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Prof Osman Beg's Outputs (449)

Thermo-hydraulic phenomena of water-Al2O3 nanofluid flow over a rectangular channel with trapezoidal obstacles (2023)
Journal Article
Saha, S., Prasad, V., Beg, O., & Das, A. (2023). Thermo-hydraulic phenomena of water-Al2O3 nanofluid flow over a rectangular channel with trapezoidal obstacles. Journal of Nanofluids, 12(5), 1383-1396.

Numerical simulations of water-Al,O, nanofluid flow in a rectangular channel with two trapezoidal obstacles
have been studied, which has rmarkable effect in various engineering applications. The governing equations
have been solved using SIMPLEC al... Read More about Thermo-hydraulic phenomena of water-Al2O3 nanofluid flow over a rectangular channel with trapezoidal obstacles.

Dual solutions of magnetite/cobalt/manganese-zinc-aqueous nano-ferrofluids from a stretching sheet with magnetic induction effects: MHD stagnation flow computation and analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Ferdows, M., Tazin, T., Bég, A., Bég, T. A., & Ali, K. (2023). Dual solutions of magnetite/cobalt/manganese-zinc-aqueous nano-ferrofluids from a stretching sheet with magnetic induction effects: MHD stagnation flow computation and analysis. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 1-20.

A theoretical study is presented for the steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer
stagnation point flow of a nano-ferrofluid along a linearly moving stretching sheet, as a simulation
of functional magnetic materials processing. Due to having... Read More about Dual solutions of magnetite/cobalt/manganese-zinc-aqueous nano-ferrofluids from a stretching sheet with magnetic induction effects: MHD stagnation flow computation and analysis.

Functional magnetic Maxwell viscoelastic nanofluids for tribological coatings-a model for stretching flow using the generalized theory of heat-mass fluxes, Darcy-Forchheimer formulation and dual convection (2023)
Journal Article
Nasir, M., Waqas, M., Anwar Bég, O., Znaidia, S., Khan, W. A., & Zamri, N. (2023). Functional magnetic Maxwell viscoelastic nanofluids for tribological coatings-a model for stretching flow using the generalized theory of heat-mass fluxes, Darcy-Forchheimer formulation and dual convection. Tribology International, 187,

A theoretical and computational study of an improved Fourier and Fickian model for locally non-similar magnetohydrodynamic Maxwell (non-Newtonian) nanofluid convective flow under thermo-solutal buoyancy forces in a non-Darcian (Darcy-Forchheimer) por... Read More about Functional magnetic Maxwell viscoelastic nanofluids for tribological coatings-a model for stretching flow using the generalized theory of heat-mass fluxes, Darcy-Forchheimer formulation and dual convection.

Mixed convection Casson polymeric flow from a nonlinear stretching surface with radiative flux and non‐Fourier thermal relaxation effects: Computation with CSNIS (2023)
Journal Article
Shahid, A., Wei, W., Bhatti, M. M., Bég, O. A., Beg, O., Bég, T. A., & Beg, T. (2023). Mixed convection Casson polymeric flow from a nonlinear stretching surface with radiative flux and non‐Fourier thermal relaxation effects: Computation with CSNIS. ZAMM,

Thermal non-Newtonian polymer coating flows is growing as a major area in materials
processing. Inspired by new developments in this field which require more sophisticated
mathematical models, the current investigation examines the laminar viscopla... Read More about Mixed convection Casson polymeric flow from a nonlinear stretching surface with radiative flux and non‐Fourier thermal relaxation effects: Computation with CSNIS.

RSM-based sensitivity analysis of hybrid nanofluid in an enclosure filled with non-Darcy porous medium by using LBM method (2023)
Journal Article
Venkatadri, K., Öztop, H. F., Prasad, V. R., Parthiban, S., & Beg, O. (2024). RSM-based sensitivity analysis of hybrid nanofluid in an enclosure filled with non-Darcy porous medium by using LBM method. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications, 85(6), 875-899.

The present analysis is performed to investigate the free convection MHD non-Darcy
flow in hybrid nanofluid (TiO2/Cu-water) occupying a differentially heated square closed
space. The non-dimensional governing equations for mass, momentum and energy... Read More about RSM-based sensitivity analysis of hybrid nanofluid in an enclosure filled with non-Darcy porous medium by using LBM method.

Local non-similar solution for non-isothermal electro-conductive radiative stretching boundary layer heat transfer with aligned magnetic field (2023)
Journal Article
Ferdows, M., Barman, A., Beg, O., Shamshuddin, M., & Sun, S. (2023). Local non-similar solution for non-isothermal electro-conductive radiative stretching boundary layer heat transfer with aligned magnetic field. Applied Sciences, 13(7),

The continuous two-dimensional boundary layer heat transfer in an electroconductive Newtonian
fluid from a stretching surface that is biased by the magnetic field aligned with thermal radiation
is the subject of this study. The effects of magnetic... Read More about Local non-similar solution for non-isothermal electro-conductive radiative stretching boundary layer heat transfer with aligned magnetic field.

