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Determinants of voluntary environmental management practices by MNE subsidiaries (2013)
Journal Article
Tatoglu, E., Bayraktar, E., Sahadev, S., Demirbag, M., & Glaister, K. (2014). Determinants of voluntary environmental management practices by MNE subsidiaries. Journal of World Business, 49(4), 536-548.

There have been few empirical studies of the determinants of voluntary environmental management practices (VEMPs) of MNE subsidiaries operating in emerging countries. To provide insight on this issue, this study explores the antecedent factors that d... Read More about Determinants of voluntary environmental management practices by MNE subsidiaries.

Business models in different environmental conditions (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Pati, R., & Nandakumar, M. (2013, December). Business models in different environmental conditions. Presented at Strategic Management Society Special Conference : Strategic Leadership : An Emerging Market Perspective, Mohali, India

Constrained nonparametric estimation of input distance function (2013)
Journal Article
Sun, K. (2015). Constrained nonparametric estimation of input distance function. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 43(1), 85-97.

This paper proposes a constrained nonparametric method of estimating an input distance function. A regression function is estimated via kernel methods without functional form assumptions. To guarantee that the estimated input distance function satisf... Read More about Constrained nonparametric estimation of input distance function.

Ideal participants in online market research: Lessons from closed communities (2013)
Journal Article
Heinze, A., Ferneley, E., & Child, P. (2013). Ideal participants in online market research: Lessons from closed communities. International Journal of Market Research, 55(6), 769-789

Online market research communities are dependent upon their members’ participation that in turn provides market intelligence for community operators. However, people join these communities for different reasons. The selection process for market resea... Read More about Ideal participants in online market research: Lessons from closed communities.

Understanding of computers and procrastination : a philosophical approach (2013)
Journal Article
Breems, N., & Basden, A. (2014). Understanding of computers and procrastination : a philosophical approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 211-223.

Computer procrastination is a complex problem that is under-researched. After identifying a number of key characteristics of it, we survey five existing fields of research that may contribute insights into this interdisciplinary problem, and demonstr... Read More about Understanding of computers and procrastination : a philosophical approach.

Laboring online : Are there “new” labor processes in virtual game worlds? (2013)
Journal Article
Greenhill, A., & Fletcher, G. (2013). Laboring online : Are there “new” labor processes in virtual game worlds?. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(11),

As unemployment figures rise in the developed world, questions regarding the meaning of “labor” and the intrinsic ”value” of work re-emerge. This paper examines labor practices in virtual game worlds to extend existing theoretical explorations regard... Read More about Laboring online : Are there “new” labor processes in virtual game worlds?.

Making Madlab : a creative space for innovation and creating prototypes (2013)
Journal Article
Bell, F., Fletcher, G., Greenhill, A., Griffiths, M., & McLean, R. (2013). Making Madlab : a creative space for innovation and creating prototypes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 84, 43-53.

This paper presents Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab) as an “organisation as prototype” in terms of its innovation; emphasising its permeability to external collaboration and internal structure. We present the accumulation of experience and insp... Read More about Making Madlab : a creative space for innovation and creating prototypes.

Taking dogs to tourism activities : incorporating attachment into a pet-related constraint-negotiation model (2013)
Journal Article
Hung, K., Chen, A., & Peng, N. (2016). Taking dogs to tourism activities : incorporating attachment into a pet-related constraint-negotiation model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 40(3), 364-395.

This research’s purpose is to examine the factors that affect pet owners’ decisions when taking pets to participate in tourism activities. Unlike tourist travelling alone, pet owners must consider their own circumstances as well as the constraints th... Read More about Taking dogs to tourism activities : incorporating attachment into a pet-related constraint-negotiation model.

Dis-identification in organizations and its role in the workplace (2013)
Journal Article
Chang, K., Kuo, C., Su, M., & Taylor, J. (2013). Dis-identification in organizations and its role in the workplace. Industrial Relations, 68(3), 479-506

This research seeks to augment contemporary theories of employee dis-identification in organizations (DiO) and its importance in the workplace. An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted, 304 employees were recruited across eight organizations i... Read More about Dis-identification in organizations and its role in the workplace.

