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Mr Adam Fowler's Events (7)

LTEC Festival of Learning and Teaching 2024
Sep 2, 2024

Description Adam Fowler is joined by Jonatan Berhane, Clinical Educator, and Nicole Blythe, Programme Lead, Nursing Associate Apprenticeship, from the School of Health and Society at the University of Salford to outline their plans to incorporate podcasting into their modules as a result of the collaboration with Adam and the positive responses from their Nursing Associate trainees and apprentices. This offers an inclusive activity which allows students to bring their own worldview to their learning in a way that better prepares them for their practice in the workplace as evidenced by some of the feedback from students:
"It’s just nice learning but not being lectured. ……and I feel like as a degree apprenticeship it works well because we are a bit different than the average uni degree." 
"This is the best hour or two of all the days we’ve done in uni, I’m not lying  It’s been the perfect end to a really stressful week at uni ."
Location University of Salford
People Adam Fowler
Jonatan Berhane
Nicole Blythe
Org Units School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies

EPOD conference presentation
Jun 19, 2024

Description I outline three stages in the use of RodecasterPro podcasting kits to record ‘as-live’ assessed group discussions in class to replace exams or essays.

1) Development of my own practice in Podcasting modules where in-class podcast reviews have replaced assessed written critiques, raising the participation rate from 66% to 100% in the first year and subsequently.

2) Widening to non-media related modules within the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies (SAMCT), in particular, Professor Martin Bull’s Contemporary Politics module in order to assess ease of engagement for students and staff with no podcasting experience. Comparing results for the essay part of the assessment with the podcast review assessment for the same cohort this year: the average mark for the Podcast is higher (59% essay/65% podcast); the pass rate is higher (80/95) and the number of Non-Submissions is lower (4/1).

3) Further widening of the practice to the School of Health and Society (SHS) where the ethnic diversity, and the number of students whose first language is not English, is far greater than at SAMCT.

Over the three case studies, I describe increased engagement and enhancement of learning, as captured in post-assessment feedback sessions and empirical analysis of grades.
Location Morley Radio/Morley College London, 61 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HT
People Adam Fowler

SHIFT Conference: Podcasting for Engagement and Assessment
Jan 11, 2024

Description A practical workshop introducing academic staff to student-created podcasting in the classroom. Groups of four academics will each create a podcast episode from scratch in 30 minutes. There will be a short Q&A with Adam Fowler about the benefits of podcasting in terms of equity of opportunity to succeed, greater engagement, and enhanced quality of work.
Location University of Greenwich, Stockwell Street Building 11, Greenwich Campus, London
People Adam Fowler
Org Units School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies

Humanities Podcast Symposium: Staying Local
Oct 27, 2023

Description As part of the Humanities Podcast Network's Staying Local symposium, I co-hosted an online session on Podcasting Pedagogies with
Lisa Hooper, Head of Media Services, Tulane University Libraries (
William Saas, Senior Professor of Practice in Communication & Digital Media Practices @ Tulane University.
Ahmed K. Yousof, Ahmed K. Yousof, Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Instructional Design Technology, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania.
Location Online, based out of The United States.
People Adam Fowler

Podcasting for Engagement and Assessment. (Festival of Learning and Teaching)
Sep 4, 2023

Description A presentation by Adam Fowler as part of the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Centre's Festival of Learning and Teaching.
This session showcased examples of podcasting used for assessment purposes and provided advice on how to incorporate podcasting into teaching and learning, regardless of academic discipline or field of interest. This is not about the educator creating learning material in podcast form for students to digest. Rather, it is about students marshalling their ideas together as a group in order to present cohesive arguments for a specific audience. Common outcomes (whatever the subject or curriculum) are: enhanced engagement; a greater equity of opportunity to succeed; increased analytical thinking; better-structured reasoning and exposition of ideas; robust collaboration and negotiation; and a lot of fun. Podcasting also creates a comfortable environment for students to contribute to their learning in the context of their own worldviews and to bring their lived experience into the classroom. As yet, these are anecdotal observations from the many podcasting sessions Adam has facilitated at the University and beyond. He hopes to embark on research to test these contentions empirically.
Location University of Salford
People Adam Fowler
Org Units University of Salford

Salford Sound Symposium 2
Jun 30, 2023

Description Adam Fowler is a co-founder and co-organiser of the Salford Sound Symposium. This second interdisciplinary event featured a range of speakers and practitioners working across film, tv, radio, music games and installations and included live performance and demonstrations of practice-research, combining theory, practice, production, composition, collaboration, and innovation. Adam hosted a discussion at the event: Voices of the Real – Radio Ballads; with poet Katrina Porteous and radio producer Sara Parker on the subject of authenticity in the audio representation of voices and stories.
Location MediaCityUK
People Adam Fowler
Alan Williams
Leslie McMurtry
Simon Connor
Org Units University of Salford

Salford Sound Symposium 1
Jul 1, 2022

Description Theory, practice, production, collaboration and innovation combine in an interdisciplinary exploration of creative and technological applications of sound. Topics include live Foley demonstrations, theatre and museum sound, sound design for radio and podcasts, sound art installation, women in sound, and practice as research presentations of musical performance and film sound.
Adam Fowler's presentation focusses on the blurring of boundaries between music and audio documentary making, looking at how he uses music production techniques in narrative storytelling. He is a founding member of the Salford Sound Symposium.
Location University of Salford, MediaCity UK
People Adam Fowler
Leslie McMurtry
Simon Connor
Alan Williams
Org Units School of Arts, Media and Creative Technologies