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All Outputs (2)

Multi-Scale detection, mapping, and modelling geomorphic change in gravel-bed rivers with UAV remote sensing (2019)
Scott, R. Multi-Scale detection, mapping, and modelling geomorphic change in gravel-bed rivers with UAV remote sensing. (Thesis). University of Salford

Fluvial science is in particular need of surveying tools which can rapidly and accurately capture topographic data. The use of low-cost, consumer grade UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) systems and Structure from Motion (SfM) processing methods has seen... Read More about Multi-Scale detection, mapping, and modelling geomorphic change in gravel-bed rivers with UAV remote sensing.

Estimation of biophysical properties of woodland canopies using LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery (2012)
Janardhan, V. Estimation of biophysical properties of woodland canopies using LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery. (Thesis). University of Salford

Vegetation canopies represent the interface between the atmosphere and the biosphere
and play an important role in determining energy and mass exchange. Accurate
characterisation of vegetation canopy characteristics is therefore important to
under... Read More about Estimation of biophysical properties of woodland canopies using LiDAR and hyperspectral imagery.