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Dr Sabine Von-Hunerbein's Outputs (4)

Wind turbine amplitude modulation: research to improve understanding as to its cause & effect (2013)
Cand, M., Bullmore, A., Smith, M., von Hünerbein, S., & Davis, R. (2013). Wind turbine amplitude modulation: research to improve understanding as to its cause & effect

This report contains full details of Renewable UK’s research into amplitude modulation, detailing the identification, occurrence and mitigation of a characteristic known as Other Amplitude Modulation(OAM).

A bistatic sodar for precision wind profiling in complex terrain (2013)
Journal Article
Bradley, S., von Hünerbein, S., & Mikkelsen, T. (2013). A bistatic sodar for precision wind profiling in complex terrain. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(8), 1052-1061.

A new ground-based wind profiling technology—a scanned bistatic sodar—is described. The motivation for this design is to obtain a “mastlike” wind vector profile in a single atmospheric column extending from the ground to heights of more than 200 m. T... Read More about A bistatic sodar for precision wind profiling in complex terrain.

Health impacts of wind turbines (2013)
von Hünerbein, S., Moorhouse, A., Fiumicelli, D., & Baguley, D. (2013). Health impacts of wind turbines

This report presents the results of a rapid, desk based analysis of peer reviewed UK and international literature from the last four years on the effects of wind turbines on human health. The review covers literature specified by the Scottish governm... Read More about Health impacts of wind turbines.

Beam geometry calibration of SODARs without use of a mast (2013)
Journal Article
Bradley, S., & von Hünerbein, S. (2013). Beam geometry calibration of SODARs without use of a mast. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30(9), 1-23.

A new method for calibration of SODAR wind speed measurements is described. The method makes no assumptions whatsoever about the SODAR operation and its hardware and software, other than the assumption that only one beam is transmitted at a time. Reg... Read More about Beam geometry calibration of SODARs without use of a mast.