalence in breast cancers, workforce shortages and technological advancements have increased the need to further develop advanced practice in breast diagnosis. The Advanced Clinical Practitioner training programme has been... Read More about The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in breast diagnosis: a systematic review of the literature.

The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in breast diagnosis : a systematic review of the literature (2020)
Journal Article
Spacey, A., Hipperson, V., Gloster, A., & Mercer, C. (2021). The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in breast diagnosis : a systematic review of the literature. Radiography, 27(2), 654-662.

Increasing prevalence in breast cancers, workforce shortages and technological advancements have increased the need to further develop advanced practice in breast diagnosis. The Advanced Clinical Practitioner training programme has been introduced to... Read More about The role of the advanced clinical practitioner in breast diagnosis : a systematic review of the literature.

A comparative study of pain experienced during successive mammography examinations in patients with a family history of breast cancer and those who have had breast cancer surgery (2020)
Journal Article
Nelson, D., England, A., Cheptoo, M., & Mercer, C. (2020). A comparative study of pain experienced during successive mammography examinations in patients with a family history of breast cancer and those who have had breast cancer surgery. Radiography, 26(1), 76-81.

To measure mammography-related pain in two groups of women undergoing regular surveillance as a baseline for future care.

Following ethical approval, two hundred and forty two women aged 32–84 years (mean 54), were invited b... Read More about A comparative study of pain experienced during successive mammography examinations in patients with a family history of breast cancer and those who have had breast cancer surgery.

A comparative study of pain experienced during successive mammography examinations in patients with a family history of breast cancer and those who have had breast cancer surgery (2019)
Journal Article
cancer and those who have had breast cancer surgery. Radiography, 26(1), 76-81.

INTRODUCTION: To measure mammography-related pain in two groups of women undergoing regular surveillance as a baseline for future care.
METHODS: Following ethical approval, two hundred women aged 32 to 84 years (mean 54), were invited by written inv... Read More about A comparative study of pain experienced during successive mammography examinations in patients with a family history of breast cancer and those who have had breast cancer surgery.

Learning to look: evaluating the student experience of an interactive image appraisal activity (2019)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Thompson, J., & Mercer, C. (2019). Learning to look: evaluating the student experience of an interactive image appraisal activity. Radiography, 25(4), 314-319.

Student radiographers have expressed difficulty in performing image appraisal tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of a workshop delivered to level 4 undergraduate students. All students completed an image appra... Read More about Learning to look: evaluating the student experience of an interactive image appraisal activity.

Impact of contralateral breast shielding on the risk of developing radiation-induced cancer from full-field digital mammography screening (2019)
Journal Article
Ali, R., England, A., Mercer, C., Tootell, A., & Hogg, P. (2019). Impact of contralateral breast shielding on the risk of developing radiation-induced cancer from full-field digital mammography screening. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 50(2), 331-336.


The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of contralateral breast shielding on the risk of developing radiation-induced cancer from four-view full-field digital mammography (FFDM) screening.

A poly methyl meth... Read More about Impact of contralateral breast shielding on the risk of developing radiation-induced cancer from full-field digital mammography screening.

Calculating individual lifetime effective risk from initial mean glandular dose arising from the first screening mammogram (2018)
Journal Article

Objectives: To use the initial mean glandular dose (MGD) arising from the first screening mammogram to estimate the individual total screening lifetime effective risk.
Methods: Organ doses from FFDM screening exposures (craniocaudal and mediolatera... Read More about Calculating individual lifetime effective risk from initial mean glandular dose arising from the first screening mammogram.

Malignant breast masses-conspicuity analysis in motionsimulated mammograms (2018)
Presentation / Conference
mammograms. Poster presented at The 2018 European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Vienna

The conspicuity of a mass represents a ratio between the contrast of a mass and its surrounding complexity. Measuring the conspicuity of lesions attempts to characterise the visibility of a lesion in terms of the imaging systems diagnostic capabiliti... Read More about Malignant breast masses-conspicuity analysis in motionsimulated mammograms.