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Output search results for "sibylle+Thies" (43)

Why does my prosthetic hand not always do what it is told? (2022)
Journal Article
Chadwell, A., Prince, M., Head, J., Galpin, A., Thies, S., & Kenney, L. (2022). Why does my prosthetic hand not always do what it is told?. Frontiers for Young Minds, 10,

There are online videos that appear to show electrically powered prosthetic (artificial) hands to be near-perfect replacements for a missing hand. However, for many users, the reality can be quite different. Prosthetic hands do not always respond as... Read More about Why does my prosthetic hand not always do what it is told?.

Addressing unpredictability may be the key to improving performance with current clinically prescribed myoelectric prostheses (2021)
Journal Article

The efferent control chain for an upper-limb myoelectric prosthesis can be separated into 3 key areas: signal generation, signal acquisition, and device response. Data were collected from twenty trans-radial myoelectric prosthesis users using their o... Read More about Addressing unpredictability may be the key to improving performance with current clinically prescribed myoelectric prostheses.

Methods for clinical evaluation (2020)
Book Chapter
Kenney, L., Kyberd, P., Galpin, A., Chadwell, A., Granat, M., Thies, S., & Head, J. (2020). Methods for clinical evaluation. In K. Nazarpour (Ed.), Control of Prosthetic Hands : challenges and emerging avenues (29-67). Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET).

This chapter begins with an introduction to the challenges of measurement in upper limb prosthetics. This is followed by an overview of the traditional approaches to evaluation and their strengths and weaknesses. By traditional approaches, we mean te... Read More about Methods for clinical evaluation.

Upper limb activity of twenty myoelectric prosthesis users and twenty healthy anatomically intact adults (2019)
Journal Article

The upper limb activity of twenty unilateral upper limb myoelectric prosthesis users and twenty anatomically intact adults were recorded over a 7-day period using two wrist worn accelerometers (Actigraph, LLC). This dataset reflects the real-world ac... Read More about Upper limb activity of twenty myoelectric prosthesis users and twenty healthy anatomically intact adults.

Methods to characterize the real-world use of rollators using inertial sensors – a feasibility study (2019)
Journal Article
Sun, M., Kenney, L., Thies, S., & Costamagna, L. (2019). Methods to characterize the real-world use of rollators using inertial sensors – a feasibility study. IEEE Access, 7,

Rollators are widely used by people with mobility problems, but previous studies have been limited to self-report approaches when evaluating their real-world effectiveness. To support studies based on more robust datasets, a method to estimate mobili... Read More about Methods to characterize the real-world use of rollators using inertial sensors – a feasibility study.

A generalizable methodology for stability assessment of walking aid users (2018)
Costamagna, E. (in press). A generalizable methodology for stability assessment of walking aid users. (Thesis). University of Salford

Walking aids (WAs) aim to improve stability and are used by up to 50% of older Europeans. Paradoxically, their use has been linked to a 2-3-fold increase in the risk of falling. The reasons of this association are unknown, indeed WA use remains poorl... Read More about A generalizable methodology for stability assessment of walking aid users.

Upper limb activity in myoelectric prosthesis users is biased towards the intact limb and appears unrelated to goal-directed task performance (2018)
Journal Article

Studies of the effectiveness of prosthetic hands involve assessing user performance on functional tasks in the lab/clinic, sometimes combined with self-report of real-world use. In this paper we compare real-world upper limb activity between a group... Read More about Upper limb activity in myoelectric prosthesis users is biased towards the intact limb and appears unrelated to goal-directed task performance.

Methods for the real-world evaluation of fall detection technology : a scoping review (2018)
Journal Article
Broadley, R., Klenk, J., Thies, S., Kenney, L., & Granat, M. (2018). Methods for the real-world evaluation of fall detection technology : a scoping review. Sensors, 18(7),

Falls in older adults present a major growing healthcare challenge and reliable detection
of falls is crucial to minimise their consequences. The majority of development and testing has
used laboratory simulations. As simulations do not cover the w... Read More about Methods for the real-world evaluation of fall detection technology : a scoping review.

