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Prof Osman Beg's Outputs (449)

Numerical study of natural convection dissipative electro‐magnetic non‐Newtonian flow through a non‐Darcy channel (2022)
Journal Article
Zhang, L., Bhatti, M. M., Beg, O., Leonard, H. J., & Kuharat, S. (2022). Numerical study of natural convection dissipative electro‐magnetic non‐Newtonian flow through a non‐Darcy channel. ZAMM, 102(10),

Inspired by simulating duct thermal processing of novel functional polymers, a novel mathematical model is developed for buoyancy-driven heat transfer in non-Newtonian Williamson fluid flow in a vertical parallel plate duct containing a permeable med... Read More about Numerical study of natural convection dissipative electro‐magnetic non‐Newtonian flow through a non‐Darcy channel.

Electro-osmotic peristaltic flow and heat transfer in an ionic viscoelastic fluid through a curved micro-channel with viscous dissipation (2022)
Journal Article
Khan, A., Akram, K., Zaman, A., Beg, O., & Bég, T. (2022). Electro-osmotic peristaltic flow and heat transfer in an ionic viscoelastic fluid through a curved micro-channel with viscous dissipation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 236(8), 1080-1092.

Emerging systems in microfluidics are embracing bio-inspired designs in which boundaries are flexible and mimic peristaltic propulsion mechanisms encountered in nature. These devices utilize electro-kinetic body forces to manipulate very precisely io... Read More about Electro-osmotic peristaltic flow and heat transfer in an ionic viscoelastic fluid through a curved micro-channel with viscous dissipation.

Impact of Navier’s slip and chemical reaction on the hydromagnetic hybrid nanofluid flow and mass transfer due to porous stretching sheet (2022)
Journal Article

Hybrid nanofluids (HNFs) comprise combinations of different nanoparticles suspended in base fluid. Applications of such nanofluids are rising in the areas of energy and biomedical engineering including smart (functional) coatings. Motivated by these... Read More about Impact of Navier’s slip and chemical reaction on the hydromagnetic hybrid nanofluid flow and mass transfer due to porous stretching sheet.

Thermal effects on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in peristaltic blood flow : mathematical modelling (2022)
Journal Article
Tripathi, D., Bhandari, D., & Beg, O. (2022). Thermal effects on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in peristaltic blood flow : mathematical modelling. Physics of Fluids, 34(6),

SARS-CoV-2 is a novel viral species that has been identified as a highly infectious disease.
Scientists have endeavored to collect essential information to characterize better the behaviour of
this virus including droplet transmission and airborne... Read More about Thermal effects on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in peristaltic blood flow : mathematical modelling.

Magneto-convective flow through a porous enclosure with Hall current and Thermal radiation effects : numerical study (2022)
Journal Article
Venkatadri, K., Beg, O., & Kuharat, S. (2022). Magneto-convective flow through a porous enclosure with Hall current and Thermal radiation effects : numerical study. European Physical Journal - Special Topics,

This paper reports the numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic radiative-convective flow in
a square cavity containing a porous medium with Hall currents. This study is relevant to
hydromagnetic fuel cell design and thermofluidic dynamics of complex... Read More about Magneto-convective flow through a porous enclosure with Hall current and Thermal radiation effects : numerical study.

Cattaneo-Christov dual diffusive non-Newtonian nanoliquid flow featuring nonlinear convection (2022)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Nasir, M., Waqas, M., Kausar, M., & Zamri, N. (2022). Cattaneo-Christov dual diffusive non-Newtonian nanoliquid flow featuring nonlinear convection. Chinese Journal of Physics,

A theoretical study is presented of the transport characteristics in double diffusive tangent
hyperbolic (non-Newtonian) nanofluid boundary layer flow from a stretching flat surface. The Cattaneo–
Christov (non-Fourier and non-Fickian) double diffu... Read More about Cattaneo-Christov dual diffusive non-Newtonian nanoliquid flow featuring nonlinear convection.

