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Prof Osman Beg's Outputs (453)

Computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium (2022)
Journal Article
Uddin, J., Amirsom, N., Beg, O., & Ismail, A. (in press). Computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

Transport phenomena with fluid flow, heat, mass, nanoparticle species and microorganism transfer
external to a needle in a porous medium have many biomedical engineering applications (e. g.
hypodermic needles used in hemotology). It is also used to... Read More about Computation of bio-nano-convection power law slip flow from a needle with blowing effects in a porous medium.

Computation of heat transfer in exothermically reacting rheological hypergolic gel fuels for rocket propulsion systems (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., Zubair, A., Jouri, W., & Gorla, R. (2022, March). Computation of heat transfer in exothermically reacting rheological hypergolic gel fuels for rocket propulsion systems. Presented at ICAMET 2022 : 16th International Conference on Aero-mechanical Engineering & Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

In recent years spacecraft engineers have been actively developing novel rocket fuels for improved
combustion performance and longer duration burn times. Numerous studies have shown the potential
benefits of gelled fuels and oxidizers. The NASA Lew... Read More about Computation of heat transfer in exothermically reacting rheological hypergolic gel fuels for rocket propulsion systems.

Monte Carlo simulation of muonic catalysis in nuclear fusion space propulsion (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Kadir, A., Leonard, H., Zubair, A., & Kuharat, S. (2022, March). Monte Carlo simulation of muonic catalysis in nuclear fusion space propulsion. Presented at ICAMET 2022: 16th International Conference on Aero-Mechanical Engineering & Technology, Dubai

With ever-increasing interest in manned space missions, engineers are exploring a variety of exciting concepts for deep space propulsion systems. The most promising thusfar are nuclear propulsion systems (NPS) which may be fission-based or fusion-... Read More about Monte Carlo simulation of muonic catalysis in nuclear fusion space propulsion.

Modeling and analysis of magnetic hybrid nanoparticle (Au-Al2O3/blood) based drug delivery through a bell-shaped occluded artery with Joule heating, viscous dissipation and variable viscosity effects (2022)
Journal Article
and variable viscosity effects. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 236(5), 2024-2043.

The present work deals with the impact of hybrid nanoparticles (Au-Al2O3/Blood) on the
blood flow pattern through a porous cylindrical artery with bell-shaped stenosis in the presence of an external magnetic field, Joule heating, and viscous dissipa... Read More about Modeling and analysis of magnetic hybrid nanoparticle (Au-Al2O3/blood) based drug delivery through a bell-shaped occluded artery with Joule heating, viscous dissipation and variable viscosity effects.

Influence of magnetization, variable viscosity and thermal conductivity on Von Karman swirling flow of H2O-FE3O4 and H2O-MN-ZNFe2O4 ferromagnetic nanofluids from a spinning disk : smart spin coating simulation (2022)
Journal Article
Salawu, S., Shamshuddin, M., & Beg, O. (2022). Influence of magnetization, variable viscosity and thermal conductivity on Von Karman swirling flow of H2O-FE3O4 and H2O-MN-ZNFe2O4 ferromagnetic nanofluids from a spinning disk : smart spin coating simulation. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 279, 115659.

Motivated by smart (functional) nano-ferromagnetic spin coating applications, a theoretical study is
described for steady swirling Von Karman thermo-magnetic water-based flowing nanoliquids containing
ferromagnetic nanoparticles from a rotating dis... Read More about Influence of magnetization, variable viscosity and thermal conductivity on Von Karman swirling flow of H2O-FE3O4 and H2O-MN-ZNFe2O4 ferromagnetic nanofluids from a spinning disk : smart spin coating simulation.

Mixed convective-radiative dissipative magnetized micropolar nanofluid flow over a stretching surface in porous media with double stratification and chemical reaction effects : ADM-Padé computation (2022)
Journal Article

The present study deals with the electrically conducting micropolar nanofluid flow
from a vertical stretching surface adjacent to a porous medium under a transverse magnetic
field. Eringen’s micropolar model is deployed for non-Newtonian characteri... Read More about Mixed convective-radiative dissipative magnetized micropolar nanofluid flow over a stretching surface in porous media with double stratification and chemical reaction effects : ADM-Padé computation.

