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Environmental, health and safety assessment of nanoparticle application in drilling mud – review (2023)
Journal Article
Martin, C., Nourian, A., Babaie, M., & Nasr, G. (in press). Environmental, health and safety assessment of nanoparticle application in drilling mud – review. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 226,

The rapid increase in the use of engineered nanoparticles in different industrial applications
makes risk assessment on human health, ecosystem and the environment necessary. Health,
safety and environmental (HSE) risks of a technology are an insep... Read More about Environmental, health and safety assessment of nanoparticle application in drilling mud – review.

Rheological properties of the water-based muds composed of silica nanoparticle under high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) (2022)
Journal Article
Martin, C., Babaie, M., Nourian, A., & Nasr, G. (2022). Rheological properties of the water-based muds composed of silica nanoparticle under high pressure and high temperature (HPHT). SPE Journal, 27(5), 2563-2576.

Research currently has shown two contradicting conclusions about silica nanoparticle (SNP) application in mud fluid. While different studies have concluded that adding SNPs reduces the rheological properties, others have found that this is not the ca... Read More about Rheological properties of the water-based muds composed of silica nanoparticle under high pressure and high temperature (HPHT).

Utilization of fine water sprays in explosion mitigation : cold trial (2020)
Journal Article
Johnston, S., Nasr, G., & Nourian, A. (2020). Utilization of fine water sprays in explosion mitigation : cold trial. Atomization and Sprays, 30(6), 431-450.

For the past fifty years, there has been a great deal of interest using water-based explosion suppression systems in mitigating/reducing the impact of thermal explosions and their consequential overpressures. Previous research focused on the suppress... Read More about Utilization of fine water sprays in explosion mitigation : cold trial.

Stabilizing biopolymers in water-based drilling fluids at high temperature using antioxidants, a formate salt, and polyglycol (2018)
Journal Article

Biopolymers degrade in water-based drilling fluids when exposed to high temperatures for some time, thus leading to hole-cleaning problems such as stuck pipe. To stabilise biopolymers in drilling fluids, the mechanisms by which they degrade at elevat... Read More about Stabilizing biopolymers in water-based drilling fluids at high temperature using antioxidants, a formate salt, and polyglycol.

Experimental investigation of the impact of biosurfactants on residual-oil recovery (2016)
Journal Article
Ukwungwu, S., Abbas, A., & Nasr, G. (2016). Experimental investigation of the impact of biosurfactants on residual-oil recovery

The increasing high price of natural gas and oil with
attendant increase in energy demand on world markets in recent years
has stimulated interest in recovering residual oil saturation across the
globe. In order to meet the energy security, effort... Read More about Experimental investigation of the impact of biosurfactants on residual-oil recovery.

Well injectivity management during geological carbon sequestration activity (2016)
Journal Article
Beinashor, R., Nourian, A., Nasr, G., & Abbas, A. (2016). Well injectivity management during geological carbon sequestration activity. Journal of petroleum engineering & technology (Online), 6(3), 32-43.

It is well known that the saline aquifer formations are considered very reliable candidates for carbon sequestration because of their wide availability and they have good storage capacity. Due to high formation salinity, there a big concern about bor... Read More about Well injectivity management during geological carbon sequestration activity.

The effects of dissolved Sodium Chloride (NaCl) on well injectivity during CO2 storage into saline aquifers (2016)
Journal Article

Saline aquifer formations seem to be promising candidates for carbon dioxide (CO2) storage due to their wide availability as well they have large storage capacity. Once CO2 is injected into saline aquifer variety of processes will take place, among o... Read More about The effects of dissolved Sodium Chloride (NaCl) on well injectivity during CO2 storage into saline aquifers.

Real-time gas lift valve to enhance well performance (2016)
Journal Article
Abdalsadig, M., Nourian, A., Nasr, G., & Babaie, M. (2016). Real-time gas lift valve to enhance well performance. Journal of petroleum engineering & technology (Online), 6(2), 1-10.

Optimum production from a gas lift well mainly depends on proper injection gas quantity; injection pressure and depth of injection and gas lift valve performance. The quality of down hole gas lift valves plays a crucial role in achieving maximum effi... Read More about Real-time gas lift valve to enhance well performance.

Stationary rotary force waves on the liquid–air core interface of a swirl atomizer (2015)
Journal Article
Chinn, J., Cooper, D., Yule, A., & Nasr, G. (2016). Stationary rotary force waves on the liquid–air core interface of a swirl atomizer. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52(10), 2037-2050.

A one-dimensional wave equation, applicable to the waves on the surface of the air-core of a swirl atomizer is derived analytically, by analogy to the similar one-dimensional wave equation derivation for shallowwater gravity waves. In addition an ana... Read More about Stationary rotary force waves on the liquid–air core interface of a swirl atomizer.

