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All Outputs (13)

Sedation management and processed EEG-based solutions during venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a narrative review of key challenges and potential benefits. (2025)
Journal Article

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an established technique for managing severe cardiorespiratory failure. However, it is invasive and requires profound analgo-sedation during initiation and often throughout the therapy. Managing sedation... Read More about Sedation management and processed EEG-based solutions during venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a narrative review of key challenges and potential benefits..

A Pilot Project to Create Awareness of Clinical Research Funding Streams Among Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in England (2025)
Journal Article

Background: A culturally diverse research workforce benefits patients, the community and the population as patients see health and care professionals who are like them and can build trusting relationships. From our experience, ethnic minority group n... Read More about A Pilot Project to Create Awareness of Clinical Research Funding Streams Among Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in England.

A pilot project to create awareness of clinical research funding streams among nurses and allied health professionals in England. (2025)
Journal Article

A culturally diverse research workforce benefits patients, the community, and the population as patients see health and care professionals who are like them and can build trusting relationships. From our experience, ethnic minority group... Read More about A pilot project to create awareness of clinical research funding streams among nurses and allied health professionals in England..

Use of Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs) and Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMs) in community physiotherapy and community occupational therapy services: a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article

Outcome measures enable benchmarking within and between services, which is essential for ensuring best practice standards. There is limited consensus regarding which outcome measures should be utilised within the community. Therefore, t... Read More about Use of Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs) and Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMs) in community physiotherapy and community occupational therapy services: a scoping review.

Does the experience of the endoscopic vein harvester matter to the quality of the vein conduit: A critical thematic literature review (2024)
Journal Article

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery remains the golden standard surgical option for multiple vessel disease. Harvesting the long saphenous vein using endoscopic vein harvesting requires advanced surgical skills dexterity, but the lack of a national... Read More about Does the experience of the endoscopic vein harvester matter to the quality of the vein conduit: A critical thematic literature review.

A pilot project to explore the mental health and wellbeing among cardiothoracic staff and the impact of virtual reality guided mindfulness (2024)
Journal Article

Background: The Cardio-Thoracic (CT) professional group experienced a significant increase in stress and workload during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (SCTS) in Great Britain and Ireland with the aim of endor... Read More about A pilot project to explore the mental health and wellbeing among cardiothoracic staff and the impact of virtual reality guided mindfulness.

Barriers to research progress for perioperative care practitioners working in cardiothoracic surgery. (2023)
Journal Article
Britton, C. R., Rathinam, S., Birchall, M., Iles-Smith, H., & Krishnamoorthy, B. (in press). Barriers to research progress for perioperative care practitioners working in cardiothoracic surgery. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 17504589231176388.

Policy and research literature worldwide support the need to build research capacity and capability among non-medical practitioners within healthcare systems. However, there exists a paucity of evidence on whether practitioners in cardiothoracic surg... Read More about Barriers to research progress for perioperative care practitioners working in cardiothoracic surgery..

The role of the bedside assistant in robot-assisted surgery: A critical synthesis (2022)
Journal Article
Britton, C. R., Francis, I., Tay, L. J., & Krishnamoothy, B. (2022). The role of the bedside assistant in robot-assisted surgery: A critical synthesis. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 32(9), 208-225.

Robot-assisted surgery has grown exponentially since its inception and first approval in the United States in the year 2000. The surgeon operating with the assistance of the robot sits remotely to the patient and another practitioner a... Read More about The role of the bedside assistant in robot-assisted surgery: A critical synthesis.

The current state of the surgical care team in the United Kingdom: Shall we ‘do a time out’? (2021)
Journal Article
Krishnamoorthy, B., & Britton, C. R. (2022). The current state of the surgical care team in the United Kingdom: Shall we ‘do a time out’?. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 32(12), 368-378.

The reduction of junior doctors’ working hours over the last two decades paved the way to non-medical practitioners providing care traditionally discharged by surgeons and other medics. These registered practitioners play a vital role in the care of... Read More about The current state of the surgical care team in the United Kingdom: Shall we ‘do a time out’?.

A multicentre review comparing long term outcomes of endoscopic vein harvesting versus open vein harvesting for coronary artery bypass surgery (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Utilisation of the Endoscopic Vein Harvesting (EVH) technique has been increasing for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for the last two decades. Some surgeons remain concerned about the long-term patency of the long saphenous vein h... Read More about A multicentre review comparing long term outcomes of endoscopic vein harvesting versus open vein harvesting for coronary artery bypass surgery.