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Landscape & games

Ali, U



Computer and video gaming technologies, including virtual and augmented realities, have become far more accessible in recent years and their range of applications has widened dramatically. The relevance and potential of interactive and immersive three-dimensional environments within the landscape profession is significant but has remained relatively unexplored.

This workshop provides an opportunity, using CryTek's CryEngine 5, for students to develop their own proposals from previous atelier units further through the creation of interactive, three-dimensional environments which represent an alternative means of exploring the material and experiential qualities of the future landscapes students have envisioned.

The workshop took place at Manchester Metropolitan University's Manchester School of Art, on the Masters of Landscape Architecture programme in June 2018, as a joint collaboration between Edward Fox, Mark Jackson and Umran Ali.


Ali, U. (2018, June). Landscape & games. Presented at Introduction to Gaming for Landscape and Software Workshop, Manchester, England

Presentation Conference Type Lecture
Conference Name Introduction to Gaming for Landscape and Software Workshop
Conference Location Manchester, England
Start Date Jun 29, 2018
Publication Date Jun 29, 2018
Deposit Date Sep 20, 2018
Publicly Available Date Sep 20, 2018
Additional Information Event Type : Workshop