Numerical investigation on transient third-grade magnetized nanofluid flow and radiative convection heat transfer from a stationary/moving cylinder : nanomaterial and nanoparticle shape effects (2022)
Journal Article
Hiremath, A., Reddy, G., Beg, O., & Holla, H. (2022). Numerical investigation on transient third-grade magnetized nanofluid flow and radiative convection heat transfer from a stationary/moving cylinder : nanomaterial and nanoparticle shape effects. Waves in Random and Complex Media,

In this study, a mathematical model is developed for analyzing the time-dependent magnetoconvective flow and heat transfer characteristics of an electrically conducting (functional) thirdgrade Reiner-Rivlin non-Newtonian nanofluid from a moving or st... Read More about Numerical investigation on transient third-grade magnetized nanofluid flow and radiative convection heat transfer from a stationary/moving cylinder : nanomaterial and nanoparticle shape effects.

Computation of magnetohydrodynamic electro-osmotic modulated rotating squeezing flow with zeta potential effects (2022)
Journal Article
Balaji, R., Prakash, J., Tripathi, D., & Beg, O. (2022). Computation of magnetohydrodynamic electro-osmotic modulated rotating squeezing flow with zeta potential effects. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 128430.

Motivated by exploring novel intelligent functional materials deployed in electromagnetic
squeezing flows such systems, a comprehensive mathematical model is developed to investigate
the squeezing flow of a smart viscous ionic magneto-tribological... Read More about Computation of magnetohydrodynamic electro-osmotic modulated rotating squeezing flow with zeta potential effects.

Computation of thermo-solutal convection with Soret-Dufour cross diffusion in a vertical duct containing carbon/metallic nanofluids (2022)
Journal Article
Umavathi, J., & Beg, O. (2022). Computation of thermo-solutal convection with Soret-Dufour cross diffusion in a vertical duct containing carbon/metallic nanofluids. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 236(13), 7456-7472.

Duct flows constitute an important category of modern thermal engineering. Optimizing efficiency has
become a significant objective in the 21st century in, for example, heating ventilation and air-conditioning
(HVAC), coolant or heat transfer fluid... Read More about Computation of thermo-solutal convection with Soret-Dufour cross diffusion in a vertical duct containing carbon/metallic nanofluids.

Electroosmotic modulated unsteady squeezing flow with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, electric and magnetic field effects (2022)
Journal Article
Prakash, J., Tripathi, D., Beg, O., & Sharma, R. (2022). Electroosmotic modulated unsteady squeezing flow with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, electric and magnetic field effects. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,

Modern lubrication systems are increasingly deploying smart (functional) materials. These
respond to various external stimuli including electrical and magnetic fields, acoustics, light etc.
Motivated by such developments, in the present article uns... Read More about Electroosmotic modulated unsteady squeezing flow with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, electric and magnetic field effects.

Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection in a non-Darcian porous enclosure filled with electrically conducting helium gas (2022)
Journal Article
Beg, O., Venkatadri, K., Prasad, V., Beg, T., Leonard, H., Gorla, R., & Rajarajeswari, P. (2022). Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection in a non-Darcian porous enclosure filled with electrically conducting helium gas. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,

A theoretical and computational study of MHD natural convection in an isotropic non-Darcian porous medium saturated with electrically conducting helium gas in an enclosure in the presence of heat generation is presented. A Brinkman extended Darcy-For... Read More about Numerical study of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection in a non-Darcian porous enclosure filled with electrically conducting helium gas.

Convective flow of non-homogeneous fluid conveying nano-sized particles with non-Fourier thermal relaxation : application in polymer coating (2022)
Journal Article
Ray, A., Vasu, B., Murthy, P., Beg, O., Gorla, R., & Kumar, B. (2022). Convective flow of non-homogeneous fluid conveying nano-sized particles with non-Fourier thermal relaxation : application in polymer coating. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,

The present article addresses the steady incompressible convective flow of kinetic theory-based
Eyring-Powell fluid conveying nano-sized particle from a vertical plate with convective boundary
condition and distribution of nanoparticles fraction ov... Read More about Convective flow of non-homogeneous fluid conveying nano-sized particles with non-Fourier thermal relaxation : application in polymer coating.

Axisymmetric radiative titanium dioxide magnetic nanofluid flow on a stretching cylinder with homogeneous/ heterogeneous reactions in Darcy-Forchheimer porous media : intelligent nanocoating simulation (2022)
Journal Article
Pattnaik, P., Mishra, S., Beg, O., Khan, U., & Umavathi, J. (2022). Axisymmetric radiative titanium dioxide magnetic nanofluid flow on a stretching cylinder with homogeneous/ heterogeneous reactions in Darcy-Forchheimer porous media : intelligent nanocoating simulation. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 277, 115589.

Modern nanomaterials coating processes feature high temperature environments and complex chemical
reactions required for the precise synthesis of bespoke designs. Such flow processes are extremely
complex and feature both heat and mass transfer in... Read More about Axisymmetric radiative titanium dioxide magnetic nanofluid flow on a stretching cylinder with homogeneous/ heterogeneous reactions in Darcy-Forchheimer porous media : intelligent nanocoating simulation.

