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Developing a framework for the implementation of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Alshehri, H., & Meziane, F. (2011, January). Developing a framework for the implementation of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia. Presented at Proceedings of the 2nd Computing, Science and Engineering, University of Salford

One of most important technological innovations of the last decades is e-commerce allowing buyers and vendors to engage in transactions using the Internet world. Firms in developed countries have been successfully in using e-commerce whereas those in... Read More about Developing a framework for the implementation of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia.

Case study research methodology (2011)
Journal Article
Widdowson, M. (2011). Case study research methodology. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research, 2(1), 25-34

Commenting on the lack of case studies published in modern psychotherapy publications, the author reviews the strengths of case study methodology and responds to common criticisms, before providing a summary of types of case studies including clinica... Read More about Case study research methodology.

A presentation of Herman Dooyeweerd's aspects of temporal reality (2011)
Journal Article
Basden, A. (2011). A presentation of Herman Dooyeweerd's aspects of temporal reality

Dooyeweerd's suite of aspects is attracting interest as an aid in analysis, discussion and research, partly because the aspects express the diversity and coherence of meaning and normativity that we experience in everyday reality. Unfortunately, no s... Read More about A presentation of Herman Dooyeweerd's aspects of temporal reality.

Motivational interviewing: A useful approach to improving cardiovascular health? (2011)
Journal Article
Thompson, D., Chair, S., Chan, S., Astin, F., Davidson, P., & Ski, C. (2011). Motivational interviewing: A useful approach to improving cardiovascular health?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(9-10), 1236-1244.

Aim.  To review and synthesise, systematically, the research findings regarding motivational interviewing and to inform education, research and practice in relation to cardiovascular health.

Background.  Motivational interviewing is designed to en... Read More about Motivational interviewing: A useful approach to improving cardiovascular health?.

Restoration of arbitrarily warped historical document images using flow lines (2011)
Conference Proceeding
Rahnemoonfar, M., & Antonacopoulos, A. (2011). Restoration of arbitrarily warped historical document images using flow lines. In 2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.

Historical documents frequently suffer from
arbitrary geometric distortions (warping and folds) due to
storage conditions, use and to, some extent, the printing
process of the time. In addition, page curl can be
prominent due to the scanning tech... Read More about Restoration of arbitrarily warped historical document images using flow lines.

Predictors of remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus after laparoscopic gastric banding and bypass (2011)
Journal Article
Hamza, N., Abbas, M., Darwish, A., Shafeek, Z., New, J., & Ammori, B. (2011). Predictors of remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus after laparoscopic gastric banding and bypass. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 7(6), 691-696.


Gastroenterology is a beneficial treatment of morbidly obese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We aimed to identify the predictors for the treatment of T2DM obese patients.

A retrospective study consisting of 531 patients u... Read More about Predictors of remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus after laparoscopic gastric banding and bypass.

Multi-Locus sequence analysis reveals profound enetic diversity among isolates of the human athogen bartonella bacilliformis (2011)
Journal Article
Picardeau, M., Chaloner, G., Palmira Ventosilla, & Birtles, R. (2011). Multi-Locus sequence analysis reveals profound enetic diversity among isolates of the human athogen bartonella bacilliformis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5(7), e1248.

Bartonella bacilliformis is the aetiological agent of human bartonellosis, a potentially life threatening infection of significant
public health concern in the Andean region of South America. Human bartonellosis has long been recognised in the regio... Read More about Multi-Locus sequence analysis reveals profound enetic diversity among isolates of the human athogen bartonella bacilliformis.

Genetic diversity and population history of a critically endangered primate, the Northern Muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) (2011)
Journal Article
Kolokotronis, S., Chaves, P., Alvarenga, C., Possamai, C., Dias, L., Boubli, J., …Fagundes, V. (2011). Genetic diversity and population history of a critically endangered primate, the Northern Muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus). PLoS ONE, 6(6), e20722.