Novel metered aerosol valve (2015)
Journal Article
Nourian, A., Nasr, G., Yule, A., Hawthorne, G., & Goldberg, T. (2016). Novel metered aerosol valve. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230(10), 1557-1568.

The design and performance of a new valving mechanism for portable pressurized spraying devices is described, where
the propellant in the device is a safe gas (so-called compressed gas) propellant rather than the current liquefied gases all
of whic... Read More about Novel metered aerosol valve.

Compressed gas domestic aerosol valve design using high viscous product (2014)
Journal Article
Nourian, A., Nasr, G., Pillai, D., & Waters, M. (2014). Compressed gas domestic aerosol valve design using high viscous product. International Journal of Multiphysics, 8(4), 437-460.

Most of the current universal consumer aerosol products using high
viscous product such as cooking oil, antiperspirants, hair removal cream
are primarily used LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) propellant which is
unfriendly environmental. The advantag... Read More about Compressed gas domestic aerosol valve design using high viscous product.

Next generation of consumer aerosol valve design using inert gases (2014)
Journal Article
Nourian, A., Nasr, G., Yule, A., Goldberg, T., & Tulloch, G. (2015). Next generation of consumer aerosol valve design using inert gases. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 229(16), 2952-5976.

The current global consumer aerosol products such as deodorants, hairsprays, air-fresheners, polish, insecticide, disinfectant
are primarily utilised unfriendly environmental propellant of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for over three decades.
The a... Read More about Next generation of consumer aerosol valve design using inert gases.

Novel aerosol insert design utilizing inert compressed gas (2014)
Journal Article
Burby, M., Nasr, G., Hawthorne, G., Asmuin, N., & Yule, A. (2014). Novel aerosol insert design utilizing inert compressed gas. Atomization and Sprays, 24(12), 1035-1063.

Household aerosols are self-contained handheld devices for spraying products such as air fresheners,
hairspray, surface cleaners, polishes, and deodorants. Industrial aerosols are similar devices for spraying:
cleaners, lubricants, paints, and adhe... Read More about Novel aerosol insert design utilizing inert compressed gas.

A new fine spray, low flowrate, spill-return swirl atomizer (2011)
Journal Article
Nasr, G., Yule, A., Stewart, J., Whitehead, A., & Hughes, T. (2011). A new fine spray, low flowrate, spill-return swirl atomizer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225(4), 897-908.

A novel high liquid pressure fine spray swirl atomizer has been developed, which
incorporates a spill-return orifice into the rear face of the swirl chamber with the aim of giving
a significant reduction in flowrate while maintaining the droplet si... Read More about A new fine spray, low flowrate, spill-return swirl atomizer.

Assessment of emergency safety showers against proposed EU and ANSI standards (2008)
Journal Article
Burby, M., Nasr, G., Yule, A., & Hughes, T. (2008). Assessment of emergency safety showers against proposed EU and ANSI standards. International Journal of Multiphysics, 2(3), 565.

This investigation was carried out with the cooperation of a major international safety shower manufacturer, Hughes Safety Showers Ltd. The first part of this study was to characterise various commercial safety shower heads with regard to their spray... Read More about Assessment of emergency safety showers against proposed EU and ANSI standards.

Steady state high pressure spray cooling of high temperature steel surfaces (2007)
Journal Article
Sharief, R., Nasr, G., & Yule, A. (2007). Steady state high pressure spray cooling of high temperature steel surfaces. Atomization and Sprays, 17(2), 171-191.

Water-spray cooling of heated surfaces is common in many industrial applications, notably steelmaking, because of its high heat dissipating ability. Quantitative information regarding the parameters affecting spray cooling is relatively scarce. The o... Read More about Steady state high pressure spray cooling of high temperature steel surfaces.

Characteristics of water droplet impaction behaviour on a polished steel heated surface: part II (2007)
Journal Article
Akhtar, S., Nasr, G., & Yule, A. (2007). Characteristics of water droplet impaction behaviour on a polished steel heated surface: part II. Atomization and Sprays, 17(8), 683-729.

This article presents the results and analysis of the droplet impaction on a hot stainless steel surface which is in two parts. Part I of this study reported the results of analysis of high speed visualisations of droplet impaction phenomena on a sta... Read More about Characteristics of water droplet impaction behaviour on a polished steel heated surface: part II.

Characteristics of water droplet impaction behaviour on a polished steel heated surface: part I (2007)
Journal Article
Akhtar, S., Nasr, G., & Yule, A. (2007). Characteristics of water droplet impaction behaviour on a polished steel heated surface: part I. Atomization and Sprays, 17(8), 659-681.

This paper, which is in two parts, presents the results and analysis of droplet impaction on a hot stainless steel surface. Part I of this study reports the results of analysis of high-speed visualizations of droplet impaction phenomena on a hot stai... Read More about Characteristics of water droplet impaction behaviour on a polished steel heated surface: part I.