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All Outputs (56)

A 2500-yr late holocenemulti-proxy record of vegetation and hydrologic changes from a cave guano-clay sequence in SW Romania (2015)
Journal Article
Onac, B., Hutchinson, S., Geantă, A., Forray, F., Wynn, J., Giurgiu, A., & Coroiu, I. (2015). A 2500-yr late holocenemulti-proxy record of vegetation and hydrologic changes from a cave guano-clay sequence in SW Romania. Quaternary Research, 83(3), 437-448.

We provide sedimentological, geochemical, mineral magnetic, stable carbon isotope, charcoal, and pollen-based
evidence froma guano/clay sequence in Gaura cuMuscă Cave (SWRomania), fromwhichwe deduced that from
~1230 BC to ~AD 1240 climate oscillate... Read More about A 2500-yr late holocenemulti-proxy record of vegetation and hydrologic changes from a cave guano-clay sequence in SW Romania.

Last millennium hydro-climate variability in Central–Eastern Europe (Northern Carpathians, Romania) (2015)
Journal Article
Feurdean, A., Galka, M., Kuske, E., Tantau, I., Lamentowicz, M., Florescu, G., …Hickler, T. (2015). Last millennium hydro-climate variability in Central–Eastern Europe (Northern Carpathians, Romania). Holocene, 25(7), 1179-1192.

Proxy-based reconstructions of climate variability over the last millennium provide important insights for understanding current climate change within a long-term context. Past hydrological changes are particularly difficult to reconstruct, yet rainf... Read More about Last millennium hydro-climate variability in Central–Eastern Europe (Northern Carpathians, Romania).

Recent sediment accumulation rates in contrasting lakes in the Carpathians (Romania) : Impacts of shifts in socio-economic regime (2015)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S., Akinyemi, F., Mındrescu, M., Begy, R., & Feurdean, A. (2016). Recent sediment accumulation rates in contrasting lakes in the Carpathians (Romania) : Impacts of shifts in socio-economic regime. Regional Environmental Change, 16(2), 501-513.

Longer-term environmental studies are increasingly used to better understand contemporary ecosystems conditions and for forecasting their future trajectories. Here, we use radiometric measurements and the characterisation of sediment properties from... Read More about Recent sediment accumulation rates in contrasting lakes in the Carpathians (Romania) : Impacts of shifts in socio-economic regime.

Origin of the forest steppe and exceptional grassland diversity in Transylvania (central-eastern Europe) (2015)
Journal Article
Feurdean, A., Marinova, E., Nielsen, A., Liakka, J., Veres, D., Hutchinson, S., …Hickler, T. (2015). Origin of the forest steppe and exceptional grassland diversity in Transylvania (central-eastern Europe). Journal of Biogeography, 42(5), 951-963.

Aim The forest steppe of the Transylvanian Plain is a landscape of exceptionally diverse steppe-like and semi-natural grasslands. Is this vegetation a remnant of a
once continuous temperate forest extensively cleared by humans, or has the area, sin... Read More about Origin of the forest steppe and exceptional grassland diversity in Transylvania (central-eastern Europe).

Peatland restoration : controls on sediment production and reductions in carbon and pollutant export (2014)
Journal Article
Shuttleworth, E., Evans, M., Hutchinson, S., & Rothwell, J. (2015). Peatland restoration : controls on sediment production and reductions in carbon and pollutant export. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(4), 459-472.

Peatlands are an important store of soil carbon, and play a vital role in global carbon cycling, and when located in close proximity to urban and industrial areas, can also act as sinks of atmospherically deposited heavy metals. Large areas of the UK... Read More about Peatland restoration : controls on sediment production and reductions in carbon and pollutant export.

High mountain region of the Northern Romanian Carpathians responded sensitively to Holocene climate and land use changes : A multi-proxy analysis (2014)
Journal Article
Geantă, A., Gałka, M., Tanţău, I., Hutchinson, S., Mîndrescu, M., & Feurdean, A. (2014). High mountain region of the Northern Romanian Carpathians responded sensitively to Holocene climate and land use changes : A multi-proxy analysis. Holocene, 24(8), 944-956.

A high-altitude lake sediment sequence (Buhăiescu Mare, 1918 m a.s.l.) in the subalpine zone of the Rodna Mountains was analysed through a multi-proxy approach to determine the sensitivity of high mountain habitats to climate, fire and land use chang... Read More about High mountain region of the Northern Romanian Carpathians responded sensitively to Holocene climate and land use changes : A multi-proxy analysis.

Impact of sludge floc size and water composition on dewaterability (2014)
Journal Article
Fitria, D., Scholz, M., Swift, G., & Hutchinson, S. (2014). Impact of sludge floc size and water composition on dewaterability. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 37(3), 471-477.

In order to observe the impact of different water compositions on sludge dewaterability, assessments of floc sizes using a particle size analyzer and of sludge dewaterability based on the capillary suction time (CST) test were carried out. Synthetic... Read More about Impact of sludge floc size and water composition on dewaterability.

Assessment of Lead contamination in Peatlands using field portable XRF (2014)
Journal Article
Shuttleworth, E., Evans, M., Hutchinson, S., & Rothwell, J. (2014). Assessment of Lead contamination in Peatlands using field portable XRF. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 225(2),

Ombrotrophic peatlands are highly sensitive to atmospheric heavy metal deposition. Previous attempts to quantify peatland lead pollution have been undertaken using the inventory approach. However, there can be significant within-site spatial heteroge... Read More about Assessment of Lead contamination in Peatlands using field portable XRF.