Homotopy analysis of mixed convection flow of a magnetized viscoelastic nanofluid from a stretching surface in non-Darcy porous media with revised Fourier and Fickian approaches (2023)
Journal Article
Beg, A., Nasir, M., Waqas, M., & Zamri, N. (2023). Homotopy analysis of mixed convection flow of a magnetized viscoelastic nanofluid from a stretching surface in non-Darcy porous media with revised Fourier and Fickian approaches. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

This article addresses theoretically the mixed convection hydromagnetic flow of
electrically conducting viscoelastic nanofluid from a vertical permeable stretching sheet in a non-Darcy
porous medium with Cattaneo–Christov double diffusion model to... Read More about Homotopy analysis of mixed convection flow of a magnetized viscoelastic nanofluid from a stretching surface in non-Darcy porous media with revised Fourier and Fickian approaches.

Computation of swirling hydromagnetic nanofluid flow containing gyrotactic microorganisms from a spinning disk to a porous medium with hall current and anisotropic slip effects (2023)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Umavathi, J. C., Khan, U. F., Beg, T., & Kadir, A. (in press). Computation of swirling hydromagnetic nanofluid flow containing gyrotactic microorganisms from a spinning disk to a porous medium with hall current and anisotropic slip effects. ZAMM, 103(9),

Prompted by the advancements in hybrid bio-nano-swirling magnetic bioreactors, a
mathematical model for the swirling flow from a rotating disk bioreactor to a magnetic fluid
saturating a porous matrix and containing nanoparticles and gyrotactic mic... Read More about Computation of swirling hydromagnetic nanofluid flow containing gyrotactic microorganisms from a spinning disk to a porous medium with hall current and anisotropic slip effects.

Heat transfer and hydromagnetic electroosmotic Von Kármán swirling flow from a rotating porous disc to a permeable medium with viscous heating and Joule dissipation (2023)
Journal Article
Beg, A., Balaji, R., Prakash, J., Anwar Bég, O., & Tripathi, D. (in press). Heat transfer and hydromagnetic electroosmotic Von Kármán swirling flow from a rotating porous disc to a permeable medium with viscous heating and Joule dissipation. Heat Transfer, 52(5), 3489-3515.

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow and heat transfer in an ionic viscous fluid in a porous medium
induced by a stretching spinning disc and modulated by electroosmosis under an axial magnetic
field and radial electrical field, is presented in this stud... Read More about Heat transfer and hydromagnetic electroosmotic Von Kármán swirling flow from a rotating porous disc to a permeable medium with viscous heating and Joule dissipation.

Passive tracer transport in peristaltic pumping of non-Newtonian blood flow: A mathematical model (2023)
Journal Article
Beg, O., & Roy, A. K. (2023). Passive tracer transport in peristaltic pumping of non-Newtonian blood flow: A mathematical model. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 37(30),

The large time behavior of passive contaminant in non-Newtonian peristaltic blood flow in a two-dimensional (2D) channel (capillary) has been examined in this paper. The power-law model is employed in order to highlight the non-Newtonian blood charac... Read More about Passive tracer transport in peristaltic pumping of non-Newtonian blood flow: A mathematical model.

Transient solute dispersion in electro‐osmotic viscoplastic flow in a microchannel (2023)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Roy, A. K., & Debnath, S. (2023). Transient solute dispersion in electro‐osmotic viscoplastic flow in a microchannel. ZAMM, 103(6),

The transport of a neutral solute in incompressible electro-osmotic flow of Bingham plastic
non-Newtonian liquid flowing through a microchannel is studied theoretically. The flow is driven by a
constant axially applied electric field. The non-dimen... Read More about Transient solute dispersion in electro‐osmotic viscoplastic flow in a microchannel.

Computation of Sakiadis flow of an Eyring-Powell rheological fluid from a moving porous surface with a non-Fourier heat flux model (2023)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Aatif, M., Waqas, M., Zubair, M., & Kadir, A. (2023). Computation of Sakiadis flow of an Eyring-Powell rheological fluid from a moving porous surface with a non-Fourier heat flux model. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

This article examines theoretically and numerically the effect of non-Fourier heat
flux on non-Newtonian (Eyring-Powell) Sakiadis convective flow from a moving permeable
surface accompanied by a parallel free-stream velocity, as a simulation of pol... Read More about Computation of Sakiadis flow of an Eyring-Powell rheological fluid from a moving porous surface with a non-Fourier heat flux model.

Computational study of MHD mixed convective flow of Cu/Al2O3-water nanofluid in a porous rectangular cavity with slits, viscous heating, Joule dissipation and heat source/sink effects (2023)
Journal Article
Santhosh, N., Sivaraj, S., Prasad, V., Beg, O., Leung, H., Kamalov, F., & Kuharat, S. (2023). Computational study of MHD mixed convective flow of Cu/Al2O3-water nanofluid in a porous rectangular cavity with slits, viscous heating, Joule dissipation and heat source/sink effects. Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-34.

