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Prof Ian Goodhead's Outputs (40)

Antibiotic resistance profiles and population structure of disease-associated Staphylococcus aureus infecting patients in Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Western Uganda (2020)
Journal Article
Goodhead, I., Ackers, H., Birtles, R., & James, C. (2020). Antibiotic resistance profiles and population structure of disease-associated Staphylococcus aureus infecting patients in Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Western Uganda. bioRxiv,

Tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is particularly challenging in low-resource settings such as Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital (FPRRH) in Western Uganda. Specific knowledge of local AMR epidemiology is required to inform evidence-based i... Read More about Antibiotic resistance profiles and population structure of disease-associated Staphylococcus aureus infecting patients in Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Western Uganda.

Large-scale and significant expression from pseudogenes in Sodalis glossinidius – a facultative bacterial endosymbiont (2020)
Journal Article

The majority of bacterial genomes have high coding efficiencies, but there are some genomes of intracellular bacteria that have low gene density. The genome of the endosymbiont Sodalis glossinidius contains almost 50 % pseudogenes containing mutation... Read More about Large-scale and significant expression from pseudogenes in Sodalis glossinidius – a facultative bacterial endosymbiont.

Complex associations between cross-kingdom microbial endophytes and host genotype in ash dieback disease dynamics (2019)
Journal Article

Tree pathogens are a major threat to forest ecosystems. Conservation management strategies can exploit natural mechanisms of resistance, such as tree genotype and host‐associated microbial communities. However, fungal and bacterial communities are ra... Read More about Complex associations between cross-kingdom microbial endophytes and host genotype in ash dieback disease dynamics.

Towards a clinically relevant model for investigation of host-microbe interactions in ventilator-associated pneumonia (2019)
Journal Article
Tompsett, A., Ngoc ngo, L., Goodhead, I., Withers, S., & Latimer, J. (2019). Towards a clinically relevant model for investigation of host-microbe interactions in ventilator-associated pneumonia. Access Microbiology, 1(1A),

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is amongst the most common healthcare-associated infections worldwide. Current understanding of the underlying mechanisms has focussed on either the microbiological or physiological elements but host-microbe inte... Read More about Towards a clinically relevant model for investigation of host-microbe interactions in ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Establishing Sodalis species as a laboratory model of endosymbionts (2019)
Markham, T. Establishing Sodalis species as a laboratory model of endosymbionts. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Symbiosis is defined as the close and long relationship between two organisms.
Establishment of new symbioses, or redefining relationships underpins much of the ecological diversity found in the natural world. Microbial symbionts, being some of the... Read More about Establishing Sodalis species as a laboratory model of endosymbionts.

Challenging the Wigglesworthia, Sodalis, Wolbachia symbiosis dogma in tsetse flies : Spiroplasma is present in both laboratory and natural populations (2017)
Journal Article

Profiling of wild and laboratory tsetse populations using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing allowed us to examine whether the “Wigglesworthia-Sodalis-Wolbachia dogma” operates across species and populations. The most abundant taxa, in wild and labora... Read More about Challenging the Wigglesworthia, Sodalis, Wolbachia symbiosis dogma in tsetse flies : Spiroplasma is present in both laboratory and natural populations.

ApiAP2 factors as candidate regulators of stochastic commitment to merozoite production in Theileria annulata (2015)
Journal Article
Pieszko, M., Weir, W., Goodhead, I., Kinnaird, J., & Shiels, B. (2015). ApiAP2 factors as candidate regulators of stochastic commitment to merozoite production in Theileria annulata. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(8), 1-26.

The ability of vector-borne Apicomplexan parasites (Babesia, Plasmodium and Theileria) to change from one life-cycle stage to the next is critical for establishment of infection and transmission to new hosts. Stage differentiation steps of both Plasm... Read More about ApiAP2 factors as candidate regulators of stochastic commitment to merozoite production in Theileria annulata.

Taking the pseudo out of pseudogenes (2014)
Journal Article
Goodhead, I., & Darby, A. (2015). Taking the pseudo out of pseudogenes. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 23, 102-109.

Pseudogenes are defined as fragments of once-functional genes that have been silenced by one or more nonsense, frameshift or missense mutations. Despite continuing increases in the speed of sequencing and annotating bacterial genomes, the identificat... Read More about Taking the pseudo out of pseudogenes.

Long non-coding RNAs and enhancer RNAs regulate the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in human monocytes (2014)
Journal Article

Early reports indicate that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are novel regulators of biological responses. However, their role in the human innate immune response, which provides the initial defence against infection, is largely unexplored. To address... Read More about Long non-coding RNAs and enhancer RNAs regulate the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in human monocytes.

Whole-Genome sequencing of Trypanosoma brucei reveals introgression between subspecies that is associated with virulence (2013)
Journal Article

Human African trypanosomiasis is caused by two subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei. Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense is found in East Africa and frequently causes acute disease, while Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is found in West Africa and is associated... Read More about Whole-Genome sequencing of Trypanosoma brucei reveals introgression between subspecies that is associated with virulence.

A comprehensive genetic analysis of candidate genes regulating response to Trypanosoma congolense infection in mice (2010)
Journal Article

African trypanosomes are protozoan parasites that cause “sleeping sickness” in humans and a similar disease in livestock. Trypanosomes also infect laboratory mice and three major quantitative trait loci (QTL) that regulate survival time after infecti... Read More about A comprehensive genetic analysis of candidate genes regulating response to Trypanosoma congolense infection in mice.

How do temperate bacteriophages affect the fitness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Presentation / Conference
Plahe, G., Alison, H., Goodhead, I., & James, C. How do temperate bacteriophages affect the fitness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa?. Poster presented at Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2020, Edinburgh, UK

The Liverpool Epidemic Strain(LES) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a key opportunistic bacterium and a major cause of mortality and morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. It has been established to carry distinctive prophages within its genome, pro... Read More about How do temperate bacteriophages affect the fitness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa?.