What is the nature and extent of evidence on methodologies for monitoring and evaluating marine spatial management measures in UK and similar coastal waters? A systematic map protocol
Journal Article
O'Leary, B., Bryce, D., McKinley, E., Addison, P. F. E., Williams, C., Carpenter, G., …Yates, K. L. (2019). What is the nature and extent of evidence on methodologies for monitoring and evaluating marine spatial management measures in UK and similar coastal waters? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 8(1), 34. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-019-0178-y
Background: Anthropogenic degradation of marine ecosystems is widely accepted as a major social-ecological problem. The growing urgency to better manage marine ecosystems has led to the increasing application of ‘spatial management measures’ includin... Read More about What is the nature and extent of evidence on methodologies for monitoring and evaluating marine spatial management measures in UK and similar coastal waters? A systematic map protocol.