Social, ecological, and historical processes affect the genetic structure of primate populations, and therefore have key implications for the conservation of endangered species. The northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) is a critically endangere... Read More about Genetic diversity and population history of a critically endangered primate, the Northern Muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus).

Changing technology to meet clinicans’ information needs (2011)
Book Chapter
Hardiker, N., Dundon, J., & McGowan, J. (2011). Changing technology to meet clinicans’ information needs. In A. Brettle, & C. Urquhart (Eds.), Changing Roles and Contexts for Health Library and Information Professionals (39-50). London: Facet Publishing

The book:
Examines the evolving role of health professionals and explores the role they play in the context of where they work. This title aims to encourage and inspire health information professionals worldwide to take on new opportunities and ensu... Read More about Changing technology to meet clinicans’ information needs.

Michel de Certeau (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G. (2011). Michel de Certeau. In D. Southerton (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture. London: Sage

The three-volume Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture covers consuming societies around the world, from the Age of Enlightenment to the present, and shows how consumption has become intrinsic to the world’s social, economic, political, and cultural lands... Read More about Michel de Certeau.

Fans (2011)
Book Chapter
Crawford, G. (2011). Fans. In D. Southerton (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture. London: Sage

Key articles in British sociology: BSA 60th anniversary special collection (2011)
(2011). G. Crawford, E. Green, K. O’Reilly, & C. Yuill (Eds.), Key articles in British sociology: BSA 60th anniversary special collection. London: Sage

The British Sociological Association 60th Anniversary Special Collection is a celebration of classic and contemporary articles from the stable of BSA journals: Cultural Sociology; Sociological Research Online; Sociology; and Work, Employment and Soci... Read More about Key articles in British sociology: BSA 60th anniversary special collection.

Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster? (2011)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Allely, C., & Wearden, J. (2011). Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(2), 363-380.

A series of experiments demonstrated that a 5-s train of clicks that have been shown in previous
studies to increase the subjective duration of tones they precede (in a manner consistent with “speeding
up” timing processes) could also have an effec... Read More about Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster?.

An extensible framework for context-aware smart environments (2011)
Journal Article
Al-Yasiri, A. (2011). An extensible framework for context-aware smart environments. Lecture notes in computer science, 6566, 98-109.

The new pervasive and ubiquitous computing model has led to the development of modern environments which are responsive to the changing needs of the people who live, work or socialise in these environments. To achieve this level of intelligence, such... Read More about An extensible framework for context-aware smart environments.

Can a HEI’s marketing strategy improve the student-institution match? (2011)
Journal Article
Moogan, Y. (2011). Can a HEI’s marketing strategy improve the student-institution match?. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(6 & 7), 570-589.

– Issues such as managing brand image, assessing advertising medium effectiveness and collecting market intelligence are common practice for higher education institutions (HEIs). Consequently, understanding the information needs of potential... Read More about Can a HEI’s marketing strategy improve the student-institution match?.

Scanning behaviour in natural scenes is influenced by a preceding unrelated visual search task (2011)
Journal Article
Thompson, C., & Crundall, D. (2011). Scanning behaviour in natural scenes is influenced by a preceding unrelated visual search task. Perception, 40(11), 1335-1349.

Three experiments explored the transference of visual scanning behaviour between two unrelated tasks. Participants first viewed letters presented horizontally, vertically, or as a random array. They then viewed still images (experiments 1 and 2) or v... Read More about Scanning behaviour in natural scenes is influenced by a preceding unrelated visual search task.

Biases in approximating log production (2011)
Journal Article
Sun, K., Henderson, D., & Kumbhakar, S. (2011). Biases in approximating log production. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26(4), 708-714.

Most empirical work in economic growth assumes either a Cobb–Douglas production function expressed in logs or a log-approximated constant elasticity of substitution specification. Estimates from each are likely biased due to logging the model and the... Read More about Biases in approximating log production.