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All Outputs (339)

Integration of trees into sustainable drainage systems (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Scholz, M., & Englmeier, M. (2006, September). Integration of trees into sustainable drainage systems. Presented at 4th National Conference held by CIWEM and Aqua Enviro, Newcastle upon Tyne

Model complexity vs. performance in the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Correa, E., & Shapiro, J. (2006, September). Model complexity vs. performance in the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm. Presented at Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IX, Reykjavik, Iceland

The Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA) uses a Bayesian network to estimate the probability distribution of promising solutions to a given optimization problem. This distribution is then used to generate new candidate solutions. The objective is to... Read More about Model complexity vs. performance in the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm.

p63 and p73, members of the p53 gene family, transactivate PKCδ (2006)
Journal Article
Ponassi, R., Terrinoni, A., Chikh, A., Rufini, A., Lena, A., Sayan, B., …Candi, E. (2006). p63 and p73, members of the p53 gene family, transactivate PKCδ. Biochemical Pharmacology, 72(11), 1417-1422.

The p53 family comprises three genes that encode for p53, p63 and p73. These genes have a significant degree of sequence homology, especially in the central sequence-specific DNA-binding domain. The high homology among the three DNA-binding domains i... Read More about p63 and p73, members of the p53 gene family, transactivate PKCδ.

Analysis of laser ablation plumes by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry: a comparative study (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Cowpe, J., Astin, J., Pilkington, R., Hill, A., Longson, M., & Robinson, T. (2006, September). Analysis of laser ablation plumes by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry: a comparative study. Poster presented at Fourth International Conference on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy and Applications (LIBS '06), Montreal, Canada

Plasma plumes resulting from Nd:YAG laser ablation of copper and Fecralloy (Fe 72.8%, Cr 22%, Al 5%, Zr trace, Y trace) have been analysed simultaneously with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry (LAMS). A... Read More about Analysis of laser ablation plumes by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry: a comparative study.

Photonic crystal thin films of GaAs prepared by atomic layer deposition (2006)
Journal Article
Povey, I., Whitehead, D., Thomas, K., Pemble, M., Bardosova, M., & Renard, J. (2006). Photonic crystal thin films of GaAs prepared by atomic layer deposition. Applied Physics Letters, 89(10), 104103.

Photonic crystal thin films were fabricated via the self-assembly of a lattice of silica spheres on silicon (100) substrates. Progressive infilling of the air spaces within the structure with GaAs was achieved using trimethylgallium and arsine under... Read More about Photonic crystal thin films of GaAs prepared by atomic layer deposition.

A comparative study of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry applied to dc magnetron sputtered as-grown copper indium diselenide. (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Astin, J., Cowpe, J., Hill, A., Hisek, J., Lucas, N., & Pilkington, R. (2006, September). sputtered as-grown copper indium diselenide. Presented at Photon '06, University of Manchester UK

The University of Salford has led the way in the fundamental research that has underpinned the development of thin film copper indium diselenide (CIS) based photovoltaics. These devices have demonstrated exceptional energy conversion efficiencies... Read More about A comparative study of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry applied to dc magnetron sputtered as-grown copper indium diselenide..

Hydatid cysts: does every picture tell a story? (2006)
Journal Article
Rogan, M., Hai, W., Richardson, R., Zeyhle, E., & Craig, P. (2006). Hydatid cysts: does every picture tell a story?. Trends in Parasitology, 22(9), 431-438.

Ultrasound imaging is an effective aid to the detection of abdominal cystic echinococcosis. Recently, the images produced have provided more information than just a diagnosis. Different cyst morphologies have been classified into types, and such clas... Read More about Hydatid cysts: does every picture tell a story?.

Alliances in Construction: Investigating Initiatives and Barriers for Long-term Collaboration , Engineering (2006)
Journal Article
Ingirige, B., & Sexton, M. (2006). Alliances in Construction: Investigating Initiatives and Barriers for Long-term Collaboration , Engineering. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 13(5), 521 - 535.

Purpose ? This paper aims to prove that alliances in the construction industry can be used as vehicles to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Design/methodology/approach ? The paper first sets out a theoretical proposition through a literature... Read More about Alliances in Construction: Investigating Initiatives and Barriers for Long-term Collaboration , Engineering.

Excellence, relevance and the university; the missing middle in universities’ socio-economic engagement (2006)
Journal Article
Perry, B., & May, T. (2006). Excellence, relevance and the university; the missing middle in universities’ socio-economic engagement. Revue de l'Enseignement Supérieur en Afrique, 4(3), 69-9

The international political economy for higher education is marked by an increasing globalisation and regionalisation of activities. In this context an emphasis on the roles of universities as engines of economic growth and sub-national economic and... Read More about Excellence, relevance and the university; the missing middle in universities’ socio-economic engagement.

Teaching practice in safety education: qualitative evidence. (2006)
Journal Article
Shearn, P. (2006). Teaching practice in safety education: qualitative evidence. Research Papers in Education, 21(3), 335-359.

Although health, safety and risk education for school pupils has received growing attention in recent years, for the most part related education programmes and research aimed at assessing those programmes have focused on health education, with relati... Read More about Teaching practice in safety education: qualitative evidence..

Factors influencing flow of object focussed collaboration in collaborative virtual environments (2006)
Journal Article
Otto, O., Heldal, I., Wolff, R., & Roberts, D. (2006). Factors influencing flow of object focussed collaboration in collaborative virtual environments. Virtual Reality, 10(2), 119-133.

Creativity is believed to be helped by an uncluttered state of mind known as flow and as the trend grows towards less immersive displays to produce an uncluttered workplace, we ask the question “Does immersion matter to the flow of distributed group... Read More about Factors influencing flow of object focussed collaboration in collaborative virtual environments.

Pertinent background knowledge for learning protein grammars (2006)
Book Chapter
Bryant, C., Fredouille, D., Wilson, A., Jayawickreme, C., Jupe, S., & Topp, S. (2006). Pertinent background knowledge for learning protein grammars. In J. Fürnkranz, T. Scheffer, & M. Spiliopoulou (Eds.), Machine learning: ECML 2006 (54-65). Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

We are interested in using Inductive Logic Programming(ILP) to infer grammars representing sets of protein sequences. ILP takes as input both examples and background knowledge predicates. This work is a first step in optimising the choice of backgrou... Read More about Pertinent background knowledge for learning protein grammars.

Community surveys and risk factor analysis of human alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China (2006)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Sun, T., Li, Z., Zhang, J., Teng, J., Liu, X., …McManus, D. (2006). Community surveys and risk factor analysis of human alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 84(9), 714-721.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the true community prevalence of human cystic (CE) and alveolar (AE) echinococcosis (hydatid disease) in a highly endemic region in Ningxia Hui, China, by detecting asymptomatic cases. METHODS: Using hospital records and “AE-r... Read More about Community surveys and risk factor analysis of human alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China.