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All Outputs (3)

Aletheia - An advanced document layout and text ground-truthing system for production environments (2011)
Conference Proceeding
Clausner, C., Pletschacher, S., & Antonacopoulos, A. (2011). Aletheia - An advanced document layout and text ground-truthing system for production environments. In 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR 2011.

Large-scale digitisation has led to a number of new possibilities with regard to adaptive and learning based methods in the field of Document Image Analysis and OCR. For ground truth production of large corpora, however, there is still a gap in terms... Read More about Aletheia - An advanced document layout and text ground-truthing system for production environments.

Restoration of arbitrarily warped historical document images using flow lines (2011)
Conference Proceeding
Rahnemoonfar, M., & Antonacopoulos, A. (2011). Restoration of arbitrarily warped historical document images using flow lines. In 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.

Historical documents frequently suffer from
arbitrary geometric distortions (warping and folds) due to
storage conditions, use and to, some extent, the printing
process of the time. In addition, page curl can be
prominent due to the scanning tech... Read More about Restoration of arbitrarily warped historical document images using flow lines.

A real-life system for identifying and monitoring objects for user-specified scenarios in live CCTV (2011)
Fairchild, A. A real-life system for identifying and monitoring objects for user-specified scenarios in live CCTV. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

This thesis presents the research and subsequent development of a real life system
capable of identifying and monitoring objects for user-specified scenarios in live CCTV
video. More specifically, after a review of the state of the art in... Read More about A real-life system for identifying and monitoring objects for user-specified scenarios in live CCTV.