Tangent hyperbolic non-Newtonian radiative bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-directional stretching surface with electro-magneto-hydrodynamic, Joule heating and modified diffusion effects (2022)
Journal Article
Prakash, J., Tripathi, D., Akkurt, N., & Beg, O. (2022). Tangent hyperbolic non-Newtonian radiative bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-directional stretching surface with electro-magneto-hydrodynamic, Joule heating and modified diffusion effects. European Physical Journal Plus, 137(472),

Motivated by bio-inspired nano-technological functional coating flows, in the current paper a
theoretical study of laminar, steady, incompressible bioconvection flow of a tangential hyperbolic
(non-Newtonian) nanofluid from a bi-directional stretch... Read More about Tangent hyperbolic non-Newtonian radiative bioconvection nanofluid flow from a bi-directional stretching surface with electro-magneto-hydrodynamic, Joule heating and modified diffusion effects.

Moment analysis of unsteady bi-component species (drug) transport with coupled chemical reaction in non-Newtonian blood flow (2022)
Journal Article

Motivated by exploring the fluid dynamics of dual drug delivery systems in biomedicine, a mathematical analysis of the bi-component species transport (convective-diffusion) in rheological blood flow with bulk chemical reaction through a two-dimension... Read More about Moment analysis of unsteady bi-component species (drug) transport with coupled chemical reaction in non-Newtonian blood flow.

Chemically reactive Maxwell nanoliquid flow by a stretching surface in frames of Newtonian heating, nonlinear convection and radiative flux : nanopolymer flow processing simulation (2022)
Journal Article

The effects of chemical reaction and radiative heat flux in nonlinear mixed thermo-solutal
convection flow of a viscoelastic nanoliquid from a stretchable surface are investigated theoretically.
Newtonian heating is also considered. The UCM (upper... Read More about Chemically reactive Maxwell nanoliquid flow by a stretching surface in frames of Newtonian heating, nonlinear convection and radiative flux : nanopolymer flow processing simulation.

Thermal entrance problem for blood flow inside an axisymmetric tube: the classical Graetz problem extended for Quemada’s bio-rheological fluid with axial conduction (2022)
Journal Article
Khan, M., Ali, N., & Beg, O. (in press). Thermal entrance problem for blood flow inside an axisymmetric tube: the classical Graetz problem extended for Quemada’s bio-rheological fluid with axial conduction. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine,

The heat-conducting nature of blood is critical in the human circulatory system and
features also in important thermal regulation and blood processing systems in biomedicine.
Motivated by these applications, in the present investigation, the classi... Read More about Thermal entrance problem for blood flow inside an axisymmetric tube: the classical Graetz problem extended for Quemada’s bio-rheological fluid with axial conduction.

Simulation of diabetic retinopathy utilizing convolutional neural networks (2022)
Journal Article
Rajarajeswari, P., Moorthy, J., & Beg, O. (2022). Simulation of diabetic retinopathy utilizing convolutional neural networks. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 22(2),

Currently, diabetic retinopathy is still screened as a three-stage classification, which is a tedious strategy and along these lines of this paper focuses on developing an improved methodology. In this methodology, we taught a convolutional neural ne... Read More about Simulation of diabetic retinopathy utilizing convolutional neural networks.

Thermo-solutal dual stratified convective magnetized fluid flow from an exponentially stretching Riga plate sensor surface with thermophoresis (2022)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Mabood, F., Rajput, G., Beg, O., & Badruudin, I. (2022). Thermo-solutal dual stratified convective magnetized fluid flow from an exponentially stretching Riga plate sensor surface with thermophoresis. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 134, 105997.

A theoretical study is presented for the coupled thermo-solutal free convection twodimensional boundary layer flow of a of a magnetized fluid from an exponentially stretched
magnetic sensor (Riga plate) surface. Heat generation/absorption, nonlinear... Read More about Thermo-solutal dual stratified convective magnetized fluid flow from an exponentially stretching Riga plate sensor surface with thermophoresis.

Computational Framework of Magnetized MgO–Ni/Water-Based Stagnation Nanoflow Past an Elastic Stretching Surface: Application in Solar Energy Coatings (2022)
Journal Article

In this article, motivated by novel nanofluid solar energy coating systems, a mathematical model of hybrid magnesium oxide (MgO) and nickel (Ni) nanofluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stagnation point flow impinging on a porous elastic stretching surfac... Read More about Computational Framework of Magnetized MgO–Ni/Water-Based Stagnation Nanoflow Past an Elastic Stretching Surface: Application in Solar Energy Coatings.

