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How Can Big Data Analytics Improve Outbound Logistics in The UK Retail Sector? A Qualitative Study (2023)
Journal Article
Ali, M., & Essien, A. (2023). How Can Big Data Analytics Improve Outbound Logistics in The UK Retail Sector? A Qualitative Study. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore how big data analytics (BDA) as a potential information technology (IT) innovation can facilitate the retail logistics supply chain (SC) from the perspective of outbound logistics operations in the Un... Read More about How Can Big Data Analytics Improve Outbound Logistics in The UK Retail Sector? A Qualitative Study.

The 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge for Hearing Aid Speech Intelligibility Enhancement: Overview and Outcomes (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper reports on the design and outcomes of the 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge (CEC2), a challenge for stimulating novel approaches to hearing-aid speech intelligibility enhancement. The challenge was for a listener attending to a target spea... Read More about The 2nd Clarity Enhancement Challenge for Hearing Aid Speech Intelligibility Enhancement: Overview and Outcomes.

Environmental, health and safety assessment of nanoparticle application in drilling mud – review (2023)
Journal Article
Martin, C., Nourian, A., Babaie, M., & Nasr, G. (in press). Environmental, health and safety assessment of nanoparticle application in drilling mud – review. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 226,

The rapid increase in the use of engineered nanoparticles in different industrial applications
makes risk assessment on human health, ecosystem and the environment necessary. Health,
safety and environmental (HSE) risks of a technology are an insep... Read More about Environmental, health and safety assessment of nanoparticle application in drilling mud – review.

A comparison between the high-frequency Boundary Element Method and Surface-Based Geometrical Acoustics (2023)
Journal Article
Hargreaves, J. (2023). A comparison between the high-frequency Boundary Element Method and Surface-Based Geometrical Acoustics.

The audible frequency range covers many octaves in which the wavelength changes from being large with respect to dominant features of a space to being comparatively much smaller. This makes numerical prediction of a space's acoustic response, e.g. fo... Read More about A comparison between the high-frequency Boundary Element Method and Surface-Based Geometrical Acoustics.

DeepClean : a robust deep learning technique for autonomous vehicle camera data privacy (2022)
Journal Article
Adeboye, O., Dargahi, T., Babaie, M., Saraee, M., & Yu, C. (2022). DeepClean : a robust deep learning technique for autonomous vehicle camera data privacy. IEEE Access,

Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are equipped with several sensors which produce various forms of data, such as
geo-location, distance, and camera data. The volume and utility of these data, especially camera data, have
contributed to the advancement of h... Read More about DeepClean : a robust deep learning technique for autonomous vehicle camera data privacy.

An Experimental Study of Granular Material Using Recycled Concrete Waste for Pavement Roadbed Construction (2022)
Journal Article
Al-Mosawe, H., Albayati, A., Wang, Y., & Mashaan, N. S. (2022). An Experimental Study of Granular Material Using Recycled Concrete Waste for Pavement Roadbed Construction. Buildings, 12(11), 1926.

Rapid worldwide urbanization and drastic population growth have increased the demand for new road construction, which will cause a substantial amount of natural resources such as aggregates to be consumed. The use of recycled concrete aggregate could... Read More about An Experimental Study of Granular Material Using Recycled Concrete Waste for Pavement Roadbed Construction.

Experimental study of temperature effect on the mechanical tensile fatigue of hydrated lime modified asphalt concrete and case application for the analysis of climatic effect on constructed pavement (2022)
Journal Article
constructed pavement. Case studies in construction materials, 17,

Previous experimental studies have suggested that hot mixed asphalt (HMA) concrete using hydrated lime (HL) to partially replace the conventional limestone dust filler at 2.5% by the total weight of all aggregates showed an optimum improvement on sev... Read More about Experimental study of temperature effect on the mechanical tensile fatigue of hydrated lime modified asphalt concrete and case application for the analysis of climatic effect on constructed pavement.

