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All Outputs (2)

Autonomous geographies in the anti-US military base movements (2011)
Journal Article
Fois, F., & Paragano, D. (2011). Autonomous geographies in the anti-US military base movements. Peace Review, 23(3), 313-319.

The construction of a military base in a foreign country paints a portrait
of international relationships based on a top-down decision-making process.
Despite the huge academic and political debate about the importance of a participative
approach... Read More about Autonomous geographies in the anti-US military base movements.

Neoliberalism and privatization : from the theoretical framework to the Italian case. An analysis for the interpretation of the socio-spatial impacts (2011)
Journal Article
De Sanctis, F., Fois, F., & Polizzi, E. (2011). Neoliberalism and privatization : from the theoretical framework to the Italian case. An analysis for the interpretation of the socio-spatial impacts. Annali del Dipartimento di metodi e modelli per l'economia, il territorio e la finanza ... (Online), 13, 57-92

The present contribution aims at introducing the theoretical reference frame to historically
and conceptually contextualize privatization, putting it in the wider context of neoliberal policies. In the first
part the paper analyses some of the key... Read More about Neoliberalism and privatization : from the theoretical framework to the Italian case. An analysis for the interpretation of the socio-spatial impacts.