Visualisation of upper limb activity using spirals - a new approach to the assessment of daily prosthesis usage (2017)
Journal Article

BACKGROUND: Current outcome measures used in upper limb myoelectric prosthesis studies include clinical tests of function and self-report questionnaires on real world prosthesis use. Research in other cohorts has questioned both the validity of self-... Read More about Visualisation of upper limb activity using spirals - a new approach to the assessment of daily prosthesis usage.

The reality of myoelectric prostheses : understanding what makes these devices difficult for some users to control (2016)
Journal Article

Users of myoelectric prostheses can often find them difficult to control. This can lead to passive-use of the device or total rejection, which can have detrimental effects on the contralateral limb due to overuse.
Current clinically available prosth... Read More about The reality of myoelectric prostheses : understanding what makes these devices difficult for some users to control.

Automated detection of instantaneous gait events using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding (2013)
Journal Article
using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 21(6), 908-915.

Accelerometry is a widely used sensing modality
in human biomechanics due to its portability, non-invasiveness, and accuracy. However, difficulties lie in signal variability and interpretation in relation to biomechanical events. In walking, heel st... Read More about Automated detection of instantaneous gait events using time frequency analysis and manifold embedding.

Feasibility study of a take-home array-based functional electrical stimulation system with automated setup for current functional electrical stimulation users with foot-drop (2014)
Journal Article


To investigate the feasibility of unsupervised community use of an array-based automated setup functional electrical stimulator for current foot-drop functional electrical stimulation (FES) users.


Feasibility study.

S... Read More about Feasibility study of a take-home array-based functional electrical stimulation system with automated setup for current functional electrical stimulation users with foot-drop.

Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics (2013)
Journal Article
Grootveld, L., Thies, S., Ogden, D., Howard, D., & Kenney, L. (2014). Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36(2), 255-260.

Walking aids have been associated with falls and it is believed that incorrect use limits their usefulness. Measures are therefore needed that characterize their stable use and the classification of key events in walking aid movement is the first ste... Read More about Automatic detection of lift-off and touch-down of a pick-up walker using 3D kinematics.

Visuomotor behaviours during functional task performance with a myoelectric prosthesis
Sobuh, M. Visuomotor behaviours during functional task performance with a myoelectric prosthesis. (Thesis). University of Salford

Myoelectric hand prostheses are controlled via electromyographic (EMG) signals measured at the residual forearm musculature. Active functional use requires control of force and motion of the prosthetic hand in the absence of proprioceptive and tactil... Read More about Visuomotor behaviours during functional task performance with a myoelectric prosthesis.

Effects of ramp negotiation, paving type and shoe sole geometry on toe clearance in young adults (2011)
Journal Article
Thies, S., Jones, R., Kenney, L., Howard, D., & Baker, R. (2011). Effects of ramp negotiation, paving type and shoe sole geometry on toe clearance in young adults. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(15), 2679-2684.

Trips are a major cause of falls and result from involuntary contact of the foot with the ground during the swing phase of gait. Adequate toe clearance during swing is therefore crucial for safe locomotion. To date, little is known about the effects... Read More about Effects of ramp negotiation, paving type and shoe sole geometry on toe clearance in young adults.

Biomechanics for inclusive urban design : effects of tactile paving on older adults’ gait when crossing the street (2011)
Journal Article

In light of our ageing population it is important that the urban environment is easily accessible and hence supports older adults’ independence. Tactile ‘blister’ paving was originally designed to provide guidance for visually impaired people at pede... Read More about Biomechanics for inclusive urban design : effects of tactile paving on older adults’ gait when crossing the street.

Movement variability in stroke patients and controls performing two upper limb functional tasks: a new assessment methodology (2009)
Journal Article

Background: In the evaluation of upper limb impairment post stroke there remains a gap between detailed kinematic analyses with expensive motion capturing systems and common clinical assessment tests. In particular, although many clinical tests evalu... Read More about Movement variability in stroke patients and controls performing two upper limb functional tasks: a new assessment methodology.