Active flux scheme for time-dependent, viscous, compressible flows (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Sugar-Gabor, O. (2022, October). Active flux scheme for time-dependent, viscous, compressible flows. Presented at International Conference of Aerospace Sciences AEROSPATIAL 2022, INCAS, Bucharest, Romania

The Active Flux scheme is a Finite Volume scheme with additional degrees of freedom on the cell
boundaries. These additional nodes allow for third-order accuracy to be achieved, though extensions to
higher orders are also possible. Unlike Godunov-t... Read More about Active flux scheme for time-dependent, viscous, compressible flows.

Non-intrusive reduced-order model for unsteady fluid flow and fluid-structure interaction problems (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Sugar-Gabor, O., & Fairchild, D. (2022, October). Non-intrusive reduced-order model for unsteady fluid flow and fluid-structure interaction problems. Presented at International Conference of Aerospace Sciences AEROSPATIAL 2022, INCAS, Bucharest, Romania

A non-intrusive reduced-order model applicable to time-dependent parametric systems is
developed. The model is based on extracting a reduced-order basis from high-order snapshots via proper
orthogonal decomposition. Multi-layered feedforward artifi... Read More about Non-intrusive reduced-order model for unsteady fluid flow and fluid-structure interaction problems.

Machine learning-based optimized link state routing protocol for D2D communication in 5G/B5G (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Bunu, S., Saraee, M., & Alani, O. (2022, September). Machine learning-based optimized link state routing protocol for D2D communication in 5G/B5G. Presented at The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs) 2022, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Device to Device (D2D) communication in Fifth
Generation (5G) and unavoidable in Beyond Fifth Generation
(B5G) technology is designed to increase network capacity by
offloading backhaul links and base stations traffic and
improving the performanc... Read More about Machine learning-based optimized link state routing protocol for D2D communication in 5G/B5G.

Sonic enhancement of virtual exhibits (2022)
Journal Article
Al-Taie, I., Di Franco, P., Tymkiw, M., Williams, D., & Daly, I. (2022). Sonic enhancement of virtual exhibits. PLoS ONE, 17(8),

Museums have widely embraced virtual exhibits. However, relatively little attention is paid to how sound may create a more engaging experience for audiences. To begin addressing this lacuna, we conducted an online experiment to explore how sound infl... Read More about Sonic enhancement of virtual exhibits.

A Boundary Element Method (BEM) Solver for Low Frequency Room Modes (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Cicero, A., & Hargreaves, J. A. (2022, August). A Boundary Element Method (BEM) Solver for Low Frequency Room Modes. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

Room modes are known to be problematic in small critical listening environments. They degrade the acoustic quality at low frequencies, producing peaks and nulls in the frequency domain and ringing in the time domain. The Finite Element Method (FEM) i... Read More about A Boundary Element Method (BEM) Solver for Low Frequency Room Modes.

Raytracing in Galerkin Boundary Integral form (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Emthyas, A., & Hargreaves, J. (2022, August). Raytracing in Galerkin Boundary Integral form. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

Raytracing is an established method for computing the late-time part of room impulse responses. But it has the drawback that only very crude Monte Carlo models of boundary scattering and diffraction are possible to include without losing its attracti... Read More about Raytracing in Galerkin Boundary Integral form.

Analysis and control of acoustic modes in cylindrical cavities with application to Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) testing (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Hargreaves, J. (2022, August). Analysis and control of acoustic modes in cylindrical cavities with application to Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) testing. Presented at Internoise 2022, Glasgow, Scotland

It is well known that acoustic cavities have frequencies at which certain free-response ‘modes’ of propagation respond especially strongly. In the absence of significant damping, these cause peaks of high SPL in the frequency response as well as spat... Read More about Analysis and control of acoustic modes in cylindrical cavities with application to Direct Field Acoustic Noise (DFAN) testing.

Text line segmentation from struck-out handwritten document images (2022)
Journal Article
Shivakumara, P., Jain, T., Pal, U., Surana, N., Antonacopoulos, A., & Lu, T. (2022). Text line segmentation from struck-out handwritten document images. Expert systems with applications, 210, 118266.

In the case of freestyle everyday handwritten documents, writing, erasing, striking out, and overwriting are common behaviors of the writers. This not cleanly-written text poses significant challenges for text line segmentation. Accurate text line se... Read More about Text line segmentation from struck-out handwritten document images.