Is this seat taken? Behavioural analysis of the Telethrone : a novel situated telepresence display
Presentation / Conference
O'Hare, J., Bendall, R., Weir, B., Thomas, G., & Roberts, D. Is this seat taken? Behavioural analysis of the Telethrone : a novel situated telepresence display. Presented at ICAT-EGVE 2016 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
We present research with two novel components; a system which may improve current small group telecommunication, and an experiment to test the efficacy. Telethrone projects a remote user onto a chair, bringing them into your space. The chair acts as... Read More about Is this seat taken? Behavioural analysis of the Telethrone : a novel situated telepresence display.