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Postscript—Progress and Challenges for Progressing Progressive Child First Youth Justice (2023)
Book Chapter
Hazel, N., & Case, S. (2023). Postscript—Progress and Challenges for Progressing Progressive Child First Youth Justice. In S. Case, & N. Hazel (Eds.), Child First: Developing a New Youth Justice System (367-385). Palgrave Macmillan.

Drawing on observations from throughout the Child First book, this final chapter considers both the progress of the Child First principle in the youth justice system in England and Wales and its challenges in moving forwards. Accepting that reforming... Read More about Postscript—Progress and Challenges for Progressing Progressive Child First Youth Justice.

Developing Child First as the guiding principle for youth justice (2023)
Book Chapter
Hazel, N., & Williams, P. (2023). Developing Child First as the guiding principle for youth justice. In S. Case, & N. Hazel (Eds.), Child First: Developing a New Youth Justice System (169-201). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter charts the formulation and development between 2018 and 2022 of Child First as the new guiding principle for youth justice in England and Wales. From the position of leading its development, the authors provide a unique contemporary ‘in... Read More about Developing Child First as the guiding principle for youth justice.

Hearing from justice-involved, care experienced children: what are their experiences of residential care environments and regimes? (2023)
Journal Article
Day, A., Clark, A., & Hazel, N. (2023). Hearing from justice-involved, care experienced children: what are their experiences of residential care environments and regimes?. Journal of Children's Services,

The disproportionate representation in juvenile justice systems of children who are, or have been, in the care of the state is a major cause of concern internationally. However, the experiences of this particular group are largely absent fro... Read More about Hearing from justice-involved, care experienced children: what are their experiences of residential care environments and regimes?.

Children in custody during the pandemic and beyond (2022)
Journal Article
Hazel, N., & Bennett, J. (2022). Children in custody during the pandemic and beyond. Prison service journal, 54-59

Neal Hazel is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at University of Salford, and also a member of the
Youth Justice Board. He is interviewed by Dr Jamie Bennett who is a Deputy Director in HMPPS.
The interview took place in December 2021.

Child first, offender second – a progressive model for education in custody (2020)
Journal Article
Case, S., & Hazel, N. (2020). Child first, offender second – a progressive model for education in custody. International Journal of Educational Development, 77, 102244.

Dis­en­gage­ment and poor ed­u­ca­tional at­tain­ment in ed­u­ca­tion are firmly es­tab­lished risk fac­tors for ju­ve­nile crime, lead­ing pol­i­cy­mak­ers to iden­tify ed­u­ca­tional pro­vi­sion in and af­ter cus­tody as a key path­way for ef­fec­t... Read More about Child first, offender second – a progressive model for education in custody.

Supporting children's resettlement ('reentry') after custody : beyond the risk paradigm (2020)
Journal Article
Hazel, N., & Bateman, T. (2021). Supporting children's resettlement ('reentry') after custody : beyond the risk paradigm. Youth Justice, 21(1), 71-89.

In response to policy concerns in England and Wales and internationally, a considerable knowledge-base has identified factors statistically associated with reduced recidivism for children leaving custody. However, despite resulting guidance on how t... Read More about Supporting children's resettlement ('reentry') after custody : beyond the risk paradigm.

Using an identity lens : constructive working with children in the criminal justice system (2020)
Hazel, N., Drummond, C., Welsh, M., & Joseph, K. (2020). Using an identity lens : constructive working with children in the criminal justice system

Research has shown that identity, and how you feel about yourself, can be key to moving forward with life and away from crime. Working with the University of Salford, Youth Offending Teams and supported by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, this resource has... Read More about Using an identity lens : constructive working with children in the criminal justice system.

"Now all I care about is my future" : Supporting the shift : Framework for the effective resettlement of young people leaving custody (Full report) (2017)
Hazel, N. (2017). "Now all I care about is my future" : Supporting the shift : Framework for the effective resettlement of young people leaving custody (Full report). London

This document presents a new framework for understanding effective resettlement of young people. It has been produced as part of the Beyond Youth Custody (BYC) programme, funded under the Big Lottery Fund’s Youth in Focus initiative.

This new... Read More about "Now all I care about is my future" : Supporting the shift : Framework for the effective resettlement of young people leaving custody (Full report).