Heat transfer by means of mixed convection in enclosures is a topic of great interest due to
several engineering and industrial applications including cooling systems of electronic
components, building and thermal insulation systems, built-in-stora... Read More about Computational study of MHD mixed convective flow of Cu/Al2O3-water nanofluid in a porous rectangular cavity with slits, viscous heating, Joule dissipation and heat source/sink effects.

Effect of viscous dissipation and internal heat source on mono-diffusive thermoconvective stability in a horizontal porous medium layer (2023)
Journal Article
Rafeeq, M., Reddy, G., Matta, A., & Beg, O. (2023). Effect of viscous dissipation and internal heat source on mono-diffusive thermoconvective stability in a horizontal porous medium layer. Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal, 14(1), 17-28.

A mathematical model is developed for studying the onset of mono-diffusive convective fluid flow
in a horizontal porous layer with temperature gradient, internal heat generation and viscous
dissipation effects. Darcy’s model is used for the porous... Read More about Effect of viscous dissipation and internal heat source on mono-diffusive thermoconvective stability in a horizontal porous medium layer.

Entropy generation on chemically reactive hydromagnetic oscillating flow of third grade nanofluid in a porous channel with Cattaneo-Christov heat flux (2023)
Journal Article

The heat and mass transfer characteristics along with Cattaneo-Christov heat flux on oscillating hydromagnetic flow of third grade nanofluid through a permeable channel under entropy generation analysis have been examined in this paper. The impacts o... Read More about Entropy generation on chemically reactive hydromagnetic oscillating flow of third grade nanofluid in a porous channel with Cattaneo-Christov heat flux.

Lattice Boltzmann simulation of thermo-magnetic natural convection in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium (2022)
Journal Article
Beg, O., & Venkatadri, K. (2022). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of thermo-magnetic natural convection in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

Motivated by emerging magnetized hybrid fuel cell applications, a theoretical analysis
of incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) non-Darcian thermogravitational convection
in a square enclosure partially filled with a highly permeable medium in p... Read More about Lattice Boltzmann simulation of thermo-magnetic natural convection in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium.

Thermo-solutal stratification and chemical reaction effects on radiative magnetized nanofluid flow along an exponentially stretching sensor plate: computational analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Shahzad, F., Jamshed, W., Beg, O., Eid, M., & Beg, T. (2022). Thermo-solutal stratification and chemical reaction effects on radiative magnetized nanofluid flow along an exponentially stretching sensor plate: computational analysis. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 565,

Motivated by emerging technologies in nanofluid electromagnetic sensor systems, a
mathematical model is developed for free convective chemically reacting magnetized
Buongiorno nanofluid flow along a stretching exponential Riga plate with dual (ther... Read More about Thermo-solutal stratification and chemical reaction effects on radiative magnetized nanofluid flow along an exponentially stretching sensor plate: computational analysis.

Analysis of dissipative non‐Newtonian magnetic polymer flow from a curved stretching surface with slip and radiative effects (2022)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Gnaneswara Reddy, M., & Tripathi, D. (2022). Analysis of dissipative non‐Newtonian magnetic polymer flow from a curved stretching surface with slip and radiative effects. Heat Transfer, 52(3), 2694-2714.

The convective-radiative magnetohydrodynamic non-Newtonian second grade fluid
boundary layer flow from a curved stretching surface has been scrutinized in the present study.
The Reiner-Rivlin second grade viscoelastic model is deployed which provid... Read More about Analysis of dissipative non‐Newtonian magnetic polymer flow from a curved stretching surface with slip and radiative effects.

Analysis of Nonlinear Convection–Radiation in Chemically Reactive Oldroyd-B Nanoliquid Configured by a Stretching Surface with Robin Conditions: Applications in Nano-Coating Manufacturing (2022)
Journal Article

Motivated by emerging high-temperature manufacturing processes deploying nano-polymeric coatings, the present study investigates nonlinear thermally radiative Oldroyd-B viscoelastic nanoliquid stagnant-point flow from a heated vertical stretching per... Read More about Analysis of Nonlinear Convection–Radiation in Chemically Reactive Oldroyd-B Nanoliquid Configured by a Stretching Surface with Robin Conditions: Applications in Nano-Coating Manufacturing.

Comparative heat transfer analysis of electroconductive Fe3O4–MWCNT– water and Fe3O4–MWCNT– kerosene hybrid nanofluids in a square porous cavity using the non-Fourier heat flux model (2022)
Journal Article
Thirumalaisamy, K., Sivaraj, R., Prasad, V., Beg, O., Leung, H., Kamalov, F., & Panneer, S. (2022). Comparative heat transfer analysis of electroconductive Fe3O4–MWCNT– water and Fe3O4–MWCNT– kerosene hybrid nanofluids in a square porous cavity using the non-Fourier heat flux model. Physics of Fluids, 34(12),

The analysis of heat transmission and fluid flow characteristics within the cavity is useful to improve the features of several applications including energy storage devices and hybrid fuel cells. With this motivation, the present model investigates... Read More about Comparative heat transfer analysis of electroconductive Fe3O4–MWCNT– water and Fe3O4–MWCNT– kerosene hybrid nanofluids in a square porous cavity using the non-Fourier heat flux model.