Simulating acceleration from stereophotogrammetry for medical device design (2009)
Journal Article
Tresadern, P., Thies, S., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Smith, C., Rigby, J., & Goulermas, J. (2009). Simulating acceleration from stereophotogrammetry for medical device design. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 131(6),

When designing a medical device based on lightweight accelerometers, the designer is faced with a number of questions in order to maximize performance while minimizing
cost and complexity: Where should the inertial unit be located? How many units ar... Read More about Simulating acceleration from stereophotogrammetry for medical device design.

The relationship between frontal plane gait variability and ankle range of motion in middle-aged and older persons with neuropathy (2009)
Journal Article
Carter, S., Richardson, J., Thies, S., Demott, T., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2009). The relationship between frontal plane gait variability and ankle range of motion in middle-aged and older persons with neuropathy. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(3), 210-215.

Objective: To explore the relationship between frontal plane ankle range of motion (ROM) and frontal plane control during gait, as determined by step-width variability and step-width range, among middle-aged
and older persons with peripheral neuropa... Read More about The relationship between frontal plane gait variability and ankle range of motion in middle-aged and older persons with neuropathy.

An instance-based algorithm with auxiliary similarity information for the estimation of gait kinematics from wearable sensors. (2008)
Journal Article

Wearable human movement measurement systems
are increasingly popular as a means of capturing human movement data in real-world situations. Previous work has attempted to estimate segment kinematics during walking fromfoot acceleration and angular ve... Read More about An instance-based algorithm with auxiliary similarity information for the estimation of gait kinematics from wearable sensors..

Rapid prototyping for functional electrical stimulation control (2008)
Journal Article
Tresadern, P., Thies, S., Kenney, L., Howard, D., & Goulermas, J. (2008). Rapid prototyping for functional electrical stimulation control. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7(2), 62-69.

Electrical muscle stimulators can help restore limb function following a neurological injury. However, complex neuromuscular stimulators need a straightforward software interface to simplify hardware programming and make patient care more efficient.... Read More about Rapid prototyping for functional electrical stimulation control.

An exploration of step time variability on smooth and irregular surfaces in older persons with neuropathy (2008)
Journal Article
Richardson, J., Thies, S., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2008). An exploration of step time variability on smooth and irregular surfaces in older persons with neuropathy. Clinical Biomechanics, 23(3), 349-356.

Background. Increased step time variability, particularly on an irregular surface, has been associated with impaired mobility function and a variety of diseases. However the biomechanical necessity, or advantage, of increasing step time variability h... Read More about An exploration of step time variability on smooth and irregular surfaces in older persons with neuropathy.

Comparison of linear acceleration from three measurement systems during “reach & grasp” (2007)
Journal Article
Thies, S., Tresadern, P., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Goulermas, J., Smith, C., & Rigby, J. (2007). Comparison of linear acceleration from three measurement systems during “reach & grasp”. Medical Engineering and Physics, 29(9), 967-972.

Given the increased use of accelerometers in movement analysis, validation of such inertial sensors against conventional 3D camera systems and performance comparisons of different sensors have become important topics in biomechanics. This paper evalu... Read More about Comparison of linear acceleration from three measurement systems during “reach & grasp”.

Falls and gait characteristics among older persons with peripheral neuropathy (2007)
Journal Article
DeMott, T., Richardson, J., Thies, S., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2007). Falls and gait characteristics among older persons with peripheral neuropathy. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(2), 125-132.

Objective: To prospectively determine the frequency and circumstances of falls in older persons with peripheral neuropathy and to identify gait characteristics on smooth and irregular surfaces associated with falls
in this same population.
Design:... Read More about Falls and gait characteristics among older persons with peripheral neuropathy.

Gait analysis in a challenging environment differentiates between fallers and non-fallers among older patients with peripheral neuropathy (2005)
Journal Article
Richardson, J., Thies, S., DeMott, T., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2005). Gait analysis in a challenging environment differentiates between fallers and non-fallers among older patients with peripheral neuropathy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(8), 1539-1544.

