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Outputs (3)

Modelling of the water retention characteristic of deformable soils (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Sheng, D., Ross, K., & Toll, D. (2016). Modelling of the water retention characteristic of deformable soils. E3S Web of Conferences, 9(2016), #11005.

A recently proposed water retention model has been further developed for the application on unsaturated deformable soils. The physical mechanisms underpinning the water retention characteristic of soils was at first described in terms of traditional... Read More about Modelling of the water retention characteristic of deformable soils.

An experimental study of the concrete using polymer and metakaolin as additives (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Al Menhosh, A., Wang, Y., & Wang, Y. (2016, August). An experimental study of the concrete using polymer and metakaolin as additives. Presented at SCMT4, Las Vegas, USA

Environmental friendly and high performance concrete is very import for the applications in sewage and water treatment industry. Using mineral additives such as fly ash and silica fume has been proven an effective approach to improve concrete propert... Read More about An experimental study of the concrete using polymer and metakaolin as additives.

The mechanical properties of the concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture (2016)
Journal Article
metakaolin additive and polymer admixture. Journal of Engineering, 2016,

Environmentally friendly and high performance concrete is very import for the applications in sewage andwater treatment industry. Using mineral additives such as fly ash and silica fume has been proven to be an effective approach to improve concrete... Read More about The mechanical properties of the concrete using metakaolin additive and polymer admixture.