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Ordinary, ambivalent and defensive: class identities in the Northwest of England (2001)
Journal Article
Savage, M., Bagnall, G., & Longhurst, B. (2001). Ordinary, ambivalent and defensive: class identities in the Northwest of England. Sociology, 35(4), 875-892.

This paper uses data gathered from an ESRC funded research project on social networks, social capital and lifestyle to provide an account of contemporary class identities derived from 178 in-depth interviews carried out in the Manchester area between... Read More about Ordinary, ambivalent and defensive: class identities in the Northwest of England.

Comparison of bibliographic databases for information on the rehabilitation of people with severe mental illness (2001)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., & Long, A. (2001). Comparison of bibliographic databases for information on the rehabilitation of people with severe mental illness. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 89(4), 353-362

Objective: The research sought to examine the overlap in coverage between several health-related databases, thus enabling the identification of the most important sources for searching for information on the rehabilitation of people with severe menta... Read More about Comparison of bibliographic databases for information on the rehabilitation of people with severe mental illness.

Approaches to the risk of riding motorcycles: reflections on the problem of reconciling statistical risk assessment and motorcyclists' own reasons for riding (2001)
Journal Article
Lawrenson, D., & Bellaby, P. (2001). Approaches to the risk of riding motorcycles: reflections on the problem of reconciling statistical risk assessment and motorcyclists' own reasons for riding. Sociological Review, 49(3), 368-388.

The manners in which motorcyclists and road safety experts assess motorcycling diverge widely. Experts view it as an extremely risky venture and imply that only the foolhardy would engage in it. Our own survey research appears to support this view. A... Read More about Approaches to the risk of riding motorcycles: reflections on the problem of reconciling statistical risk assessment and motorcyclists' own reasons for riding.

Feminist philosophy and information systems (2001)
Journal Article
Adam, A., & Richardson, H. (2001). Feminist philosophy and information systems. Information Systems Frontiers, 3(2), 143-154.

This paper offers a new approach to the philosophical foundations of information systems (IS) through feminist philosophy and, in particular, feminist epistemology. This can be used to expose the universalizing tendency of many information systems an... Read More about Feminist philosophy and information systems.

Offender morality and the criminal event (2001)
Book Chapter
Birkbeck, C., & Gabaldon, L. (2001). Offender morality and the criminal event. In R. Meier, L. Kennedy, & V. Sacco (Eds.), The process and structure of crime: criminal events and crime ananlysis (95-124). Transaction Publishers

Living and coping with excessive infantile crying (2001)
Journal Article
Long, T., & Johnson, M. (2001). Living and coping with excessive infantile crying. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(2), 155-162.

Aim: The aim of the study was to elicit from parents how they lived and coped with a baby who cries excessively. It sought to identify factors which made coping more difficult, as well as interventions perceived by parents to be effective in improvin... Read More about Living and coping with excessive infantile crying.

Macro and micro patterns in the development of secure custodial institutions for serious and persistent young offenders in England and Wales (2001)
Journal Article
Hagell, A., & Hazel, N. (2001). Macro and micro patterns in the development of secure custodial institutions for serious and persistent young offenders in England and Wales. Youth Justice, 1(1), 3-16.

During the last two centuries England and Wales have developed what is now referred to as the ‘secure estate for juveniles’: various institutions providing custody for young offenders. Overall (macro) patterns of use of custody have been shown to rel... Read More about Macro and micro patterns in the development of secure custodial institutions for serious and persistent young offenders in England and Wales.

Transfer of learning across nation states : developing culturally sensitive methods of social work education (2001)
Journal Article
Horwath, J., & Shardlow, S. (2001). Transfer of learning across nation states : developing culturally sensitive methods of social work education. European Journal of Social Work, 4(1), 29-38.

Sharing of ideas about good practice and values in social work education and practice across Europe is a fast developing process. As the emergent post-communist states of Eastern and Central Europe, have developed new economic systems, participatory... Read More about Transfer of learning across nation states : developing culturally sensitive methods of social work education.

Arguments for 'British Pluralism' in qualitative health research (2001)
Journal Article
Johnson, M., Long, T., & White, A. (2001). Arguments for 'British Pluralism' in qualitative health research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(2), 243-249.

Aims of the study. This paper examines the argument that certain qualitative research methods can be used in 'pure' forms. Whilst rigid adherence to particular published procedures might be possible, we argue that in many cases this is neither necess... Read More about Arguments for 'British Pluralism' in qualitative health research.

Knowledge, truth and reflexivity: the problem of judgement (2001)
Journal Article
White, S., & Taylor, C. (2001). Knowledge, truth and reflexivity: the problem of judgement. Journal of Social Work, 1(1), 37-59.

Summary: The authors argue that social work is as much a practical-moral activity as it is a technical-rational one. In order to pursue these themes, they explore the place of realist knowledge in social work and their alternative position on the com... Read More about Knowledge, truth and reflexivity: the problem of judgement.