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Obecity (2005)
Journal Article
Marvin, S., & Medd, W. (2005). Obecity

Tourism and sustainable economic development : marketing implications and strategic framework : the case study of Libya (2005)
Abuharris, A. Tourism and sustainable economic development : marketing implications and strategic framework : the case study of Libya. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

The purpose of the study is to identify the tourism potential, examine the significance
of tourism to the national economy and evaluate the marketing of Libya as a tourist
destination. The effects of tourism development on several countries inclu... Read More about Tourism and sustainable economic development : marketing implications and strategic framework : the case study of Libya.

An ICT framework to improve the tendering process in the governmental construction sector in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2005)
Al-Atawi, S. An ICT framework to improve the tendering process in the governmental construction sector in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research explores the nature of tendering procurement process within the public construction sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the first instance an outline of
the general characteristics of the environment in which construction project... Read More about An ICT framework to improve the tendering process in the governmental construction sector in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

What stimulants and impediments exist in the application of the Private Finance Initiative to provide better value for money in nuclear energy generation in the United Kingdom? (2005)
Cadman, D. What stimulants and impediments exist in the application of the Private Finance Initiative to provide better value for money in nuclear energy generation in the United Kingdom?. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

In February 2003 the Government issued a White Paper reviewing energy
policy. Diminishing indigenous natural supplies, the loss of the United
Kingdom's nuclear energy generation capacity, with the exception of the
Sizewell B nuclear power station,... Read More about What stimulants and impediments exist in the application of the Private Finance Initiative to provide better value for money in nuclear energy generation in the United Kingdom?.

Examining the sustainability impacts of mega sports events : fuzzy modelling as a new integrated appraisal system (2005)
Dodouras, S. Examining the sustainability impacts of mega sports events : fuzzy modelling as a new integrated appraisal system. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Sustainable development is recognised as being a complex concept and this is often its
main deficiency. A critical review of existing integrated assessment tools identified that
current valuation methods give weak signals on integration, adding to... Read More about Examining the sustainability impacts of mega sports events : fuzzy modelling as a new integrated appraisal system.

A framework for a capability maturity model for purchasing : construction and manufacturing engineering (2005)
Hassan, H. A framework for a capability maturity model for purchasing : construction and manufacturing engineering. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Purchasing activities are defined as the essential activities associated with the
acquisition of the materials, services and equipment used in a business organisation.
They are significant functions because they help organisations to realise many... Read More about A framework for a capability maturity model for purchasing : construction and manufacturing engineering.

A knowledge-based approach to managing project change in the construction phase within collaborative team settings (2005)
Senaratne, S. A knowledge-based approach to managing project change in the construction phase within collaborative team settings. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Changes in construction projects are common and can lead to disruptive effects such
as project delays, cost overruns and quality deviations. The rework due to unplanned
changes can cost 10-15% of contract value. By managing these changes more
e... Read More about A knowledge-based approach to managing project change in the construction phase within collaborative team settings.

Enterprise information systems: technology first or process first? (2005)
Journal Article
Arif, M., Kulonda, D., Jones, J., & Proctor, M. (2005). Enterprise information systems: technology first or process first?. Business Process Management Journal, 11(1), 5-21.

Purpose – Enterprise resource planning (ERP), a technological approach for enterprise information
systems, has many recorded case examples of lengthy and expensive implementations reported in
literature. This research has uncovered an alternative p... Read More about Enterprise information systems: technology first or process first?.