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All Outputs (261)

Race, crime and criminality in the UK: crime science? (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2009, March). Race, crime and criminality in the UK: crime science?. Presented at Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A critical consideration is given of the problematic construction of crimes as scientifically racialised, in post-MacPherson UK. It is argued that notions of ‘black criminality’ are often reworked in new ways (e.g. moral panics about terrorism, knife... Read More about Race, crime and criminality in the UK: crime science?.

Eye tracking for avatar eye gaze control during object-focused multiparty interaction in immersive collaborative virtual environments (2009)
Presentation / Conference
multiparty interaction in immersive collaborative virtual environments. Presented at IEEE Virtual Reality, Lafayette, Louisiana USA

In face-to-face collaboration, eye gaze is used both as a bidirectional
signal to monitor and indicate focus of attention and action,
as well as a resource to manage the interaction. In remote interaction
supported by Immersive Collaborative Virtu... Read More about Eye tracking for avatar eye gaze control during object-focused multiparty interaction in immersive collaborative virtual environments.

Trade unions and work-life balance: changing times in France and the UK? (2009)
Journal Article
Gregory, A., & Milner, S. (2009). Trade unions and work-life balance: changing times in France and the UK?. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(1), 122-146.

The mixed empirical findings to date have indicated that some, but not all, unions in industrialized countries are actively involved in campaigning and bargaining around work–life balance (WLB) issues, as part of a modernization
agenda linked to fem... Read More about Trade unions and work-life balance: changing times in France and the UK?.

More than a game: sports-themed video games & player narratives (2009)
Journal Article
Crawford, G., & Gosling, V. (2009). More than a game: sports-themed video games & player narratives. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26(1), 50-66

This paper considers of the social importance of sports-themed video games, and more specifically, discusses their use and role in the construction of gaming and wider social narratives. Here, building upon our own and wider sociological and video ga... Read More about More than a game: sports-themed video games & player narratives.

Systematic reviews and evidence based library and information practice (2009)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2009). Systematic reviews and evidence based library and information practice. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 4(1), 43-50.

This commentary presents a rationale for undertaking systematic reviews in library and information practice. As library and information practitioners have the skills to undertake systematic reviews, it is questioned why there are not more in the fiel... Read More about Systematic reviews and evidence based library and information practice.

Assistive walking devices in nonambulant patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke: the effects on functional mobility, walking impairments, and patients’ opinion (2009)
Journal Article
walking impairments, and patients’ opinion. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90(3), 475-479.

Objective: To assess the immediate effects of assistive
walking devices on functional mobility, walking impairments,
and patients’ opinions in nonambulant patients after stroke.
Design: Randomized crossover trial.
Setting: Inpatient rehabilitatio... Read More about Assistive walking devices in nonambulant patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke: the effects on functional mobility, walking impairments, and patients’ opinion.

Clinical terminologies : a solution for semantic interoperability (2009)
Journal Article
Park, H., & Hardiker, N. (2009). Clinical terminologies : a solution for semantic interoperability. Daehan euiryo jeongbo hag'hoeji, 15(1), 1-11.

To realize the benefits of electronic health records, electronic health record information needs to be shared seamlessly and meaningfully. Clinical terminology systems, one of the current semantic interoperability solutions, were reviewed in this art... Read More about Clinical terminologies : a solution for semantic interoperability.

A classification system for hip disease in cerebral palsy (2009)
Journal Article
Robin, J., Graham, H., Baker, R., Selber, P., Simpson, P., Symons, S., & Thomason, P. (2009). A classification system for hip disease in cerebral palsy.

In population-based studies, hip displacement affects approximately one-third of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Given the extreme range of clinical phenotypes
in the CP spectrum, it is unsurprising that hip development varies from normality,to d... Read More about A classification system for hip disease in cerebral palsy.

An investigation into the physical determinants of change of direction speed (2009)
Journal Article
Jones, P., Bampouras, T., & Marrin, K. (2009). An investigation into the physical determinants of change of direction speed. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 49(1), 97-104

Aim: change of direction speed (CODS) is an important attribute for many sports and is believed to be influenced by a variety of physical factors. However, there is a lack of consensus as to which physical attributes relate to CODS. The aim of this s... Read More about An investigation into the physical determinants of change of direction speed.

