UpWind: integrated wind turbine design - Salford final summary on WP 6.1, WP.6.2, WP 6.3 And WP 6.4
von Hünerbein, S., Bradley, S., & Piper, B. (2011). UpWind: integrated wind turbine design - Salford final summary on WP 6.1, WP.6.2, WP 6.3 And WP 6.4
Within the Upwind project the University of Salford provided development work for SODAR instruments in relation to the next generation of wind turbines. The main focus of the work was on the identification and proposal of design improvements, the dev... Read More about UpWind: integrated wind turbine design - Salford final summary on WP 6.1, WP.6.2, WP 6.3 And WP 6.4.