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All Outputs (2)

Economic downturns and the determination of portfolio asset allocation (2011)
Syed Salim, S. M. N. B. Economic downturns and the determination of portfolio asset allocation. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

A most common question in finance, particularly in
investment perspective, is how an investor should allocate
his wealth. Robert C. Merton (1975) remarks that the quest
for an answer to the problem of lifetime consumption a... Read More about Economic downturns and the determination of portfolio asset allocation.

Ministry of Education of Oman : examinations marks and their relationships with educational indicators (2011)
AL-Hosni, M. Ministry of Education of Oman : examinations marks and their relationships with educational indicators. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study aims to provide a comprehensive view of the national educational system, and then to determine the values of some internationally-used indicators within Oman's schools, and their effects upon student performance in the 12 th grade examinat... Read More about Ministry of Education of Oman : examinations marks and their relationships with educational indicators.