The persistence of attentional set and its implications for top-down control (2009)
Thompson, C. (in press). The persistence of attentional set and its implications for top-down control. (Thesis). University of Nottingham

A top-down attentional set allows selective processing of the most informative aspects of a scene by biasing attention towards task-relevant stimuli and away from task-irrelevant stimuli on the basis of task demands. The work in this thesis explored... Read More about The persistence of attentional set and its implications for top-down control.

Overview of Gypsy & Traveller accommodation assessments : Yorkshire & the Humber Region : Final report for Yorkshire & the Humber Regional Assembly (2009)
Brown, P., & Niner, P. (2009). Overview of Gypsy & Traveller accommodation assessments : Yorkshire & the Humber Region : Final report for Yorkshire & the Humber Regional Assembly

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessments (GTAAs) have now been
completed covering all parts of the Yorkshire and The Humber Region. This
note presents an overview of the process and the resulting patterns of
requirements for additional reside... Read More about Overview of Gypsy & Traveller accommodation assessments : Yorkshire & the Humber Region : Final report for Yorkshire & the Humber Regional Assembly.

A career in criminology (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2009, February). A career in criminology. Presented at Liverpool John Moores University, Graduate Careers Seminar, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool,England

Adolescents in acute mental distress on inpatient pediatric settings : some reflections from a pediatric liaison practitioner (2009)
Journal Article
Foster, C. (2009). Adolescents in acute mental distress on inpatient pediatric settings : some reflections from a pediatric liaison practitioner. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 22(1), 16-22.

Topic: Exploration of the impact of adolescents in acute mental distress admitted onto in-patient pediatric settings: on the staff group caring for them and the adolescent’s consequent experience of the service provided, from a descriptive and psycho... Read More about Adolescents in acute mental distress on inpatient pediatric settings : some reflections from a pediatric liaison practitioner.

Developing new community health roles : can reflective learning drive professional practice? (2009)
Journal Article
Dugdill, L., Coffey, M., Coufopoulos, A., Byrne, K., & Porcellato, L. (2009). Developing new community health roles : can reflective learning drive professional practice?. Reflective Practice, 10(1), 121-130.

A variety of new non-professional roles, such as health trainers and community
food workers, have evolved from recent UK public health policy developments.
These roles predominantly operate in communities characterised by extreme social
deprivatio... Read More about Developing new community health roles : can reflective learning drive professional practice?.

Measuring distance walked and step count in children with cerebral palsy : an evaluation of two portable activity monitors (2009)
Journal Article
Kuo, Y., Culhane, K., Thomason, P., Tirosh, O., & Baker, R. (2009). Measuring distance walked and step count in children with cerebral palsy : an evaluation of two portable activity monitors. Gait & Posture, 29(2), 304-310.

Assessing clinical outcomes in the context of activity and participation is essential to reflect functional changes in the home and community for children with cerebral palsy (CP). However, no activity monitor has been investigated for measurement of... Read More about Measuring distance walked and step count in children with cerebral palsy : an evaluation of two portable activity monitors.

Biomechanical response to hamstring muscle strain injury (2009)
Journal Article
Schache, A., Wrigley, T., Baker, R., & Pandy, M. (2009). Biomechanical response to hamstring muscle strain injury. Gait & Posture, 29(2), 332-338.

Hamstring strains are common injuries, the majority of which occur whilst sprinting. An understanding of the biomechanical circumstances that cause the hamstrings to fail during sprinting is required to improve rehabilitation specificity. The aim of... Read More about Biomechanical response to hamstring muscle strain injury.

Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Executive summary (2009)
Brown, P., Scullion, L., Condie, J., & Niner, P. (2009). Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Executive summary

This research and report provides the Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment and was commissioned by the Tyne and Wear Housing
Partnership in November 2007. The study was conducted by a team of
researchers from... Read More about Tyne and Wear Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation needs assessment : Executive summary.