EMHD Casson hybrid nanofluid flow over an exponentially accelerated rotating porous surface (2022)
Journal Article
Prakash, J., Tripathi, D., Beg, O., & Srivastava, V. (2022). EMHD Casson hybrid nanofluid flow over an exponentially accelerated rotating porous surface. Journal of Porous Media, 25(11), 1-24.

The influence of Coriolis body force, electro-magnetohydrodynamics (EMHD) and thermal radiative heat
transfer on the Casson hybrid mixed convection nanofluid driven by an exponentially accelerated plate
adjacent to a porous medium in a rotating sys... Read More about EMHD Casson hybrid nanofluid flow over an exponentially accelerated rotating porous surface.

Aero-acoustic turbulent computational fluid dynamics simulation of a generic automobile with multiple broadband source models (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Various transport engineering systems face numerous challenges to contain the excessive excitations due to aeroacoustics. The regulation of noise, stability and passenger comfort are some of the key parameters that are critical for optimi... Read More about Aero-acoustic turbulent computational fluid dynamics simulation of a generic automobile with multiple broadband source models.

Two-way fluid-structure interaction hydroelastic simulation of vibrating membranes with applications in marine engineering using ANSYS fluent FSI (2021)
Presentation / Conference
Beg, O., Beg, T., Pattison, J., Inam, O., Kuharat, S., Kadir, A., & Jouri, W. (2021, December). Two-way fluid-structure interaction hydroelastic simulation of vibrating membranes with applications in marine engineering using ANSYS fluent FSI. Presented at ICMEAMT 2021: 15th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Technology, Cairo, Egypt

Modern ocean engineering is developing quickly and floating cities, new energy harvesting methods and novel marine systemsare unfolding in the 21stcentury. The intelligent design of many such systems is exploiting “compliant” structures w... Read More about Two-way fluid-structure interaction hydroelastic simulation of vibrating membranes with applications in marine engineering using ANSYS fluent FSI.

Computation of reactive mixed convection radiative viscoelastic nanofluid thermo-solutal transport from a stretching sheet with Joule heating (2021)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Salawu, S., Beg, O., Kadir, A., & Beg, T. (2021). Computation of reactive mixed convection radiative viscoelastic nanofluid thermo-solutal transport from a stretching sheet with Joule heating. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 42(6), 1005-1029.

As a model for electroconductive nanomaterials processing, the present article examines incompressible mixed
convection nanofluid flow with convective heat transport from a stretching sheet under the impact of Joule heating
and radiative heat flux.... Read More about Computation of reactive mixed convection radiative viscoelastic nanofluid thermo-solutal transport from a stretching sheet with Joule heating.

Radiative bioconvection nanofluid squeezing flow between rotating circular plates : semi-numerical study with the DTM-Padé approach (2021)
Journal Article
Zeeshan, A., Arain, M., Bhatti, M., Alzahrani, F., & Beg, O. (2022). Radiative bioconvection nanofluid squeezing flow between rotating circular plates : semi-numerical study with the DTM-Padé approach. Modern Physics Letters B, 36(03), 2150552.

Modern biomedical and tribological systems are increasingly deploying combinations of
nanofluids and bioconvecting micro-organisms which enable improved control of thermal management.
Motivated by these developments, in this study a new mathematica... Read More about Radiative bioconvection nanofluid squeezing flow between rotating circular plates : semi-numerical study with the DTM-Padé approach.

Numerical study of interface tracking for the unsteady flow of two immiscible micropolar and Newtonian fluids through a horizontal channel with an unstable interface (2021)
Journal Article

The dynamics of the interaction between immiscible fluids is relevant to numerous complex
flows in nature and industry, including lubrication and coating processes, oil extraction, physicochemical
separation techniques etc. In this article, the uns... Read More about Numerical study of interface tracking for the unsteady flow of two immiscible micropolar and Newtonian fluids through a horizontal channel with an unstable interface.

Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic couple stress fluid flow from a shrinking porous sheet: Variational iteration method study (2021)
Journal Article
Reddy, G. J., Hiremath, A., Kumar, M., Beg, O., & Kadir, A. (2022). Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic couple stress fluid flow from a shrinking porous sheet: Variational iteration method study. Heat Transfer, 51(2), 2219-2236.

AbstractMotivated by magnetic polymer manufacturing applications, the present research article examines theoretically the hydromagnetic boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting non‐Newtonian couple stress fluid due to a transient shrinking (... Read More about Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic couple stress fluid flow from a shrinking porous sheet: Variational iteration method study.