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Outputs (4)

Care and parentage in a skin-feeding Caecilian amphibian (2008)
Journal Article
amphibian. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology, 309A, 460-467

An exceptional form of parental care has recently been discovered in a poorly
known caecilian amphibian. Mothers of the Taita Hills (Kenya) endemic Boulengerula taitanus
provide their own skin as a food source for their offspring. Field data sugges... Read More about Care and parentage in a skin-feeding Caecilian amphibian.

Care and parentage in a skin-feeding Caecilian amphibian (2008)
Journal Article
amphibian. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology, 309A, 460-467

An exceptional form of parental care has recently been discovered in a poorly
known caecilian amphibian. Mothers of the Taita Hills (Kenya) endemic Boulengerula taitanus
provide their own skin as a food source for their offspring. Field data sugges... Read More about Care and parentage in a skin-feeding Caecilian amphibian.

Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for Allobates femoralis, an Amazonian dendrobatoid frog (2008)
Journal Article
an Amazonian dendrobatoid frog. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, 1326-1328.

Within the anuran amphibians, dendrobatoids (poison-arrow frogs) are renowned for their
parental care, but the lack of highly variable DNA markers so far precluded precise and
comprehensive measurements of their genetic mating system. Here we prese... Read More about Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for Allobates femoralis, an Amazonian dendrobatoid frog.

Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for Allobates femoralis, an Amazonian dendrobatoid frog (2008)
Journal Article
an Amazonian dendrobatoid frog. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, 1326-1328.

Within the anuran amphibians, dendrobatoids (poison-arrow frogs) are renowned for their
parental care, but the lack of highly variable DNA markers so far precluded precise and
comprehensive measurements of their genetic mating system. Here we prese... Read More about Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for Allobates femoralis, an Amazonian dendrobatoid frog.