Classification of developmental disorders and diseases
Book Chapter
"Path to Intended Violence" model to understand mass violence in the case of Elliot Rodger (2017)
Journal Article
Allely, C., & Faccini, L. (2017). "Path to Intended Violence" model to understand mass violence in the case of Elliot Rodger. Aggression and violent behavior, 37, 201-209. have been many different conceptualizations regarding Elliot Rodger's clinical presentation including claims of him having Asperger's Syndrome (Duke, 2014), psychosis and psychopathy (Langman, 2014) and a description of him as an “injustice col... Read More about "Path to Intended Violence" model to understand mass violence in the case of Elliot Rodger.
Influence of dynamic strength index on countermovement jump force-, power-, velocity-, and displacement-time curves (2017)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Jones, P., Dos'Santos, T., & Comfort, P. (2017). Influence of dynamic strength index on countermovement jump force-, power-, velocity-, and displacement-time curves. Sports, 5(4), 72-83. dynamic strength index (DSI), often calculated as the ratio of countermovement jump (CMJ) propulsion peak force to isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) peak force, is said to inform whether ballistic or maximal strength training is warranted for a giv... Read More about Influence of dynamic strength index on countermovement jump force-, power-, velocity-, and displacement-time curves.
Effects of hypoxia during continuous and intermittent exercise on glycemic control and selected markers of vascular function in Type I Diabetics (2017)
Journal Article
Hall, B., Zebrowska, A., Kaminski, T., Stanula, A., & Robins, A. (2017). Effects of hypoxia during continuous and intermittent exercise on glycemic control and selected markers of vascular function in Type I Diabetics. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes, 126(04), 229-241. : The aim of the study was to assess the effect of continuous and intermittent exercise in hypoxia on glycaemic control and selected markers of vascular function in patients with Type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Methods : 12 patients suffering fro... Read More about Effects of hypoxia during continuous and intermittent exercise on glycemic control and selected markers of vascular function in Type I Diabetics.
Developing the tissue viability seating guidelines (2017)
Journal Article
Stephens, M., Bartley, C., Betteridge, R., & Samuriwo, R. (2018). Developing the tissue viability seating guidelines. Journal of Tissue Viability, 27(1), 74-79.
Costs for the prevention and management of pressure ulcers have increased significantly with limited published advice from health and social care organisations on seating and preventing pressure ulcers. At the request of the UK Tissue... Read More about Developing the tissue viability seating guidelines.
Relationships between isometric force-time characteristics and dynamic performance (2017)
Journal Article
Dos'Santos, T., Thomas, C., Comfort, P., McMahon, J., & Jones, P. (2017). Relationships between isometric force-time characteristics and dynamic performance. Sports, 5(3), purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) force-time characteristics (peak force and time-specific force vales (100–250 ms)) and dynamic performance and compare dynamic performance between stro... Read More about Relationships between isometric force-time characteristics and dynamic performance.
Biomechanics of the infant foot during the transition to independent walking : a narrative review (2017)
Journal Article
Price, C., Morrison, S., Hashmi, F., Phethean, J., & Nester, C. (2018). Biomechanics of the infant foot during the transition to independent walking : a narrative review. Gait & Posture, 59, 140-146. structural and functional development of the paediatric foot is fundamental to ensuring a strong theoretical framework for health professionals and scientists. The transition of an infant from sitting to walking takes approximately 9 mont... Read More about Biomechanics of the infant foot during the transition to independent walking : a narrative review.
Understanding the association between pressure ulcers and sitting in adults what does it mean for me and my carers? Seating guidelines for people, carers and health & social care professionals (2017)
Journal Article
Stephens, M., & Bartley, C. (2018). Understanding the association between pressure ulcers and sitting in adults what does it mean for me and my carers? Seating guidelines for people, carers and health & social care professionals. Journal of Tissue Viability, 27(1), 59-73. aim of the publication was to develop a practical guide for people, carers and health and social care professionals on how the research and evidence base on pressure ulcer prevention and management can be applied to those who remain seated for ex... Read More about Understanding the association between pressure ulcers and sitting in adults what does it mean for me and my carers? Seating guidelines for people, carers and health & social care professionals.
Differences in vertical jump force-time characteristics between stronger and weaker adolescent basketball players (2017)
Journal Article
Thomas, C., Kyriakidou, I., Dos'Santos, T., & Jones, P. (2017). Differences in vertical jump force-time characteristics between stronger and weaker adolescent basketball players. Sports, 5(3), #63. countermovement jump (CMJ) and isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) are commonly used to compare one’s force capacity during dynamic and isometric assessments, respectively. However, little research has investigated the influence of maximum isometric... Read More about Differences in vertical jump force-time characteristics between stronger and weaker adolescent basketball players.