‘Now all I care about is my future’ – supporting the shift : a summary (2017)
Hazel, N. (2017). ‘Now all I care about is my future’ – supporting the shift : a summary. London

This summary report proposes a theory of change for the effective resettlement of young people leaving custody. It recognises that effective and sustainable resettlement facilitates a shift in the way that a young person sees themselves, from an iden... Read More about ‘Now all I care about is my future’ – supporting the shift : a summary.

The role of the family in resettlement (2016)
Hazel, N., Goodfellow, P., Lockwood, K., Wright, S., McAteer, L., & Francis, V. (2016). The role of the family in resettlement

This practitioner’s guide unpicks different interpretations of ‘family’. It explores the family’s unique position to fulfil key characteristics that research has shown are associated with effective resettlement support. It highlights recommendations... Read More about The role of the family in resettlement.

Resettlement : lessons from the literature update March 2016 (2016)
Hazel, N., & Lockwood, K. (2016). Resettlement : lessons from the literature update March 2016

This review is the most recent in a series of regular updates intended to outline the latest lessons from research, policy and practice in the resettlement of young people. It provides an overview of relevant publications and developments since Beyon... Read More about Resettlement : lessons from the literature update March 2016.

The importance of education and training in effective resettlement (reentry) (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Hazel, N. (2016, January). The importance of education and training in effective resettlement (reentry). Presented at Prisoners' Education Trust Academic Symposium, South Bank University, London

Effective resettlement (reentry or aftercare) of children who have been incarcerated is a longstanding concern for policymakers and practitioners. Factors related to education provision have been shown to be significantly related to whether a child... Read More about The importance of education and training in effective resettlement (reentry).

Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project (2015)
Hazel, N., Hampson, K., & Kinsey, T. (2015). Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project. Cardiff

The research informing
this report included quantitative analysis of the experiences of children from Southern Wales leaving
custody (on licence from a detention and training order) between October 2012 and September
2014, 14 project questionnaire... Read More about Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project.

Resettlement of young people leaving custody : lessons from the literature update October 2015 (2015)
Hazel, N., & Lockwood, K. (2015). Resettlement of young people leaving custody : lessons from the literature update October 2015

This review is the most recent in a series of regular updates intended to outline the latest lessons from research, policy and practice in the resettlement of young people. It provides an overview of relevant publications and developments since Beyon... Read More about Resettlement of young people leaving custody : lessons from the literature update October 2015.

Youth resettlement in North Wales, and the Resettlement Broker Project (2015)
Hazel, N., & Hampson, K. (2015). Youth resettlement in North Wales, and the Resettlement Broker Project. Cardiff

The research informing this report included quantitative analysis of the experiences of children from North Wales leaving custody (on licence from a detention and training order) between October 2012 and September 2014, 11 qualitative interviews and... Read More about Youth resettlement in North Wales, and the Resettlement Broker Project.

Resettlement of young people leaving custody : lessons from the literature update July 2015 (2015)
Hazel, N., & Lockwood, K. (2015). Resettlement of young people leaving custody : lessons from the literature update July 2015. London

This review is the most recent in a series of regular updates intended to outline the latest lessons from research, policy and practice in the resettlement of young people. It provides an overview of relevant publications and developments since Beyon... Read More about Resettlement of young people leaving custody : lessons from the literature update July 2015.

Inspecting probation services in England & Wales : The assessment of effectiveness in a mixed sector contract environment (2015)
Journal Article
McDowell, P., & Hazel, N. (2015). Inspecting probation services in England & Wales : The assessment of effectiveness in a mixed sector contract environment. Perspectives, 39(2), 92-102

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation for England and Wales (HMIP) has always adjusted its function and focus to accommodate changes in the political and probation landscape. However, it has consistently judged effectiveness of services by auditin... Read More about Inspecting probation services in England & Wales : The assessment of effectiveness in a mixed sector contract environment.

Cross-national comparison of youth justice approaches and youth custody (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Hazel, N. (2014, December). Cross-national comparison of youth justice approaches and youth custody. Presented at Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Conference on Children Deprived of Liberty in Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, Hungary

This paper explored the key differences in approaches between youth justice systems. It considered the pressures on jurisdictions that result in varying policies and practices. It argued that analysis of policies as either emphasising children as "y... Read More about Cross-national comparison of youth justice approaches and youth custody.