12,000-Years of fire regime drivers in the lowlands of Transylvania (Central-Eastern Europe): a data-model approach (2013)
Journal Article
Feurdean, A., Liakka, J., Vannière, B., Marinova, E., Hutchinson, S., Mosburgger, V., & Hickler, T. (2013). 12,000-Years of fire regime drivers in the lowlands of Transylvania (Central-Eastern Europe): a data-model approach. Quaternary Science Reviews, 81, 48-61.

The usefulness of sedimentary charcoal records to document centennial to millennial scale trends in aspects of fire regimes (frequency, severity) is widely acknowledged, yet the long-term variability in these regimes is poorly understood. Here, we us... Read More about 12,000-Years of fire regime drivers in the lowlands of Transylvania (Central-Eastern Europe): a data-model approach.

A peat profile record of recent environmental events in the South Pennines (UK) (2009)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S., & Armitage, R. (2009). A peat profile record of recent environmental events in the South Pennines (UK). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 199(1-4), 247-259.

This study investigates the impact of
accidental fires and the record of recent environmental
change held within a long peat core taken on Burbage
Moor in the south Pennines (UK). The core has been
subjected to mineral magnetic, heavy metal (via... Read More about A peat profile record of recent environmental events in the South Pennines (UK).

Mobilisation of sediment-associated metals from historical Pb working sites on the River Sheaf, Sheffield, UK (2008)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S., & Rothwell, J. (2008). Mobilisation of sediment-associated metals from historical Pb working sites on the River Sheaf, Sheffield, UK. Environmental Pollution, 155(1), 61-71.

Spatial and temporal patterns of metal mobilisation from former water-powered, Pb working sites in a suburban area of Sheffield (UK) were
investigated. Twelve time-integrated mass flux samplers were strategically deployed over two contrasting campai... Read More about Mobilisation of sediment-associated metals from historical Pb working sites on the River Sheaf, Sheffield, UK.

Magnetic approach to normalizing heavy metal concentrations for particle size effects in intertidal sediments in the Yangtze Estuary, China (2007)
Journal Article
Zhang, W., Yu, L., Lu, M., Hutchinson, S., & Feng, H. (2007). Magnetic approach to normalizing heavy metal concentrations for particle size effects in intertidal sediments in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Environmental Pollution, 147(1), 238-244.

In this study, mineral magnetic, particle size and geochemical analyses were conducted on intertidal sediments from the Yangtze Estuary to examine the feasibility of heavy metal concentrations normalization using magnetic techniques. Susceptibility o... Read More about Magnetic approach to normalizing heavy metal concentrations for particle size effects in intertidal sediments in the Yangtze Estuary, China.

Sediment stratigraphy and heavy metal fluxes to reservoirs in the southern Pennines uplands, UK. (2006)
Journal Article
Shotbolt, L., Hutchinson, S., & Thomas, A. (2006). Sediment stratigraphy and heavy metal fluxes to reservoirs in the southern Pennines uplands, UK. Journal of Paleolimnology, 35(2), 305-322.

Reservoir sediments are rarely used as environmental archives because of the potential for sediment disturbance by fluctuating water levels. However, rapid rates of sedimentation, proximity to urban centres and often the existence of management recor... Read More about Sediment stratigraphy and heavy metal fluxes to reservoirs in the southern Pennines uplands, UK..

The recent sedimentation history of Aqualate Mere (Central England): assessing the potential for lake restoration. (2005)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S. (2005). The recent sedimentation history of Aqualate Mere (Central England): assessing the potential for lake restoration. Journal of Paleolimnology, 33(2), 205-228.

As part of English Nature's Lakes Flagship Project to address adverse environmental impacts on selected, important lakes, a proposal has been made to dredge Aqualate Mere. The site has experienced rapid, 'recent' sedimentation thought to be derived f... Read More about The recent sedimentation history of Aqualate Mere (Central England): assessing the potential for lake restoration..

Development of sustainability indicators by communities in China : a case study of Chongming County, Shanghai (2003)
Journal Article
Yuan, W., James, P., Hodgson, K., Hutchinson, S., & Shi, C. (2003). Development of sustainability indicators by communities in China : a case study of Chongming County, Shanghai. Journal of Environmental Management, 68(3), 253-262.

Public participation as a means of identifying sustainability indicators for Chongming County, Shanghai, China was evaluated by an international group drawing on established best practice. An initial 'long list' of 86 sustainability indicators, based... Read More about Development of sustainability indicators by communities in China : a case study of Chongming County, Shanghai.

China's Yangtze Estuary: I. Geomorphic influence on heavy metal accumulation in intertidal sediments. (2001)
Journal Article
Zhang, W., Yu, L., Hutchinson, S., Xu, S., Chen, Z., & Gao, X. (2001). China's Yangtze Estuary: I. Geomorphic influence on heavy metal accumulation in intertidal sediments. Geomorphology, 41(2-3), 195-205.

Five intertidal sites along the coast of the Yangtze Estuary, China were examined for concentrations of heavy metals including Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Mn and Fe in bulk surficial and core sediments. Differences in heavy metal concentrations are apparent betw... Read More about China's Yangtze Estuary: I. Geomorphic influence on heavy metal accumulation in intertidal sediments..