Semiparametric smooth-coefficient stochastic frontier model (2013)
Journal Article
Sun, K., & Kumbhakar, S. (2013). Semiparametric smooth-coefficient stochastic frontier model. Economics Letters, 120(2), 305-309.

This paper proposes a semiparametric smooth-coefficient (SPSC) stochastic production frontier model where regression coefficients are unknown smooth functions of environmental factors (Z). Technical inefficiency is specified in the form of a parametr... Read More about Semiparametric smooth-coefficient stochastic frontier model.

Derivation of marginal effects of determinants of technical inefficiency (2013)
Journal Article
Kumbhakar, S., & Sun, K. (2013). Derivation of marginal effects of determinants of technical inefficiency. Economics Letters, 120(2), 249-253.

In efficiency studies using the stochastic frontier approach, the main focus is to explain inefficiency in terms of some exogenous variables and computation of marginal effects of each of these determinants. Although inefficiency is estimated by its... Read More about Derivation of marginal effects of determinants of technical inefficiency.

An isomorphism perspective to FDI-based entry mode strategies of emerging market firms : A conceptual model (2013)
Journal Article
Mukundhan, K., & Nandakumar, M. (2013). An isomorphism perspective to FDI-based entry mode strategies of emerging market firms : A conceptual model. Strategic Change, 22(5-6), 259-269.

Emerging market firms (EMFs) operating in developed markets usually have substandard skills and abilities to manage risks associated with high resource commitments.

When they enter developed markets, EMFs face an additional liability where the nat... Read More about An isomorphism perspective to FDI-based entry mode strategies of emerging market firms : A conceptual model.

Developing a pet owners’ tourism constraints scale : the constraints to take dogs to tourism activities (2013)
Journal Article
Chen, A., Peng, N., & Hung, K. (2014). Developing a pet owners’ tourism constraints scale : the constraints to take dogs to tourism activities. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(4), 315-324.

The objectives of this research were to develop a scale for constraints on bringing dogs along on tourism activities and to examine the influence of these constraints on owners' intentions to take dogs along on tourism activities. The responses of 51... Read More about Developing a pet owners’ tourism constraints scale : the constraints to take dogs to tourism activities.

Conceptualizing trade show visitors’ consumption behavior (2013)
Journal Article
Wong, J., Li, T., Peng, N., & Chen, A. (2014). Conceptualizing trade show visitors’ consumption behavior. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(4), 325-328.

Tourism trade shows have become an increasingly attractive channel for practitioners to meet potential buyers. However, few studies have conceptualized non-industrial buyers' consumption behavior during these events. This study proposes a model to co... Read More about Conceptualizing trade show visitors’ consumption behavior.

Antecedents to business model innovation: An effectual perspective (2013)
Presentation / Conference
Pati, R., & Nandakumar, M. (2013, July). Antecedents to business model innovation: An effectual perspective. Presented at 29th European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference : Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews, Montreal, Canada

From conspicuous to considered consumption : a harm chain approach to the responsibilities of luxury fashion brands (2013)
Journal Article
Carrigan, M., Moraes, C., & McEachern, M. (2013). From conspicuous to considered consumption : a harm chain approach to the responsibilities of luxury fashion brands. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(11-12), 1277-1307.

Throughout the marketing literature, little attention has been paid to the responsibilities of luxury-fashion businesses. Harnessing Polonsky, Carlson, and Fry's harm chain, the extended harm chain, and the theoretical lens of institutional theory, t... Read More about From conspicuous to considered consumption : a harm chain approach to the responsibilities of luxury fashion brands.

Optimal betting under parameter uncertainty : improving the Kelly criterion (2013)
Journal Article
Baker, R., & McHale, I. (2013). Optimal betting under parameter uncertainty : improving the Kelly criterion. Decision Analysis, 10(3), 189-199.

The Kelly betting criterion ignores uncertainty in the probability of winning the bet and uses an estimated probability. In general, such replacement of population parameters by sample estimates gives poorer out-of-sample than in-sample performance.... Read More about Optimal betting under parameter uncertainty : improving the Kelly criterion.