Lessons learned from knowledge management research : UK construction industry perspective
Presentation / Conference
Vines, M., Hari, S., Olomolaiye, A., Liyanage, C., Lee, C., Kurul, E., & Egbu, C. (2004, April). Lessons learned from knowledge management research : UK construction industry perspective. Presented at 4th International Postgraduate Research Conference, Salford
All Outputs (2)
Computer and communication engineering : internet protocol telephony in construction (2004)
Beyh, S. Computer and communication engineering : internet protocol telephony in construction. (Thesis). Salford : University of SalfordA construction project traditionally involves intensive communication flows
between the site operations (workers, gangers, engineers, foremen, etc.),
the site office, the company and the Supply Chain. Typically on the jobsite, a
temporary site off... Read More about Computer and communication engineering : internet protocol telephony in construction.