Simulation of hydrodynamic penetration in aircraft composite wings using finite volume and fluid-structure-interaction methods (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Kadir, A., Beg, T., Leonard, H., Jouri, W., Gorla, R., & Islam, B. (2022, March). Simulation of hydrodynamic penetration in aircraft composite wings using finite volume and fluid-structure-interaction methods. Presented at ICAMET 2022: 16th International Conference on Aero-Mechanical Engineering and Technologies, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Hydrodynamic penetration in composite materials has been proven to be an important issue leading to significant deterioration of commercial aircraft wing structures. Lingering problems associated with this issue which is initiated with de... Read More about Simulation of hydrodynamic penetration in aircraft composite wings using finite volume and fluid-structure-interaction methods.

Computation of reactive thermosolutal micropolar nanofluid Sakiadis convection flow with gold/silver metallic nanoparticles (2022)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Ferdows, M., Beg, O., Beg, T., & Leonard, H. (in press). Computation of reactive thermosolutal micropolar nanofluid Sakiadis convection flow with gold/silver metallic nanoparticles. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

In the present study, a mathematical model is developed by combining the Tiwari-Das nanofluid
formulation with the Eringen micro-morphic model to simulate the thermo-solutal natural convection chemically
reacting micropolar nanofluid flow from a pe... Read More about Computation of reactive thermosolutal micropolar nanofluid Sakiadis convection flow with gold/silver metallic nanoparticles.

Computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium (2022)
Journal Article
Uddin, J., Amirsom, N., Beg, O., & Ismail, A. (in press). Computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

Transport phenomena with fluid flow, heat, mass, nanoparticle species and microorganism transfer
external to a needle in a porous medium have many biomedical engineering applications (e. g.
hypodermic needles used in hemotology). It is also used to... Read More about Computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium.

Monte Carlo simulation of muonic catalysis in nuclear fusion space propulsion (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., Zubair, A., & Kuharat, S. (2022, March). Monte Carlo simulation of muonic catalysis in nuclear fusion space propulsion. Presented at ICAMET 2022: 16th International Conference on Aero-Mechanical Engineering & Technology, Dubai

With ever-increasing interest in manned space missions, engineers are exploring a variety of exciting concepts for deep space propulsion systems. The most promising thusfar are nuclear propulsion systems (NPS) which may be fission-based or fusion-... Read More about Monte Carlo simulation of muonic catalysis in nuclear fusion space propulsion.

Computation of heat transfer in exothermically reacting rheological hypergolic gel fuels for rocket propulsion systems (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., Zubair, A., Jouri, W., & Gorla, R. (2022, March). Computation of heat transfer in exothermically reacting rheological hypergolic gel fuels for rocket propulsion systems. Presented at ICAMET 2022 : 16th International Conference on Aero-mechanical Engineering & Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

In recent years spacecraft engineers have been actively developing novel rocket fuels for improved
combustion performance and longer duration burn times. Numerous studies have shown the potential
benefits of gelled fuels and oxidizers. The NASA Lew... Read More about Computation of heat transfer in exothermically reacting rheological hypergolic gel fuels for rocket propulsion systems.

Modeling and analysis of magnetic hybrid nanoparticle (Au-Al2O3/blood) based drug delivery through a bell-shaped occluded artery with Joule heating, viscous dissipation and variable viscosity effects (2022)
Journal Article
and variable viscosity effects. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 236(5), 2024-2043.

The present work deals with the impact of hybrid nanoparticles (Au-Al2O3/Blood) on the
blood flow pattern through a porous cylindrical artery with bell-shaped stenosis in the presence of an external magnetic field, Joule heating, and viscous dissipa... Read More about Modeling and analysis of magnetic hybrid nanoparticle (Au-Al2O3/blood) based drug delivery through a bell-shaped occluded artery with Joule heating, viscous dissipation and variable viscosity effects.