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Multimedia approach to research methods teaching at Masters level
Haigh, C., Enright, S., & Long, T. Multimedia approach to research methods teaching at Masters level

The project is designed to provide a novel, creative approach to the redevelopment
of a masters-level research methods module. A learning resource pack will be
developed consisting of a reader and a series of time-limited CD-ROMs, each of
which wo... Read More about Multimedia approach to research methods teaching at Masters level.

Assessing students' ability to self-assess : its relationship with measures of personal academic control and self-efficacy
Cassidy, S. Assessing students' ability to self-assess : its relationship with measures of personal academic control and self-efficacy

Studies examining factors underlying academic performance have reliably
established the significant involvement of psychological factors or individual
differences (Cassidy & Eachus, 2000 & 2002). Psychological factors such as
academic self-efficac... Read More about Assessing students' ability to self-assess : its relationship with measures of personal academic control and self-efficacy.

A reflective review of educational events with marker potential on a full-time occupational therapy course
Mckenna, J., & Supyk, J. A reflective review of educational events with marker potential on a full-time occupational therapy course

This study will form the first stage of a planned four-year longitudinal study of educational marker events using representative samples of full and part time occupational therapy students. A review of the literature will be undertaken to highlight... Read More about A reflective review of educational events with marker potential on a full-time occupational therapy course.

The preparedness of traditional and problem-based learning (PBL) Salford radiology graduates for their role as healthcare professionals
Mackay, S., Evans, J., & Cunningham, L. The preparedness of traditional and problem-based learning (PBL) Salford radiology graduates for their role as healthcare professionals

This project will determine how well prepared graduates from the BSc (Hons.) Diagnostic Radiography programme were to undertake their role as a newly qualified diagnostic radiographer. Two consecutive cohorts will be audited separately one which expe... Read More about The preparedness of traditional and problem-based learning (PBL) Salford radiology graduates for their role as healthcare professionals.

Establishing a pilot toolkit of video-based learning resources
Crozier, A., Smith, C., & James, M. Establishing a pilot toolkit of video-based learning resources

The project aims to develop a video based learning resource that could be accessed through Blackboard containing video clips of practical skills and real clinical cases / case studies. These are core elements of vocational degree programmes such as P... Read More about Establishing a pilot toolkit of video-based learning resources.

Common cultures in diversified approaches to teaching and learning and skills development through work-based consultancies in the University of Salford
Douglas, C. Common cultures in diversified approaches to teaching and learning and skills development through work-based consultancies in the University of Salford

This project will investigate the approaches followed and the role that work based learning (WBL) consultancies currently plays in student-centred learning at the University of Salford. This enquiry seeks to explore the nature of the vocational skill... Read More about Common cultures in diversified approaches to teaching and learning and skills development through work-based consultancies in the University of Salford.

Improving dissertation assessment
Haigh, R., Amaratunga, R., & Baldry, D. Improving dissertation assessment

Concerns have been expressed over assessment practices in higher education, with calls for increased accountability of lecturers and greater consistency of standards (Brown and Glasner, 1999). The need to ensure consistency is even greater with modu... Read More about Improving dissertation assessment.

Guidelines for improving social outcomes gained through distance learning tools
Ingirige, B., Amaratunga, R., Sexton, M., Ahmed, V., Baldry, D., & Aouad, G. Guidelines for improving social outcomes gained through distance learning tools

History of distance learning dates back to the late 1960’s. However, with the advent of the Internet it was repositioned as a major tool for course delivery so that students can undertake learning within a setting of their choice aligned with a pace... Read More about Guidelines for improving social outcomes gained through distance learning tools.

A computer assisted assessment tool for physiological measurement within the School of Nursing
Hardicre, J., & Procter, C. A computer assisted assessment tool for physiological measurement within the School of Nursing

Following helpful feedback from the Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee and further discussions with key staff from the School of Nursing, the project team have expanded on the information submitted for the initial bid and have incorporated responses... Read More about A computer assisted assessment tool for physiological measurement within the School of Nursing.

Development of a translation management project for students following MA/PG Dip in translating
Fernandez, M. Development of a translation management project for students following MA/PG Dip in translating

The project consists of the development of a new Translation Management Project for students registered on the MA/Pg Dip in Translating, MA/Pg Dip in Interpreting and Translating and the MA/Pg Dip in Chinese-English-Chinese Translating with Interpret... Read More about Development of a translation management project for students following MA/PG Dip in translating.

To evaluate the impact of introducing a credit bearing PDP and Skills Development module on students ability to reflect on and plan for their progress in academic and other key skills
Savory, J. To evaluate the impact of introducing a credit bearing PDP and Skills Development module on students ability to reflect on and plan for their progress in academic and other key skills

In September 2005 a credit rated PDP and study skills module was introduced into the first year of the part time HNC in Housing Studies programme. The module combines practical whole group skills development sessions on topics such as essay writing,... Read More about To evaluate the impact of introducing a credit bearing PDP and Skills Development module on students ability to reflect on and plan for their progress in academic and other key skills.

Enhancing the learning opportunities of part-time postgraduate students whilst off-campus: periodic self-assessment of image interpretation and report writing skills using Blackboard
Nightingale, J. Enhancing the learning opportunities of part-time postgraduate students whilst off-campus: periodic self-assessment of image interpretation and report writing skills using Blackboard

The MSc Advanced Practice (Gastrointestinal Imaging) programme prepares radiographers for image interpretation and reporting, a task traditionally undertaken by medically trained radiologists. This project will support learning undertaken both in th... Read More about Enhancing the learning opportunities of part-time postgraduate students whilst off-campus: periodic self-assessment of image interpretation and report writing skills using Blackboard.

Enhancing the quality of research supervision to meet the needs of professional doctorate students
Lee, N. Enhancing the quality of research supervision to meet the needs of professional doctorate students

This project will enhance the quality of research supervision for professional doctorate (DProf) students at the University, building on existing knowledge and practices. The outcome will be evidence based DProf supervision guidelines. These will be... Read More about Enhancing the quality of research supervision to meet the needs of professional doctorate students.

Using audio based learning activities to enhance the student learning experience
Dowdle, D. Using audio based learning activities to enhance the student learning experience

Today’s students expect their education to be delivered to them in ways that are different to the more traditional delivery mechanisms that many of their tutors may have experienced (Coopers & Lybrand, 1998). The old ‘chalk and talk’ approach, in whi... Read More about Using audio based learning activities to enhance the student learning experience.