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Outputs (7)

Straylight, mala mala, pink frikkie, blekgelexy and rumba kali @ Africa (2001)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2001). Straylight, mala mala, pink frikkie, blekgelexy and rumba kali @ Africa

History gives us the opportunity of perspective. But in the "Network Society", time moves too fast for hindsight. An appropriate metaphor is that of quantum mechanics, in which matter exists in two states at the same time. Consequently, the invitatio... Read More about Straylight, mala mala, pink frikkie, blekgelexy and rumba kali @ Africa.

Social archaeology and the theatres of memory (2001)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2001). Social archaeology and the theatres of memory. Journal of Social Archaeology, 1(1), 50-61.

Archaeology is a study of ways in which we express ourselves through the things that we make and use, collect, discard and take for granted, all archaeology is social archaeology. And, because the past is always part of the present, social archaeolog... Read More about Social archaeology and the theatres of memory.

Education and the margins of the network society (2001)
Book Chapter
Hall, M. (2001). Education and the margins of the network society. In J. Muller, N. Cloete, & S. Badat (Eds.), Challenges of Globalisation: South African Debates with Manuel Castells (224-342). Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman

This paper reads between the lines of Manuel Castells' recent writing about the 'network society'. In his trilogy The Information Age, as well as in a series of reports and papers, Castells touches on the implications of the network society for highe... Read More about Education and the margins of the network society.

Landscapes of the past (2001)
Book Chapter
Hall, M. (2001). Landscapes of the past. In N. Silberman, & E. Frerichs (Eds.), Archaeology and society in the 21st century : the Dead Sea scrolls and other case studies (33-40). Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society

Building a user blog with evidence: The Health Information Skills Academic Library Blog (2001)
Journal Article
Adams, R. (2001). Building a user blog with evidence: The Health Information Skills Academic Library Blog. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(3), 84-89

The College of Health and Social Care within the University of Salford is supported by a team of Academic Support Librarians who deliver training, support and advice to staff and student users of library resources and services. The team continually s... Read More about Building a user blog with evidence: The Health Information Skills Academic Library Blog.