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Outputs (21)

LTEC FLT 2024 Transnational Education Laura Coucill (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Coucill, L. (2024, September). LTEC FLT 2024 Transnational Education Laura Coucill. Poster presented at Festival of Learning & Teaching

This project was funded by the British Council to develop transnational education routes between UK and Egypt. In-kind contributions were provided by University of Salford Impact Fund.

Transnational Education for Decarbonisation (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Coucill, L. (2024, July). Transnational Education for Decarbonisation. Paper presented at Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Future-Focused Education: Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Intersecting Zero-Carbon Goals with Architectural Heritage Practices: Experiences from a Transnational Design Studio
Dr. Sherif Goubran1, Dr. Laura Coucill2, Prof. Tom Jefferies3, Prof. Gary Boyd3

American University in Cairo
University of Sa... Read More about Transnational Education for Decarbonisation.

Intersecting Zero-Carbon Goals with Architectural Heritage Practices: Experiences from a Transnational Design Studio (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Coucill, L. (2023, July). Intersecting Zero-Carbon Goals with Architectural Heritage Practices: Experiences from a Transnational Design Studio. Presented at Towards a Theory of Architectural Sustainability, Lancaster, UK

What can transnational education teach us about climate change?

Are approaches to zero carbon development compatible with protected heritage in the built environment? Can UNESCO values be reconciled resilient urban futures? What will future zero... Read More about Intersecting Zero-Carbon Goals with Architectural Heritage Practices: Experiences from a Transnational Design Studio.

Despite Disruptions: the resilience of the design studio model (2023)
Journal Article
Coucill, L., & Crompton, E. (2023). Despite Disruptions: the resilience of the design studio model. AMPS proceedings series, 28(1), 255-261

Everyone remembers their first year at architecture school, but what makes a memorable year a great one and how can this be perpetuated in a distributed and digitally connected context?

Reflecting on over a decade of leadership, this paper introdu... Read More about Despite Disruptions: the resilience of the design studio model.

Despite disruptions: the resilience of the design studio model (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Coucill, L., & Crompton, E. (2022, April). Despite disruptions: the resilience of the design studio model. Presented at AMPS: a focus on pedagogy: Teaching, Learning and Research in the Modern Academy, Online/Virtual

Lockdown urbanism: COVID-19 lifestyles and liveable futures opportunities in Wuhan and Manchester (2020)
Journal Article
Jefferies, T., Cheng, J., & Coucill, L. (2020). Lockdown urbanism: COVID-19 lifestyles and liveable futures opportunities in Wuhan and Manchester. Cities and Health, 5, 155-158.

Based on the authors’ personal experiences, this commentary discusses contrasting urban contexts and lockdown measures in twinned cities Wuhan, China and Manchester, UK, to examine spatial reach under COVID-19 restrictions in both places. Focusing on... Read More about Lockdown urbanism: COVID-19 lifestyles and liveable futures opportunities in Wuhan and Manchester.