Morphology of the toe flexor muscles in older people with toe deformities (2017)
Journal Article
Mickle, K., & Nester, C. (2017). Morphology of the toe flexor muscles in older people with toe deformities. Arthritis Care and Research, 70(6), 902-907. Despite suggestions that atrophied, or weak toe flexor muscles are associated with the formation of toe deformities, there has been little evidence to support this theory. This study aimed to determine whether the size of the toe flexor mu... Read More about Morphology of the toe flexor muscles in older people with toe deformities.
Chronic pain assessments in children and adolescents : a systematic literature review of the selection, administration, interpretation, and reporting of unidimensional pain intensity scales (2017)
Journal Article
Lee, R., Rashid, A., Ghio, D., Thomson, W., & Cordingley, L. (2017). Chronic pain assessments in children and adolescents : a systematic literature review of the selection, administration, interpretation, and reporting of unidimensional pain intensity scales. Pain Research and Management, 2017, 1-17. Advances in pain assessment approaches now indicate which measures should be used to capture chronic pain experiences in children and adolescents. However, there is little guidance on how these tools should best be administered and report... Read More about Chronic pain assessments in children and adolescents : a systematic literature review of the selection, administration, interpretation, and reporting of unidimensional pain intensity scales.
Comment on : "Anthropometric and physical qualities of elite male youth rugby league players" (2017)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Jones, P., & Comfort, P. (2017). Comment on : "Anthropometric and physical qualities of elite male youth rugby league players". Sports Medicine, 47(12), 2667-2668. read with interest the recent review on anthropometric and physical qualities of elite male youth rugby league players by Till et al. and congratulate the authors for producing a very informative review. However, we would like to raise an issue th... Read More about Comment on : "Anthropometric and physical qualities of elite male youth rugby league players".
Glucose turn point as a marker of exercise intensity in elite swimmers (2017)
Journal Article
Swanwick, E., & Matthews, M. (2017). Glucose turn point as a marker of exercise intensity in elite swimmers. International journal of sports and exercise medicine, 3(4), To investigate a blood glucose profile and turn
point during incremental exercise.
Methods: Thirty-three national and international-level swimmers undertook a 7 × 200 m discontinuous, incremental, training set on a six-minute turnaround. S... Read More about Glucose turn point as a marker of exercise intensity in elite swimmers.
National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 1 : practitioners and scope of practice. (2017)
Journal Article
Nester, C., Graham, A., Martinez-Santos, A., Williams, A., McAdam, J., & Newton, V. (2017). National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 1 : practitioners and scope of practice. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 10(35), orthoses have been advocated in the management of a wide range of clinical foot and lower limb problems and are within the scope of podiatry, orthotic and physiotherapy practice. Previous reports into the provision of orthoses have consistently... Read More about National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 1 : practitioners and scope of practice..
Assessment of loaded squat jump height with a free-weight barbell and Smith machine : comparison of the take-off velocity and flight time procedures (2017)
Journal Article
Pérez-Castilla, A., McMahon, J., Comfort, P., & García-Ramos, A. (2020). Assessment of loaded squat jump height with a free-weight barbell and Smith machine : comparison of the take-off velocity and flight time procedures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(3), 671-677. aims of this study were to compare the reliability and magnitude of jump height between the two standard procedures of analysing force platform data to estimate jump height (take-off velocity [TOV] and flight time [FT]) in the loaded squat jump (... Read More about Assessment of loaded squat jump height with a free-weight barbell and Smith machine : comparison of the take-off velocity and flight time procedures.
Trust your patients to be able to help you (2017)
Rowland, A. (2017). Trust your patients to be able to help you. London (UK)
Job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis (WORK-IA) : a feasibility randomized controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 18, 315. Inflammatory arthritis leads to work disability, absenteeism and presenteeism (i.e. at-work productivity loss) at high cost to individuals, employers and society. A trial of job retention vocational rehabilitation (VR) in the United State... Read More about Job retention vocational rehabilitation for employed people with inflammatory arthritis (WORK-IA) : a feasibility randomized controlled trial.
Trust your patients to be able to help you (2017)
Journal Article
Rowland, A. (2017). Trust your patients to be able to help youHow can you demonstrate true leadership when engaging with patients, members of the public and, in particular, children and young people?
‘Do, or do not. There is no try.’ (Master Yoda 896 BBY – 4 ABY)
Trunk inclination during walking in people with knee osteoarthritis (2017)
Journal Article
Algarni, A., Preece, S., Jones, R., & Foster-Vigors, C. (2017). Trunk inclination during walking in people with knee osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture, 57(Supp.1), 334.
The influence of staff training and education on prosthetic and orthotic service quality : a scoping review (2017)
Journal Article
Forghany, S., Sadeghi-Demneh, E., Trinler, U., Onmanee, P., Dillon, M., & Baker, R. (2017). The influence of staff training and education on prosthetic and orthotic service quality : a scoping review. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42(3), 258-264.
Education and training in prosthetics and orthotics typically comply with International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics standards based on three categories of prosthetic and orthotic professionals.
This scoping... Read More about The influence of staff training and education on prosthetic and orthotic service quality : a scoping review.
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