Preserving methodological consistency, a reply to Raftery, McGeorge and Walters
Journal Article
Rooke, J., Seymour, D., & Crook, D. (1997). Preserving methodological consistency, a reply to Raftery, McGeorge and Walters. Construction Management and Economics, 15(5), 491-494.
Raftery, J., McGeorge, D. and Walters, M. (1977) Construction Management and Economics, 15(3), 291-297, criticise Seymour, D.E. and Rooke, J.A. (1995) Construction Management and Economics 13(6), 511-523 for setting out battle lines in their use of t... Read More about Preserving methodological consistency, a reply to Raftery, McGeorge and Walters.