Objective: To identify differences in gait based on fall
history among a group of older subjects with peripheral neuropathy (PN) in 2 environments: standard (SE) (smooth surface, normal lighting) and challenging (CE) (irregular surface, low lighting... Read More about Gait analysis in a challenging environment differentiates between fallers and non-fallers among older patients with peripheral neuropathy.

A comparison of gait characteristics between older women with and without peripheral neuropathy on smooth and unlevel surfaces (2004)
Journal Article
Richardson, J., Thies, S., DeMott, T., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2004). A comparison of gait characteristics between older women with and without peripheral neuropathy on smooth and unlevel surfaces. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 52(9), 1532-1537.

OBJECTIVES: To compare gait patterns in older women
with and without peripheral neuropathy (PN) in standard
(smooth surface, normal lighting) and challenging environments (CE) (irregular surface, low lighting).
DESIGN: Observational, controlled st... Read More about A comparison of gait characteristics between older women with and without peripheral neuropathy on smooth and unlevel surfaces.

Interventions improve gait regularity in patients with peripheral neuropathy while walking on an irregular surface under low light. (2004)
Journal Article
Richardson, J., Thies, S., DeMott, T., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2004). Interventions improve gait regularity in patients with peripheral neuropathy while walking on an irregular surface under low light. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 52(4), 510-515.


To determine which, if any, of three inexpensive interventions improve gait regularity in patients with peripheral neuropathy (PN) while walking on an irregular surface under low-light conditions. Design:

Observational. Setting:... Read More about Interventions improve gait regularity in patients with peripheral neuropathy while walking on an irregular surface under low light..

Influence of an irregular surface and low light on the step variability of patients with peripheral neuropathy during level gait (2005)
Journal Article
Thies, S., Richardson, J., DeMott, T., & Ashton-Miller, J. (2005). Influence of an irregular surface and low light on the step variability of patients with peripheral neuropathy during level gait. Gait & Posture, 22(1), 40-45.

Patients with peripheral neuropathy (PN) report greater difficulty walking on irregular surfaces with low light (IL) than on flat surfaces with regular lighting (FR). We tested the primary hypothesis that older PN patients would demonstrate greater s... Read More about Influence of an irregular surface and low light on the step variability of patients with peripheral neuropathy during level gait.

What causes a crossover step when walking on uneven ground? A study in healthy young women. (2007)
Journal Article
Thies, S., Ashton-Miller, J., & Richardson, J. (2007). What causes a crossover step when walking on uneven ground? A study in healthy young women. Gait & Posture, 26(1), 156-160.

We hypothesized that, during gait, the perturbation caused by stepping on a 1.2-cm high protuberance with the medial forefoot would not only alter stance foot kinematics and kinetics, but also alter subsequent step location and timing, even to the po... Read More about What causes a crossover step when walking on uneven ground? A study in healthy young women..

Evaluation of a novel biomechanics-informed walking frame, developed through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between biomechanists and design engineers (2023)
Journal Article
Thies, S. B., Bevan, S., Wassall, M., Kurissinkal, B., Chowalloor, L., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2023). Evaluation of a novel biomechanics-informed walking frame, developed through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between biomechanists and design engineers. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1), 734.

Background: Walking aids such as walking frames offer support during walking, yet paradoxically, people who self-report using them remain more likely to fall than people who do not. Lifting of walking frames when crossing door thresholds or when turn... Read More about Evaluation of a novel biomechanics-informed walking frame, developed through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between biomechanists and design engineers.

Determining safety, usability, acceptability and potential for clinical use of an innovative walking frame design with in- and community patients (2025)
Journal Article

Falls cost the NHS over £2 billion a year, with incidence increasing rapidly with age. Design of indoor walking frames remains limited, often needing to be lifted and not supporting sit-to-stand and turning manoeuvres, which can lead to fall... Read More about Determining safety, usability, acceptability and potential for clinical use of an innovative walking frame design with in- and community patients.