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Age-related divergent remodeling of the cardiac extracellular matrix in heart failure: collagen accumulation in the young and loss in the aged (2012)
Journal Article
Horn, M., Graham, H., Richards, M., Clarke, J., Greensmith, D., Briston, S., …Trafford, A. (2012). Age-related divergent remodeling of the cardiac extracellular matrix in heart failure: collagen accumulation in the young and loss in the aged. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 53(1), 82-90.

The incidence of heart failure (HF) increases with age. This study sought to determine whether aging exacerbates structural and functional remodeling of the myocardium in HF. HF was induced in young (~18 months) and aged sheep (>8 years) by right ven... Read More about Age-related divergent remodeling of the cardiac extracellular matrix in heart failure: collagen accumulation in the young and loss in the aged.