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Preserving methodological consistency, a reply to Raftery, McGeorge and Walters (1997)
Journal Article
Rooke, J., Seymour, D., & Crook, D. (1997). Preserving methodological consistency, a reply to Raftery, McGeorge and Walters. Construction Management and Economics, 15(5), 491-494.

Raftery, J., McGeorge, D. and Walters, M. (1977) Construction Management and Economics, 15(3), 291-297, criticise Seymour, D.E. and Rooke, J.A. (1995) Construction Management and Economics 13(6), 511-523 for setting out battle lines in their use of t... Read More about Preserving methodological consistency, a reply to Raftery, McGeorge and Walters.

Developing a more empirical approach to culture, attitude and motivation in construction management research: a critique and a proposal (1997)
Journal Article
Rooke, J. (1997). Developing a more empirical approach to culture, attitude and motivation in construction management research: a critique and a proposal. Journal of construction procurement, 3(2),

This paper addresses the problem of achieving adequate empirical accounts of culture, motivation and attitudes in construction management research. The usual association of adequacy with objectivity, causality and quantification is criticised and it... Read More about Developing a more empirical approach to culture, attitude and motivation in construction management research: a critique and a proposal.

Re-Engineering, concurrent engineering, lean production: What is the ideal antidote for the construction industry's ailments? (1997)
Presentation / Conference
Koskela, L. (1997, July). Re-Engineering, concurrent engineering, lean production: What is the ideal antidote for the construction industry's ailments?. Presented at International Conference on Construction Process Re-engineering, Gold Coast, Australia

It is widely agreed that the practice of construction is deficient and requires improvement. However, the construction research community has had little to contribute to a solution, except trialling new approaches from general management scene or ad... Read More about Re-Engineering, concurrent engineering, lean production: What is the ideal antidote for the construction industry's ailments?.