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Prof Geoff Hide's Outputs (1)

Detection of high levels of congenital transmission of toxoplasma gondii in natural urban populations of mus domesticus (2004)
Journal Article
Marshall, P., Hughes, J., Murphy, G., Williams, R., Smith, J., Murphy, R., & Hide, G. (2004). Detection of high levels of congenital transmission of toxoplasma gondii in natural urban populations of mus domesticus. Parasitology, 128(1), 39-42.

The relative importance of different transmission routes of Toxoplasma gondii has been a matter for debate. This ubiquitous parasite is generally thought to be transmitted by infective oocysts excreted by the definitive host, the cat. Ingestion of un... Read More about Detection of high levels of congenital transmission of toxoplasma gondii in natural urban populations of mus domesticus.